Cooperation Versus Character – Player Tips for Your Gaming Table
Loud footsteps echo through the stonework halls as you pursue the fleet goblin. The breath comes heavy and hot in your lungs as you round a corner and, without warning, there he is. A dead end! You have the jewel thief dead to rights. He throws his dagger to the ground with a clatter.
MARLENE (playing Warner, the paladin): “All right, give it up. You’re all out of options.”
JEFF (the Dungeon Master, voicing the goblin thief): The goblin cringes, then lets out a long breath, his eyes downcast. “Okay. Okay. I don’t have the Egret’s Emerald on me, though.” His eyes brighten slightly. “We can make a deal though. If I show you where the emerald is, I’ll leave town. I was just trying to get out from under the Guild anyway. Just don’t turn me in. They’ll kill me in jail.”
Do you Cooperate at Your Gaming Table
The Dam in West Rustoch – Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Hello today I present you a Dungeons and Dragons story. This is written by Micheal Rovinski.
Ephram is an Aarakocra, commonly referred to as Bird-Folk, Bird People, or Avian Humanoids. At a young age, he joined a monastery to learn the way of martial arts, and once he learned enough he was sent on a pilgrimage. During his pilgrimage, Ephram seeks out those in need of help. It is a part of his martial philosophy, the Way of the Open Palm; a martial philosophy considered the key to maintaining harmony with nature, one’s surroundings, and the place that one has with the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Ecology of the Golden Chimera – Dungeons and Dragons Monsters
Last week I talked about the creation of the Golden Chimera. While the chimera is built as a monster of Demons combining all the worst of each of the component monsters, the olden Chimera actually combines the best of each of the creatures combining together.
As the Demon Prince created the regular chimera a powerful Solar, perhaps the first, created a creature in its image to be a positive force on the world below, but powerful enough to defend itself and its kind.
As the dragon half of the regular strives to raid and plunder the Golden Chimera craves its wealth but usually through trade and service and is interested in acquiring knowledge above actual material possessions.
Golden Chimera in Dungeons and Dragons
Creation of the Golden Chimera – Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Long ago I came up with this creature. Inspired by the regular Chimera I set out to make something personnel and cool. I never truly gave it a name because it was more of a unique creature in my mind then one of many. But over the years the idea has changed and grew.
Now Nerdarchy did a video on the chimera For Dungeons and Dragons, you can watch that below, and I talked about my version. The Golden Chimera like the regular has the head of a lion and a dragon. The lion looks more regal than vicious. The dragon is that of a gold dragon rather than that of a red dragon.
Would You Use this in Dungeons and Dragons?
5th Edition – The Warlock: Are You Playing It Right?
One of the grumblings I sometimes hear or read about fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons concerns the warlock class. Almost always these center around the fact the warlock has so few spell slots, only one initially and then only two until 11th level, eventually ending with a maximum of four at 17th level. While it’s true the warlock does not have as many spell slots as other spellcasting classes, and it’s true the warlock does not have the diversity of spells available to many classes, the warlock has so many unique abilities I am left wondering if some players simply are not sure of how to play a warlock.
Tabletop Terrors – Are Your Races Boring -Tieflings
In this episode of Campaign Architect, we start off by telling you that your races are boring—and you’ll probably want to smack us when we give you our solution.
The Tieflings of Dragongrin
5E D&D Modern Magic and Campaign Rules
How can that be so? There are only a few mentions of modern weapons in d&d 5th edition. You can’t run a game with just a pile of weapons and damage… Alright, correction, you shouldn’t try! But with the good old group of D&D guys and gals...
It’s Okay to Be Cliche as an RPG Player
Maybe you are new here and want to know how to play D&D. Or, maybe you are a veteran who wants to up your game. In either case we, in the Nerdarchy, have a collection of player rpg tips to go over with you in the...
Ecology of the Mage Eater – Fast and Dirty Monsters
Spell Casters of the worlds beware. The Mage Eater lurks above stalking and hunting lone travelers with magical abilities. I present to you the Fast and Dirty Monster: The Mage Eater.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition presents many useful creatures to use against your player characters but perhaps that is not enough. Fast and Dirty Monsters is a series where we take a concept and convert an already created monster and give it a whole new life as a completely different monster. In this edition we have taken the Coalt, a generally good monster and turn it into something a little more vial and monster-like.
Fast and Dirty Monster: The Mage Eater
Fast and Dirty Monsters – Ecology of the Skleee
Greetings, Nerdarchist Ted here and and today I present to you a new race and its ecology. I offer up the Skleee. These are from our Fast and Dirty monsters series. Tune in below to see how the race came about. Lets see how they stack up against other creatures in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
The Skleee get their name from the sound they make when startled. I would like to thank Jerel Fontenot for his suggestion for the name and concept for the name. The Sklee are an insectoid race that combines several insectoid concepts together. They have a hive mind like that of ants as well as their ability to function together as a unit.
In addition their great carrying capacity is inherent within all Skleee. But they also posses the abilities of termites in chewing through would and other things to burrow and make their dwellings.
The Sklee in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition – Custom Race – Boarks
Nerdarchist Ted here and I get to present you an entirely new race created by Nerdarchy. Over on YouTube we do a video series called Fast and Dirty Monsters.
We take an idea for a new monster and open up our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition Monster Manual and show you how to take a thing that already exists and change it to match our creation.
You can jump below to watch the video of how we made these pig people.
Boarks in 5th edition
Boarks are a race of gluttonous pig people. The term pig headed would most apply in more ways then one. They are possessed of an tapped well of determination. Once they are set upon a path they will not waver short of their own decision to alter their course.
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition – World Building – Gnar-Kee-Tis
Nerdarchist Ted here and I have been running my Dungeons and Dragons campaign for around 8 months. The inspiration for my game came from one of our earlier videos.
Well now that we are well into the thick of the campaign I figured I would give you some background information on my blood demon. I am not going to give any stats as I am not sure whether the players or their characters will ever want to try and slay him.
I would hate to spoil the surprise for my players in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. As many of them I would guess read this.
Who is this Blood Demon
Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition – Race – Catfolk
With the amount of attention that cats and kittens get on the internet I am surprised that the catfolk are not even in the monster manual let alone have the stats to use them as player characters. So let me fix that for you. Here is my take on catfolk for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition with a little bonus.
Catfolk in 5th edition
Catfolk are nomadic hunters. They have no land that they can call a determinant home in an of the known Dungeons and Dragons realms. As long as they have food and family they can be secure in any place.
5E D&D Magic-Devouring Monster — