5th Edition Tome of Beasts – Dragons
Every Dungeon Master loves access to new monsters. And what Dungeon Master does not like using Dragons. With the Open Gaming License we are starting to see 3rd party publishers getting hardbound products out as options to, well give us more options.
Kobold Press has released a new product out for Pre-order. You can preorder your copy here. We did a review on Daves copy that he got early because he backed the kickstarter.
I was sad when I found out that missed getting my own early copy. When we looked at the pdf we were not disappointed. There are so many awesome monsters in this book as well as some new beasts and NPCs to easily add into your game.
Today I am just going to talk about the Dragons that are in this book. Next week I will touch on some other monster groups. I will keep this series going until the book is released.
In this book you get 6 new Dragon types for your 5th edition game. Kobold Press does not give you any carbon copy of dragons that exist in your 5th edition monster manual but 6 new whole cloth creations that stand out as unique.
Almost all of the dragons have 4 separate stat blocks for the 4 age categories of Dragons: ancient, adult, young and wyrmling. I make my notes below
The cave dragon is a fierce beast that constantly needs to eat. It lives underground where its sensitivity to sunlight keeps it safe. But sadly living underground is not a place abundant with food. It is not mindless and is a true dragon. I compare this one with a white dragon with lower stats and its desire for food out weighs its desire for any coin. Sorry adventurers if you are looking to slay a dragon
In gaming as in literature, the villains make the heroes

Can you name this villain? Here’s a hint: He’s a certain Canadian mounty’s worst nightmare.
What is a hero without a villain? Not much, I’d say. Oh, a character can still be the main actor of a tale, the protagonist of a story, but without that villain, the hero can’t really be heroic.
Some might argue there are tales of heroes without a villain, such as survival stories in which the hero bests the elements to save the day, or maybe a romantic tale in which there is only a misunderstanding between love interests though eventually one or both of them proves their heroism by overcoming that misunderstanding. To that I say the villain is still there, but is not so readily seen. In the survival story, the elements themselves can be the villain. In the love story, if there is not an out-and-out villain, the misunderstanding that brings about conflict can be the villain. Sometimes the villain is the hero’s own inner struggle.
Ecology of the Abizder – Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Monster Mash Up
Hello out there in Nerdarchy Land. Last week Dave talked you about Rest and random encounters. You can check that out here. Today I am going to get down and dirty, with our fast and dirty monsters.
Let me present the ecology of the Abizder.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Monster Mash Up
Ecology of the Blitzorn – Fast and Dirty Monsters – 5th Edition
The Blitzorn, sorry Dave you spelled it wrong in the video below, is the primal hunter on the para-elemental planes. Agrar the hunter claims the Blitzorn is what would happen if a tiger mated with a thunderstorm. A beast as large as a mighty tiger but made entirely out of a thunder cloud. So let me present you this monster for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
Fast and Dirty Monsters – D&D 5th Edition
The markings that you would see on a tiger are made of actual lightning arcing through the cloud that is their being. These creatures though native to the elemental plane of lightning at time a storm draws energy from the elemental plane an it can draw these creatures from their home to hunt and stalk here on the prime.
Ecology of the Golden Chimera – Dungeons and Dragons Monsters
Last week I talked about the creation of the Golden Chimera. While the chimera is built as a monster of Demons combining all the worst of each of the component monsters, the olden Chimera actually combines the best of each of the creatures combining together.
As the Demon Prince created the regular chimera a powerful Solar, perhaps the first, created a creature in its image to be a positive force on the world below, but powerful enough to defend itself and its kind.
As the dragon half of the regular strives to raid and plunder the Golden Chimera craves its wealth but usually through trade and service and is interested in acquiring knowledge above actual material possessions.
Golden Chimera in Dungeons and Dragons
Creation of the Golden Chimera – Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Long ago I came up with this creature. Inspired by the regular Chimera I set out to make something personnel and cool. I never truly gave it a name because it was more of a unique creature in my mind then one of many. But over the years the idea has changed and grew.
Now Nerdarchy did a video on the chimera For Dungeons and Dragons, you can watch that below, and I talked about my version. The Golden Chimera like the regular has the head of a lion and a dragon. The lion looks more regal than vicious. The dragon is that of a gold dragon rather than that of a red dragon.
Would You Use this in Dungeons and Dragons?
