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Nerdarchy > Reviews (Page 5)

RPG Crate Unboxing — April 2018

Hello adventurer, Nerdarchist Ted here and we got us a crate to look at again. This time we are rockin’ out with RPG Crate. RPG crate is a Game Master’s dream with all the great stuff delivered in your subscription box each month. There’s so much prepared content you can either use as-is or take apart to use the pieces as you see fit.

Dungeon Crate Unboxing — April 2018

Hello dungeon delver. Do you like awesome RPG and D&D related products?  Do you want these type of things to show up at your door once a month, say in a subscription box? You might consider getting a subscription to Dungeon Crate and use the promo code Nerdarchy to get 10 percent off your first month’s subscription.

WizKidz Pathfinder Maze of Death Minis for your D&D Game

Are you a miniature enthusiast?  is that too much?  Do you love minis for use in your tabletop game? Nerdarchist Ted is back to shopping and I could not help but to buy a bunch of minis.  Since I did I figured I would talk to you guys about it and see if you might like my feedback and see if you want them as well.

Hellscapes post apocalyptic D&D

D&D Gets Post Apocalyptic with Hellscapes

There’s a huge variety of tabletop roleplaying games out there on the market, providing infinite variety in settings, themes and mechanics. Everything from primitive worlds to vast universes, quickstart guides to 500-page rulebooks, and low-brow humor to high-brow drama. But if you’re like me, and can simply never get enough Dungeons & Dragons, testing the limits of fifth edition D&D keeps you plenty satisfied with your RPG obsession. In the weekly live stream game I run on the Nerdarchy YouTube channel, we cobbled together our own gonzo Spelljammer setting using material from Hyperlanes. And now with Hellscapes, the follow-up project from the same creators, a new avenue is open to explore – post apocalyptic adventures using the 5E engine!

Dungeon Crate

Dungeon Crate March 2018 Unboxing

Hello gamers! Our crate unboxing segments are moving from our video series to a new home here on the website as we shuffle things around to best provide all the things we want to offer between here and the Nerdarchy YouTube channel. Check back every month should you wish to learn of the awesome stuff that comes in that month crate. This time we are unboxing the March 2018 Dungeon Crate.

shadow magic

Empowering Your D&D Spells with Shadow Magic from Kobold Press

A couple of months ago we began reviewing the Deep Magic series for 5th Edition from Kobold Press. These are short PDFs over on DriveThruRPG and their own site. You can check out our playlist for the Deep Magic series on the Nerdarchy YouTube channel. These books are full of new D&D spells to add to your game. These e-books contain more than just new spells, feats, monsters, magic items, wizard traditions, sorcerer origins, warlock pacts and patrons, and more. This our ninth video review on the Deep Magic series from Kobold Press. I usually don’t care for a lot of third party products, but Kobold Press is one of the exceptions.

Limitless Encounters 2: A helping hand for the time challenged Game Master

Every now and then, as a Game Master you hit a speed bump. Either you hit writer’s block, or you have an off night where players couldn’t make it and you need a quick one shot. What do you do? You haven’t had any coffee in a while and you’re in a slump. No worries, the Limitless Adventures Team has you covered. Off the success of the original Limitless Encounters, the team has come back strong with Limitless Encounters 2.

The Mike Mearls Happy Fun Hour and What it Means for D&D

If you’re a part of the Dungeons & Dragons community and actively keep up with the content Wizards of the Coast is putting out on YouTube or Twitch, you’re probably aware of the incredibly named Mike Mearls Happy Fun Hour. But if not, you really should be. On a weekly basis over on D&D’s Twitch channel, co-creator of fifth edition D&D and Franchise Creative Director Mike Mearls gets on for an hour or so and just designs stuff for the game.

D&D Martial Artist Fighter Subclass Bare-Knuckle Brawls its Way from Our Community to You

Hello! Nerditor Doug here to introduce this special post based on content straight from the Nerdarchy community, from creator Chris Chupp who sent us his homebrew creation for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons – the Martial Artist fighter martial archetype. Chris put this subclass together specially for one of the players in his D&D game who loves the flavor of unarmed combat monks provide and wants to punch some dragons but isn’t too keen on the ki system.

Chris shared his work with Nerdarchy to show appreciation for what he’s learned and taken from our videos and website to his own gaming table, and wanted to give back to the community.

Critical Role episode 8

Critter Corner: Examining the Storytelling Devices in Episode 8 – The Gates of Zadash

Welcome you to the next installment of musings and thoughts on the new campaign of Critical Role, Geek and Sundry’s mega-popular live stream gameplay starring Matt Mercer as Dungeon Master with a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing D&D. New episodes live stream every Thursday at 10 p.m. eastern on Alpha, Twitch and starting with Campaign 2 on YouTube as well. 

Midgard Heroes Handbook 5E Kobold Press

5E Midgard Heroes Handbook from Kobold Press Awaits the Bold

The kobolds at Kobold Press have done it again! The Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition is already available from the Kobold Press store, with physical copies starting to arrive in the hands of gamers this week. This 216-page hardcover book contains everything a player needs to create a character for the Midgard campaign setting and features the same top quality content we’ve come to know and trust from Kobold Press.

Critical Role manticore

Critter Corner: Discussing Episode 7 of Critical Role

Welcome you to the next installment of musings and thoughts on the new campaign of Critical Role, Geek and Sundry’s mega-popular live stream gameplay starring Matt Mercer as Dungeon Master with a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing D&D. New episodes live stream every Thursday at 10 p.m. eastern on Alpha, Twitch and starting with campaign 2 on YouTube as well. 

Worldbuilding: World Anvil is a Haven for Writers and Homebrew Content

Last month I looked at three realm worldbuilding and homebrew programs and websites and among those was World Anvil. In the article I had looked briefly on the site and looked at it impressed with what was there but said it need a few other options. After the article was posted Dimitris from World Anvil reached out to me and said that those features where there and I had missed them. The reality of it is, that from the time I had sent the article Nerditor Doug to when it was posted the site had doubled in content and functionality. Doubled in less than 2 weeks. I have dealt with campaign software and programs and sites for at least 5 years now in creating homebrew adventures and world settings and never has one expanded this rapidly. Having spoken with Janet and Dimitris from World Anvil and given that they are celebrating World Anvil’s  four month anniversary, I thought it more than fitting we revisit this fantastic site and give the proper attention it deserves. So, sit back, relax, and let’s look at the gasworks that is World Anvil.