Empowering Your D&D Spells with Shadow Magic from Kobold Press
A couple of months ago we began reviewing the Deep Magic series for 5th Edition from Kobold Press. These are short PDFs over on DriveThruRPG and their own site. You can check out our playlist for the Deep Magic series on the Nerdarchy YouTube channel. These books are full of new D&D spells to add to your game. These e-books contain more than just new spells, feats, monsters, magic items, wizard traditions, sorcerer origins, warlock pacts and patrons, and more. This our ninth video review on the Deep Magic series from Kobold Press. I usually don’t care for a lot of third party products, but Kobold Press is one of the exceptions.
Deep Magic: Shadow Magic from Kobold Press
Of the nine there has only been one that I haven’t been blown away by. The one thing I will say about each and every one of these products is that the art is fantastic! I feel it is almost worth the cover price for the art alone. Each PDF contains information for both players and Game Masters, oftentimes even adding new aspects to the game like new mechanics and character options, some of which can easily be given to an existing creature to customize them and create a fun new twist for adventurers to face. Many if not all of the options have been compiled in Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition. We had a chance to review that book here on the website as well, which has a ton of fantastic new options and campaign setting information.
And if you add any of these Kobold Press products to your shopping cart at DriveThruRPG, use Nerdarchy’s exclusive coupon code DTRPG-Nerdarchy for a one-time 10 percent discount on orders of digital products $10 or more.
Down below you can check out the review video for Shadow Magic. In this review we delve into the darker aspects of the D&D multiverse revealed through shadow magic. We get 20 new spells, a new Whisper roguish archetype, a Shadow Bloodline sorcererous origin, and a new warlock patron – The Light-Eater – with new pact boons.
I was super happy to see the roguish archetype in this Deep Magic installment. While this subclass draws on the power of shadow magic it isn’t a spellcasting class. But it does offer up some interesting options for a rogue who wishes to be a master of shadows.
While this product dives into the darker places of Dungeons & Dragons worlds it’s still usable for a heroic character. Or it offers infinite ideas to feed the GM for villains and monsters in their stories and games.
Next on our Deep Magic review series will be Elven High Magic. Hit the subscribe button on our YouTube channel and keep an eye here on the website for that coming very soon. I think folks will be happy with the new mechanic introduced in the product.
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