5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors Humble RPG Bundle
Any funny-shaped dice enthusiast can’t get enough tabletop roleplaying game material on your bookshelves, right? And if those bookshelves are digital you don’t even need to worry about space. Although you miss out on those extra screws, nuts and bolts after assembling your new Ikea bookcase. Frog God Games has partnered up with Kobold Press and Troll Lord Games to expand your RPG collection with the 5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors Humble Bundle. Running until June 22, 2018, you can get over $381 of ebooks including adventures and campaign guides for as little a $1 and contribute to charity at the same time.
D&D Stream of Many Eyes Part 2 — Waterdeep: Dragon Heist AND Dungeon of the Mad Mage
The Stream of Many Eyes has ended, and what a weekend of Dungeons & Dragons spectacle! The big news from the live stream event was the announcement of TWO new adventures coming later in 2018. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage have already got everyone talking. Both set in (and beneath) the City of Splendors, Dragon Heist is meant to take characters from levels 1-5, with a delve into the largest dungeon in the Forgotten Realms carrying adventurers the rest of the way from levels 5-20.
D&D Stream of Many Eyes Part 1
The Stream of Many Eyes has begun! Wizard of the Coast’s 3 days live stream spectacular kicked off with host Anna Prosser-Robinson and D&D Senior Director Nathan Stewart taking a tour of the street of Waterdeep before Anna hosted a roundtable discussion of the new adventure. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is revealed!
MisCon 32 – A Convention to Celebrate Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror
MisCon is my local convention here in Missoula, Montana. All of the common trappings of the small convention are present and, in some cases, exceptional. This is really the thing that not only differentiates MisCon from other small cons but makes it absolutely special among conventions. All of the advantages of a small convention (small crowds) with standout special guests and incredible panels, art shows, and much more.
Get Your Paizo On At PaizoCon — Live or Live Streamed
Win Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes for 5E D&D — First Look and Flipthrough
Friday, May 18, 2017 was the Wizards of the Coast release of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes to specific FLGS and digitally through D&D Beyond. This is the newest D&D book from The Wizards of the Coast team. Wide release for this 5E D&D book will be on May 29.
The folks over at the PR company for the WOTC team, 360 Public Relations, is always good about getting us early copies so we can show them off to the fans. We always give them away. It’s still nice to get the free 5E D&D swag even if we don’t keep it most of the time. Speaking of which you can get in on a give-away running to May 31 for one of five copies of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes.
Stream of Many Eyes, a Rubber Chicken, and You — Memorable Campaigns for D&D
A cult strives to bring their dragon goddess into the world to wreak havoc. Demons from the Abyss invade the Underdark. Evil elementals build a powerbase in an ancient temple. A vampire holds sway over a cursed land. Giants compete to establish a new cosmic order. An archlich inflicts a terrible curse upon the world. Great campaigns all around. Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons players around the world have saved the multiverse from these threats countless times. And the upcoming Stream of Many Eyes will reveal the next campaign for adventurers to tackle. But it’s the How and not the What that makes these memorable campaigns.
PaizoCon Celebrates Pathfinder, Starfinder and All Things Paizo
Get Your Peepers on the New D&D Adventure During the Live Stream of Many Eyes
In 2017, Wizards of the Coast ushered in the year’s extraordinary new campaign, the Tomb of Annihilation, with the incredible Stream of Annihilation live event. Not to be outdone, this year WotC unleashes the Stream of Many Eyes to unveil late 2018’s new adventure story!
Celebrate International Tabletop Day with a Free Download of D&D Stuff
In 2017, some folks on the Nerdarchy team put together a free adventure for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons in recognition of International Tabletop Day. And for 2018 we’re at it again, and stepping up our game! To coincide with the revamp and relaunch of our Patreon rewards, we’re giving away a free download package of special rewards to everyone in the RPG community to help celebrate this most special of days on April 28. Empusia, Curator of Souls is a total package of D&D magic items, monsters, allies, enemies, dynamic and lost lore.
Paizo Friday Night Twitch with Jason Bulmahn and Dan Tharp
As of March 30, 2018, Paizo officially launched a new show on their Twitch channel. While the title of the show is still being tossed around it is hosted by Paizo’s Director of Game Design Jason Bulmahn and Marketing Manager Dan Tharp. They’ve worked time into a schedule that I wouldn’t even dream of trying to handle, to sit down once a week to bring us some updates and have a bit of a Q&A with the fans. Paizo’s Pathfinder and Starfinder news and entertainment live streams on Fridays at 7 p.m. eastern on Twitch.
Help Save the Tarrasque: Gifted Vision Behemoth Mini Needs You
Hello gamers and fans of wonderful minis. Nerdarchist Ted here calling on you not only out of selfish greed to get the Gifted Vision Behemoth mini that I backed on Kickstarter but to help out an awesome company that makes cool miniatures. There is a bit of backstory here that I will try to explain as best as I can without being any more than a backer.
Mixing It Up at Cleveland ConCoction
The crew is back home, recovered from daylight savings time and the wonderful experience at Cleveland ConCoction where Nerdarchy was the featured guest for gaming, reinvigorated and ready to keep rockin’ and rollin’. We want to give a huge thanks to Tony and the rest of the organizers and volunteers from the convention who reached out to invite us there, the Bertram Inn and Conference Center for providing great accommodations and facilities for the convention, and all the fans and nerdy folks who attended. We had a great time!
D&D Heads to Space with Spelljammer Live!
You’ve heard us talk about it. You’ve read posts here on the website about it. You’ve seen recorded gameplays of it. On Friday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m. eastern you can see us play it live! The premiere of our newest live stream game will take a party of adventurers into fantasy space with Ingest Quest, a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Spelljammer campaign.
Pathfinder Second Edition – The Revision of Paizo’s Giant
Big news is a bit of an understatement – this week Paizo has come out saying that a new edition of their beloved Pathfinder will be out for test play by August 2. I had always wondered when this would come. Pathfinder has run first edition for a staggering teb years. I’m not 100 percent on this but I don’t know of another game company that has had an edition run that long. Many have asked why now? Is the company in trouble? Is fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons 5E rising to be too much of an RPG juggernaut?