ConCoction Welcomes Nerdarchy as Featured Guests for D&D Events
Attention Nerdarchy community!
You’ve heard Nerdarchists Dave and Ted and Nate the Nerdarch talk about it in the Saturday Quests & Adventures live chats and read about it here on the website – Nerdarchy is headed to Ohio for Cleveland ConCoction! Northeast Ohio’s fan-run, volunteer-run convention celebrates all things sci-fi, fantasy and gaming. ConCoction returns in 2018 to the Bertram Inn and Conference Center in Aurora, Ohio, on March 9-11.
The RollPlay Roundtable Discussion: Part 2 with Matt Colville, Matt Mercer, Adam Koebel and Mike Mearls
In October of last year, itmeJP gathered together some of the best known names in the Dungeons & Dragons community and put them in a video call roundtable together to talk shop. Adam Koebel moderated the conversation between Matt Mercer, Mike Mearls, and Matt Colville. Topics ranged across many different aspects of the game: criticisms, advice for Dungeon Masters, why we play the game, and many more.
Strongholds & Streaming Kickstarter from Matt Colville Raises the Bar
Just over two years ago, John Wick’s 7th Sea: Second Edition Kickstarter smashed through the barriers of roleplaying game potential, becoming the first campaign of its kind to surpass the $1 million mark. Among contemporaries in the RPG space, consistent hits from Monte Cook Games and Richard Thomas, along with extraordinary successes from Evil Hat Productions, Modiphius, Kobold Press, Frog God Games and others illustrate the possibilities of crowdfunding. And with the meteoric launch of Strongholds & Streaming, the first Kickstarter project from Matt Colville, we will almost certainly see the bar raised even higher.
Marvelous Phile: Character Creation Part 2
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the 11th article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s.
Marvelous Phile: Character Creation
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the tenth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s.
Marvelous Phile: Intensity FEATS
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the ninth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s.
Critical Role #silhouettewatch Predictions for New Campaign
Hello! Nerditor Doug here to introduce a guest post from Gin, who plays Kath the tiefling paladin on Nerdarchy’s Scarlet Sisterhood of Steel and Sorcery. The campaign is up to Session 40 as of this writing, with Session 41 streaming at 7 p.m. eastern on YouTube. Gin knows a little something about playing D&D in a live stream game so she’s bringing her savvy here to share her predictions for #silhouettewatch – the fan speculation about the new campaign for Critical Role beginning Jan. 11, 2018.
Marvelous Phile: FEATS and the Universal Table Color Chart
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the sixth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s. Game mechanic – intensity FEATS on the Universal Table FEATS are what you’re...
Marvelous Phile: FEATS
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the seventh article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s.
Marvelous Phile: What is FASERIP the Marvel RPG?
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the sixth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the '80s. Game mechanic - FASERIP What is this FASERIP thing we keep...
Stuff Your Digital Stocking and Help a Charity with Frog God Games and Kobold Press Humble Bundle
Is it Dec. 6, 2017 at 11 a.m. PST already? You’re in luck, roleplaying gamer! While you’re getting ready to stuff your stockings this holiday season you can stuff your digital bookshelf full of a dragon’s hoard worth of awesome books – and help out a charity for doing it!
Bill Webb, co-founder of Frog God Games partnered up with Wolfgang Baur and Kobold Press to create the first ever fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Humble RPG Book Bundle. The offering is live for two weeks and the clock is already ticking.
DriveThruRPG Sponsors Nerdarchy and Saves You Money on RPG Stuff
Nerdarchy is proud to announce a terrific sponsorship from DriveThruRPG – the largest RPG download store! Since 2001, DriveThruRPG has been a premiere online marketplace for digital and print-on-demand roleplaying games. Even more, the expanded family of sites makes comic books, card games, fiction and more available with ease. With DriveThruRPG as a sponsor, we can now pass along great deals to the Nerdarchy community.
Marvelous Phile: Popularity in Marvel Super Heroes RPG
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the fifth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s. FASERIP game mechanic - popularity In the previous adventure (season 2, episode 5)...
Quick and Dirty Writing Tricks for NaNoWriMo
Salutations nerds! It’s November, and that means National Novel Writing Month is in full swing. I’m willing to bet if you clicked on this article you already know what that is, but permit me a brief recap on the off chance you aren’t already in the know.
Basically, NaNoWriMo is a word marathon where a bunch of crazy people decide to attempt to write at least 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. The rules are simple. You aren’t allowed to actually start writing your story until November starts (but really you’re only cheating yourself if you do), and it has to be 50,000 on the same tale. Typically, you’re looking at writing about 1,667 words a day to be able to finish on time, but there are some even crazier people out there who shoot higher.
Marvelous Phile: Darkness in Marvel Super Heroes RPG
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University (where tuition is always free) and I’m bringing you the fourth article of the Marvelous Phile, an homage to the excerpt in Dragon Magazine back in the ’80s.