Enjoying Origins Game Fair with My Nerd Adjacent Wife
This year it looked like I’d be attending Origins Game Fair 2018 solo. My fellow Nerdarchist and colleagues in Nerdarchy couldn’t get away from their muggle lives and jobs. It so happens my wife had been recently been laid off from work after being diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease and wouldn’t have any obligations holding her at the home front. I invited her to come along rather than worry about things we have no control over. I was hoping she’d be able to take her mind off some of our troubles for a bit and treat it like a mini vacation. The only problem is the Origins Game Fair is a bit of a Nerd Mecca for tabletop gamers. It’s a whopping five days of tabletop card, board, and RPG games.
Things to expect at Origins Game Fair
- There are plenty of open gaming spaces
- They’ve got panels on all things nerdy
- There is even a Film Festival
- Origins Game Fair also boasts one of the largest D&D Adventurers League areas
- You can LARP
- Plus True Dungeon
By no means is this an exhaustive list.
For me this is a bit of a business trip even though I was surrounded by so many fun things. In case you aren’t aware Nerdarchy is YouTube Channel in addition to a website. At the same time I still wanted to find some fun things to enjoy with Steph (my wife).
One of the first things I was obligated to do at this years Origins Game Fair was a paint-and-take. It was sponsored by WizKids and Vallejo Paints. RealmSmith YouTube Channel was running the event and giving live tutorials on how to paint awesome beholders. I was invited as one of the guest painters alongside Satine Phoenix and Ruty Rutenberg of Maze Arcana, DM Scotty, Atom from Tabletop Minions, Rick from Game Trade Media, and V from the Crafting Muse.

Here is our first mini paint jobs, a pair of beholders from Nerdarchist Dave and Mrs. Nerdarchy Stephanie.
Steph has done other painting events before like Paint Parties. I was thinking she might enjoy this.
She enjoyed it and couldn’t wait to get home to finish her beholder. The event itself was quite long enough to finish painting the mini. So I’d say our first attempt at nerd to non-nerd bonding was a success.
Next up was the second experience True Dungeon. This one was a little bit more of a gamble. True Dungeon is like somewhere between D&D, LARP, and an escape room. But I had faith in my better half giving it a go and being open-minded. I happened to have gotten three tickets, so our adventuring party consisted of myself, Steph, and RPG writer Dan Dillon plus seven other random gamers.
It was a rather successful outing. We all had a great time even though our characters all died at the end.
The final thing I found that me and the missus could enjoy together was at the Film Festival. One of the movies showing was by a friend of mine. This was a bit of a ringer on my part. I’ve seen the movie before and knew she’d enjoy it. The movie is called Of Dice and Men. Though the movie is about gamers it’s more about their lives and relationships more than anything.
That’s three events planned and three successes. If this was a sportsball game I’d say bases were loaded.
The final grandslam for Origins Game Fair was socializing with all my nerd friends. That was one of the best parts getting to share my RPG friends with Steph.
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