Enjoying Origins Game Fair with My Nerd Adjacent Wife
This year it looked like I’d be attending Origins Game Fair 2018 solo. My fellow Nerdarchist and colleagues in Nerdarchy couldn’t get away from their muggle lives and jobs. It so happens my wife had been recently been laid off from work after being diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease and wouldn’t have any obligations holding her at the home front. I invited her to come along rather than worry about things we have no control over. I was hoping she’d be able to take her mind off some of our troubles for a bit and treat it like a mini vacation. The only problem is the Origins Game Fair is a bit of a Nerd Mecca for tabletop gamers. It’s a whopping five days of tabletop card, board, and RPG games.
D&D Adventure in Real Life with True Dungeon
At Origins Game Fair 2018 I had the pleasure of running through True Dungeon alongside my wife Stephanie and Dan Dillon. My wife is more nerd adjacent than actually being a gamer herself. Dan on the other hand has written a ton of published material through Kobold Press as well as being on the latest Wizard of the Coast product D&D Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
Board Games in Review: Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time from Fun Forge
Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time is a game published by Fun Forge. They contacted me and asked if I wanted a review copy and since I am a sucker for board games I said why not. This is a cooperative game and that works out really well for our family. The major concept of the game is that Professor Evil has traveled throughout time and stolen major artifacts and it is the players’ job to sneak into his castle, or citadel, and steal them before they are locked in his super secret vault.
Dungeon Crate Unboxing – June 2018
Hello fellow gamer. Or are you also a nerdy collector? Here I get to share what’s inside the subscription box, in this case an unboxing of great stuff from our friends of at Dungeon Crate. I have been getting these since box No. 1 and I am surprised at how many Dungeon Crate boxes that is over the years. I actually saved a large number of them and have used them to store nerdy things in and the treasure chest feel is pretty cool.
Unearthed Arcana – D&D Giant Soul Sorcerer
Another month, another Unearthed Arcana for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and while I’m often “meh” about most of them, I am particularly pumped about the D&D Giant Soul Sorcerer. I’ve never really cared to much about the sorcerer either direction. It’s a fine class, it just doesn’t really interest me. Now my mind is racing with possibilities and I’m ready to get big. I imagine if you’re reading this you’ve already read it so I’ll leave the rules narration to the other guys. Let’s jump right into the juicy character stuff with the D&D giant soul sorcerer!
RPG Crate Unboxing – May 2018
Hello gamer. It is time for another unboxing and I think this one is a darn good one. Presenting from RPG Crate subscription box — 5th Edition Foes. This is their crate from May that sadly had an issue and arrived a little late. But no worries, it got here and I am so glad it did. This is crate number 22 so RPG Crate has been going strong for almost two years. Well done.
WizKids D&D Minis Get Raw with Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures and Deep Cuts Miniatures
Minis, miniatures — call them what you will, you know Nerdarchist Ted is obsessed with them. We know that most people who use 3-D miniatures at the table are getting them from one of two places. You either have Reaper Miniatures of you have WizKids. (Our our own Nerdarchy store of course!) There are two new lines of WizKids D&D minis. They have unpainted Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures and Deep Cuts Miniatures.
Deadly Foes of Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder Battles
Today we are going to talk about Deadly Foes. Now if I tricked you into clicking this expecting me to talk about encounter design or specific monsters, I am sorry. What I am here to talk about is the Pathfinder Battles: Deadly Foes miniature line put out by WizKids. Looking at this list while waiting for my minis to arrive is a lot of fun. I purchased a booster box, just like I did for Maze of Death and that results in 32 minis. It is never enough, hence the minis addiction I have, but that is beside the point.
Dungeon Crate Unboxing – May 2018
Hello gamer! It is that wondrous time again when we delve into another crate and see what glorious treasures can be found within. This is Dungeon Crate, for May 2018 to be exact. This month we get a variety of cool stuff to use in our gaming sessions, so without further ado, let us jump into the unboxing of this subscription box and take a closer look.
Bubblemancer – A Different Take on Mist Walker from Taking 20
As with many out there in RPG hobby who have taken to the interwebs, I’m a fan of quite a few different content creators out there. Shocking, I know. While my love for Nerdarchy is evident, I do occasionally peek into what other channels are doing. My series-of-tube-lurking has brought me to Taking 20 this week. The ever kind Cody has released his new class the Mist Walker for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, and while I find the class chocked full of flavor, I like to take that flavor, twist it and turn it to eleven. Allow me to introduce you to: Kurugame, the Bubblemancer!
D&D Stream of Many Eyes Part 2 — Waterdeep: Dragon Heist AND Dungeon of the Mad Mage
The Stream of Many Eyes has ended, and what a weekend of Dungeons & Dragons spectacle! The big news from the live stream event was the announcement of TWO new adventures coming later in 2018. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage have already got everyone talking. Both set in (and beneath) the City of Splendors, Dragon Heist is meant to take characters from levels 1-5, with a delve into the largest dungeon in the Forgotten Realms carrying adventurers the rest of the way from levels 5-20.
MisCon 32 – A Convention to Celebrate Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror
MisCon is my local convention here in Missoula, Montana. All of the common trappings of the small convention are present and, in some cases, exceptional. This is really the thing that not only differentiates MisCon from other small cons but makes it absolutely special among conventions. All of the advantages of a small convention (small crowds) with standout special guests and incredible panels, art shows, and much more.
Win Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes for 5E D&D — First Look and Flipthrough
Friday, May 18, 2017 was the Wizards of the Coast release of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes to specific FLGS and digitally through D&D Beyond. This is the newest D&D book from The Wizards of the Coast team. Wide release for this 5E D&D book will be on May 29.
The folks over at the PR company for the WOTC team, 360 Public Relations, is always good about getting us early copies so we can show them off to the fans. We always give them away. It’s still nice to get the free 5E D&D swag even if we don’t keep it most of the time. Speaking of which you can get in on a give-away running to May 31 for one of five copies of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes.
Kobold Press Adventure Module The Tomb of Mercy has Perfect Timing
Thanks to Kickstarter and late-night impulse shopping online, getting the mail is much more exciting than a trip from the mailbox to the recycling bin. But it was extra nice a few weeks ago to find an unexpected package. Even moreso one from Kobold Press! An unabashed Kobold Press fan, I tore open the envelope to discover an adventure module. The Tomb of Mercy, a very slick booklet on several levels, is a 5th Edition adventure for five 8th-level characters. There’s always a lot to like in a Kobold Press product, and The Tomb of Mercy, designed by Sersa Victory, is no exception. Soup to nuts, I’m digging it.
Things Get a Little Chaotic When We Review Deep Magic: Chaos Magic from Kobold Press
We recently looked at the Deep Magic series Chaos Magic PDF over on the YouTube Channel. Nerdarchy has become great fans of the Kobold Press Deep Magic series. There’s tons of options for players and Dungeon Masters alike in this series.