Dissecting the 5E D&D Ooze Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I’ve been waiting to donk around with this fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type because while I’ve already covered my favorite creature type — fey — this one is my spouse’s favorite. I’m referring to oozes of course. Slimy, lurchy, squishy and rolly, there are not a lot of these available in 5E D&D (there is really only so much you can do with them) but they are unique enough to merit their own creature type.
If You’re Gonna Go Bad, Go Big with Archdevils and Demon Lords for 5E D&D
My first fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign focused on the big bad of a Demon Lord. Gnar’Kee’Tis was a major deal and the final battle of a game lasting over four years. Over the course of this 5E D&D campaign I newly written lore for the current edition. The players were shocked when I described gnolls being transformed from straight up hyenas. As the quadrupeds became bipedal humanoids the players thought I had made it up. But it was right in the Monster Manual.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Monstrosity Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m turning my attention to the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type crossing the line from ordinary to extraordinary and stops druids from Wild Shaping into owlbears — the monstrosity! These 5E D&D creatures are monstrous, hence the title, and are massively varied so this should be a fun one.
Prepare for the Gith Invasion of Your 5E D&D World
There are a handful playable race options in fifth edition who are not truly native to the Material Plane. One of these is the gith. When I think about the gith I see them as one of the few races who could easily facilitate a thematic crossover between science fiction and fantasy.
Surprise, Delight and Horrify Adventurers with These Tome of Beasts 3 EXCLUSIVE Monster Previews
Our Friends over at Kobold Press are at it again. If the first two Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex monster books were not enough this time they’re going full throttle for the final installment of their series with Tome of Beasts 3, another collection of over 400 Monsters to add into your 5th Edition games.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Humanoid Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m examining what makes a man. And by this I do not mean what makes an adult or what makes a male and more like what makes a sapient biped. I’m taking a closer look at humanoids as a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Giant Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! The fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type I’m covering today is a pretty big deal if I do say so myself. No? Well, I can’t see myself out so I’ll just have to write this one while I’m sitting in pun jail. Grab your magic beans and say Fee Fi Fo Fum with me because I smell something and I don’t think it’s the blood of an Englishman. That’s right, I’m looking at 5E D&D giants! From the big stompy boys who appear in your standard fairy tale fair to the jotun from Norse mythology, giants figure in a lot of fantasy’s source material so it’s no small wonder they also figure prominently in D&D.
11 Huge Threats Posed by Huge Monsters of 5E D&D
I’ve been following up a post about the chonkiest bois in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons with a look at standout monsters from each size category. Huge creatures follow in the footsteps of the smaller 8 Large and in Charge Monsters of 5E D&D. The top of the size category food chain looms but before reaching those heights there’s a lot of amazing Huge size monsters to consider. Let’s get into it.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Fiend Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I’m back with the next fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type by unassailable right of alphabetical order. Fiends! Do you want to make some fiends? I want to make some fiends. Well, at the very least analyze these 5E D&D creatures. I’m focusing on devils, demons and the lesser known but no less cool yugoloths.
New Dangers Emerge from the Beard Dimension to Swarm Your 5E D&D Games
I recently ran a session of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons over on our Nerdarchy Live channel. Untraditionally Arcane is a fun campaign featuring an all wizard party, one of whom is a School of Beardomancy wizard. You can grab all the content we’ve created like subclasses for every class, a whole bunch of spells, magic items and monsters from the Beard Dimension inside the trio of the original Beardomancy and follow ups Bad Hair Day and Hairable Ideas (we put together the Beardomancy Bundle as well).
Dissecting the 5E D&D Fey Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I know I express a special love of each fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type every time I tackle a new one but listen. The fair folk are a whole thing with me. I really love them in folklore and they’re super fun in 5E D&D as well. Fey are tricky but not always nice as well as prideful and vain but not always easily buttered up. If you know your fairy tales then you know fey can be easy enough to navigate around but do not lose sight of how the fey don’t see morality the same way as most humans.
Let Loose the Lamp Louse from Untraditionally Arcane in Your 5E D&D Game
Salutations, nerds! Today I want to share with you one of the creatures that came up in our last session of Untraditionally Arcane, the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign at Nerdarchy Live where the Chaos Crew takes on the role of wizards from various untraditional schools of magic because the traditional ones of 5E D&D are on the fritz and puts us in a unique position to fix them.
8 Large and in Charge Monsters of 5E D&D
I’ve been following up a post about the chonkiest bois in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons with a look at standout monsters from each size category and with 14 Mighty Medium Monsters of 5E D&D out of the way it’s time for Large creatures to make their presence known. From the barely there giant fly all the way to the yelping yeth hound these 5E D&D monsters are Large and sometimes even in charge. Let’s get into it.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Elemental Creature Type
Salutations, nerds, I’ve got some hot stuff for you today. The focus of this post about a specific creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is all about elementals. These primal creatures are basically made of earth, air, fire or water. It’s a little bit more complex than this and since this is one of my very favorite 5E D&D creature types I’m pretty excited to tuck into this one.
14 Mighty Medium Monsters of 5E D&D
Not too long ago I followed up a beefy post about the chonkiest bois in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons with 7 Small Scaries of 5E D&D. Ever a sucker for a series since there’s more size categories in the game I’m compelled to cover them all. In fact the post where this all began isn’t technically limited to the most mammoth creatures in 5E D&D at least where physical size is concerned. Eventually this series will grow into the gargantuan creatures but for now we’re only at the midpoint with Medium creatures. Let’s get into it.