Subpar Character Optimization is a Foolish Perspective for 5E D&D
Salutations, nerds! There’s a lot of discourse online about optimization of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character creation and what options to take when you level up. And honestly…we’re still talking about this? A lot? In 2020? In 5E D&D? This has to be an exaggeration. Excuse me a minute while I do a quick online search — oh. Oh, I guess we are.
Customize Your 5E D&D Game with Character Options from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted dive into the front half of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Like Xanathar’s Guide to Everything he latest fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons book splits the difference with about half of the content pertaining primarily to player character material and the other half resources for Dungeon Masters. The modular content in this book is dense! The DM tools drew my attention first but the most recent examination put a notion in my mind and I’m curious to see if the Character Options holds any water in this regard. So let’s get into it.
Doing Your Part as an RPG Player to Create Cinematic Combat Encounters
Salutations, nerds! Today we’re looking at combat in a tabletop roleplaying game and how you as a player contribute to describing them and fostering a more cinematic experience. I can imagine some of you reading this tentatively thinking, “But isn’t this the Game Master’s job?” And actually you’re right — to an extent. Players possess some degree of agency when it comes to how their RPG characters fight is perceived. Now the discussion becomes how to get those cool moves across without being an attention hog.
Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Phantom Rogue from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything contains a variety of new material for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons not the least of which includes subclasses for each 5E D&D class. One of my personal favorites is the Phantom, a Roguish Archetype to allow communication with the spirits of the dead in order to enhance the rogue’s capabilities.
Master New 5E D&D Feats from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Some of the earliest marketing for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons back when it was still the D&D Next playtest phase touted the modular nature of the upcoming new (and still current) iteration of the game. I’ve always felt this was a fantastic way to frame 5E D&D. As the edition matured over the last few years it’s been terrific to watch this approach blossom through each new book release. Now with Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything one of the Ur modules of 5E D&D gets a major boost with the addition of 15 new feats taking character customization to a whole new dimension. So let’s get into it.
Master New 5E D&D Maneuvers from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons characters with a warrior vibe of any stripe can discover a lot to love inside Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. All the new subclasses available for 5E D&D players create amazing new opportunities for some really fantastic characters. Not to be outdone by all the magical possibilities a more grounded approach to interaction with 5E D&D experienced a groundswell of cool new options not the least of which are seven new maneuvers adding variety to a warrior’s repertoire. So let’s get into it.
Master New 5E D&D Fighting Styles from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted toss around ideas about a particular kind of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything introduces tons of fantastic new character options including a few perfect for realizing a character capable of slinging projectiles to deadly effect as a Thrown Weapon Fighting master along with some other really awesome new 5E D&D Fighting Styles. So let’s get into it.
Behind Every Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Sidekicks Stands a Great Adventurer
Adventurers in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons games I’ve run are no strangers to sidekicks whether they’re hired help, apprentices, spelljamming vessel crew or something else. I dug sidekicks when they were introduced through Unearthed Arcana, made their official debut in Dragon of Icespire Peak and most certainly in their expansion found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. The sidekicks material in the book provides wonderful guidelines for incorporating these helpful creatures into your 5E D&D games. So let’s get into it.
D&D Party Composition — Playing an All Ranger Party
Over on the Nerdarchy YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted take to the wilds for an exploration of the idea of an all ranger party for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Here on the website we take a different approach to this popular video series and continue my take on the concept of single party composition. Rangers in 5E D&D blend combat focused Ranger Archetype features with wilderness survival from the base class. But we’re focusing on a different kind of class here in our D&D academia campaign setting, the conceptual frame for this series. Courses at Ranger Conclaves offer correspondence learning for burgeoning rangers to provide practical instruction in the field. So let’s get into it.
Cyborgs and Robots Take Over 5E D&D through Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
I want to talk about cyborgs, robots and machines in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons (oh my)! The new Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything has everything! Well, it has a lot. Reading through the new 5E D&D subclasses I had some initial thoughts I shared on my YouTube channel and I promised to talk more about them.
Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Grung Grappler
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted take grab onto a small idea for a grung grappler Character Build Guide for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. The 5E D&D Tiniest Wrestler CBG holds on tight to this concept from character creation to 20th level while the special NPC or creature version inspired by the character build for Dungeon Masters ready to drop right into your game stands tall in the center of the arena as a main eventer. So let’s get into it.
Exploring Eberron through Artificer Specialists for 5E D&D
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted tinker with Exploring Eberron through another look at the character options included in the Dungeon Master’s Guild book produced by Keith Baker, the original creator of the megapopular Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. Eberron’s rich and detailed setting appealed to D&D players from the very beginning. Exploring Eberron wonderfully illustrates how curating character options creates a tremendous opportunity to show, rather than tell, what’s special about your world. Exploring Eberron includes several subclasses specially tailored to the setting for 5E D&D characters to choose from and Nerdarchy explores them all like we do. In the case of the Artificer Specialists I’m searching through the book to find connection points between these subclasses and the larger world they come from. So let’s get into it.
Improve Your 5E D&D Experiences with Session Zero in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Between bursts of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character creations, revisions and reimaginings brought on by the release of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything I find myself most captivated by Dungeon Master’s Tools in chapter 4 of the new book. While these sections aren’t exactly breaking new ground in the tabletop roleplaying game hobby they do achieve one super important thing — creating official support. Right now I’m focusing on the lead in to the chapter outlining session zero, which I believe is the most critical part of any 5E D&D campaign. So let’s get into it.
Player Choices Foster RPG Division of Labor for Better Game Experiences
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted ponder the ins and outs of Dungeon Masters recognizing and respecting player and character choices in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. The discussion applies to any tabletop roleplaying game and encompasses both mechanical and narrative choices during character creation and throughout a campaign. To me this speaks to paradigm shift in the RPG hobby. So let’s get into it.
Exploring Eberron through the College of the Dirge Singer Bard for 5E D&D
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted strike a chord with Exploring Eberron with another look at the character options included in the Dungeon Master’s Guild book produced by Keith Baker, the original creator of the megapopular Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. D&D players embraced Eberron’s rich and detailed setting from the very beginning. Exploring Eberron does a terrific job illustrating how curating character options creates a tremendous opportunity to show, rather than tell, what is special about your world. Exploring Eberron includes several subclasses for 5E D&D characters to choose from specially tailored to the setting, and Nerdarchy explores them all like we do. In the case of the College of the Dirge Singer bard I’m going through the book to find the connection points between the subclass and the larger world it comes from. So let’s get into it.