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Film, TV and Video

Nerdarchy > Film, TV and Video (Page 52)

Gaming Has Changed My Media Expectations

Gaming media characters

Jon Heder, as the titular Napoleon Dynamite, and Aaron Ruell as Kip engage in a nerd battle in the independent film “Napoleon Dynamite.”

Arguing about media is a staple of the nerd subculture. We spend an inordinate amount of time going over our favorite shows, movies and books with a fine-toothed comb picking out small details and jabbing at each other with them, because as nerds it’s just what we do. It shouldn’t be a huge surprise, then, that my friend group is no exception to this.

I’m not going to lie, much of the time it’s my fault. I am a total killjoy to watch a movie or anime with, because I absolutely hate it when the main character does everything.

D&Dized Spider-Man build for D&D 5E

Spider-Man D&D 5E build

Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” [Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures]

As a dutiful nerd and lifelong comic book fan, I went to see “Spider-Man: Homecoming” on opening weekend. There will be no spoilers for the film in this article, but I will say that it is a fantastic movie. It’s also worth noting I’m typically not that much into action movies in general and my critical eye is more than average when it comes to superhero movies.

But all that aside, what I’ve really been thinking about all day is a character build to represent Spider-Man in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. The Nerdarchy YouTube channel has a long history of D&Dizing fictional characters and objects, and it sounded fun to take a shot at this iconic, beloved Marvel Comics character. My previous crack at D&Dizing something – the Sword of Omens from Thundercats – was tons of fun to work on.

Spider-Man: Homecoming Review (Spoiler Free)

[caption id="attachment_22415" align="aligncenter" width="2048"] Spider-Man climbs the Washington Monument in Columbia Pictures' "Spider-Man: Homecoming" [Image courtesy of Columbia Pictures][/caption] Class in session for a review of Spider-Man: Homecoming Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University and I saw "Spider-Man: Homecoming" twice… because comic books! Spider-Man is one...

What’s going on at the movies?

[Editor’s note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the mission or views of Nerdarchy.]
WARNING: A rant on movies is forthcoming
So, with all the problems Warner Brothers has with their DC Extended Universe films, they make a better than average movie in “Wonder Woman” and then decide that their problems are cured (even though “Justice League” is a mess, “The Batman” is up in the air, and “The Flash” is like a ghost story – people are afraid of it even though there’s no proof of its existence.)
Now, these morons (I mean that with all the love and care in the respect in the world) want to start pumping three to four of these monstrosities out at us per year.

Nerdarchy Talks Shop With TL Frasqueri-Molina

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDHBR90gfu8 If you like Nerdarchy’s daily livechats (or even if you haven’t seen much of them and are curious), you absolutely do not want to miss out on watching Nerdarchist Dave’s interview with TL Frasqueri-Molina. She is the Senior Enterprise Project Manager at Legendary Digital Networks...

Pixelscapes D&D monster art

Pixelscapes gets psychedelic with D&D monster art

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpwEd5KoR-0&t=2736s Jen Gagne of Pixelscapes stopped by the Nerdarchy live chat with Nerdarchist Dave to talk psychedelic D&D monster art, drawing, sculpture and of course gaming. She’s an amazing artist, unafraid to be bold with her color selection, and she’s been gaming for a really long...

Starfinder Twitch premiere reveal event June 13!


The cover for the Starfinder Core Rulebook, from Paizo Publishing

Hey, nerds! We’re sure you’re all super excited for the upcoming release of Starfinder. We sure are! There are a lot of really cool things coming up in this game. Seven classes, rules for starship combat, magic — in space! And coming from the people who brought us Pathfinder you know this is going to be something really excellent.

So just in case you’ve been living under a rock or somehow stumbled onto the Nerdarchy website on accident due to a malfunction in your operating system or through a random surge of black magic, let’s review. Starfinder is a science fantasy game, set thousands of years in the future of its predecessor, Pathfinder. That means all of your old favorite races are still viable, and there are some new ones, too.

Matt Mercer Critical Role

Matt Mercer of Critical Role talks Tal’Dorei with Dungeon Life


Dungeon Life’s Todd Kenreck was one busy journalist at Wizards of the Coast’s Stream of Annihilation June 2-3, 2017. On his Twitter feed, Kenreck shared that he was able to score 29 interviews with various D&D dignitaries, including the inimitable Matthew Mercer, actor and Dungeon Master for Geek and Sundry’s Critical Role.

Jeff Mach steampunk

Jeff Mach talks steampunk and geek culture with Nerdarchy

Jeff Mach creates geek events like Steampunk World’s Fair

Jeff Mach from Jeff Mach Events stopped by for a Nerdarchy live chat to talk about conventions, steampunk culture and creating strange, wonderful new homes for people whose interests lie outside the norm. As one of the east coast’s largest creators of unique events for non-normal people, Jeff Mach Events runs the world’s largest indoor Renaissance Faire, Wicked Faire, Steampunk World’s Fair and more.

Wayward Leather puts Designs on Nerdarchy Live Chat

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O50YCw_lqAc&w=560&h=315] Nerdarchists Dave and Ted welcomed artist and craftsperson Mellie Z. to the Nerdarchy live chat to talk shop about her fantasy-themed leatherwork creations. Mellie hand-crafts fantastic pieces for display, wearable garments and accessories, bags and "monster boxes." [caption id="attachment_19924" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Mellie Z. creates handmade, fantasy-themed...

Stream of Annihilation highlights what’s fantastic about D&D

It’s no fluke that an enormous and continually-growing slate of streaming game play has emerged alongside 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. When Greg Tito joined Wizards of the Coast’s marketing team a couple of years ago as communication manager, adding more streaming programming to their schedule was one of his goals to expand the audience for D&D.

Satine Phoenix is living the nerdy dream

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ5Hts-8VQY&w=560&h=315] Nerdarchist Dave got three special guests for the cost of one when he welcomed Satine Phoenix to the Nerdarchy live chat. Hanging out on her birthday from her home/studio in sunny Los Angeles, Phoenix shared her morning chatting live and answering questions. Nerd culture...

Absolute Tabletop Adventure Kit Oath of the Frozen King

Absolute Tabletop takes the Oath of the Frozen King with Nerdarchy

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPJk2Taia9c&w=560&h=315]

Nerdarchist Dave welcomes Matt Click and Tim Kearney from Absolute Tabletop to live chat #45 to talk about Oath of the Frozen King, their latest Kickstarter project. With a solid history of RPG content creation, AbTab’s latest offering is the Adventure Kit, which they describe as “versatile, flexible frameworks for roleplaying game adventures.” The modular presentation allows for minimal prep time for GMs, enabling you to run adventures for your players at the drop of a hat.