Ecology of the Mage Eater – Fast and Dirty Monsters
Spell Casters of the worlds beware. The Mage Eater lurks above stalking and hunting lone travelers with magical abilities. I present to you the Fast and Dirty Monster: The Mage Eater.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition presents many useful creatures to use against your player characters but perhaps that is not enough. Fast and Dirty Monsters is a series where we take a concept and convert an already created monster and give it a whole new life as a completely different monster. In this edition we have taken the Coalt, a generally good monster and turn it into something a little more vial and monster-like.
Fast and Dirty Monster: The Mage Eater
Fast and Dirty Monsters – Ecology of the Skleee
Greetings, Nerdarchist Ted here and and today I present to you a new race and its ecology. I offer up the Skleee. These are from our Fast and Dirty monsters series. Tune in below to see how the race came about. Lets see how they stack up against other creatures in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
The Skleee get their name from the sound they make when startled. I would like to thank Jerel Fontenot for his suggestion for the name and concept for the name. The Sklee are an insectoid race that combines several insectoid concepts together. They have a hive mind like that of ants as well as their ability to function together as a unit.
In addition their great carrying capacity is inherent within all Skleee. But they also posses the abilities of termites in chewing through would and other things to burrow and make their dwellings.
The Sklee in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition – World Building – Gnar-Kee-Tis
Nerdarchist Ted here and I have been running my Dungeons and Dragons campaign for around 8 months. The inspiration for my game came from one of our earlier videos.
Well now that we are well into the thick of the campaign I figured I would give you some background information on my blood demon. I am not going to give any stats as I am not sure whether the players or their characters will ever want to try and slay him.
I would hate to spoil the surprise for my players in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. As many of them I would guess read this.
Who is this Blood Demon
5E D&D Magic-Devouring Monster — Mage Eater
Quick monster creations for D&D 5e are very easy to make in this edition. As long as you can find a decent starting point your custom monster creation will go smoothly. Sometimes one just needs to have a vague concept in mind like myself and the...
Creating the Most Foul 5E D&D Lich Villain Straight from the Monster Manual
Welcome fellow Nerdarchist. Today I’ll be guiding you through the horrors of the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual as we discuss a villain most foul. Nerdarchy was asked to do a video about a 1,000 year old lich who was a human and is chaotic evil from one of subscribers over at the Nerdarchy the YouTube channel. The request was for both a story and stats.
5E D&D Monsters — Goblins and Their Goblinoid Cousins
Hello Nerdarchy reader, Nerdarchist Dave here to talk Dungeons & Dragons monsters, in this case goblins. The D&D goblin has been around for as long as the game has existed, actually longer. Goblins have been lurking around folklore and mythology for ages. Goblins and their ilk are classic D&D monsters we love to hate. It’s one of those monsters adventurers encounter in the beginning of their careers. The downside to all this is goblins have become mundane and dare I say boring to today’s gamer. Heck I bet most Dungeon Master’s don’t even both to describe them to their players anymore. “You see a goblin,” is what a lot of DM’s more than likely say.
Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Monster vs. Monster! Beholder and Lich
Hello again loyal fans and newcomers alike. It is I Nerdarchist Ted here to bring you another article on Dungeons and Dragons Monsters. But as opposed to to doing our normal how to make a monster better I am pitting one monster versus another. We get to combat the spell slinging Lich against the eye-stalk menace Beholder.
Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Lycanthropes! Wererats, Wereboars and Werewolves, Oh My!
When it comes to Dungeons and Dragons Monsters the lycanthropes are a diverse lot. Not as much as demons and devils, but there are a lot of them. Basically if there is animal someone has turned it into a werecreature. The core werebeasts are- wererat, wereboar, werewolf, weretiger, and werebear. Then from there I’ve seen everything from wereseals to weredragons.
Your lycanthropes really can fill nearly any niche or role in your gaming world. Whether you need dungeons and dragons monsters to skulk and sneak, be savage and brutal, or benign and gentle werebeasts really do have you covered.
Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Dastardly Demons and Demented Devils
Hello again, Nerdarchist Ted bringing you some insights into the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters. Today I would like to enlighten you about Demons and Devils.
Now I am certain you are saying that is quite a large bite and our normal span of article length would not be enough to cover all the possibilities of demons and devils. Worry not, I am going to stick to the concepts of demons and devils and not get into the specific types.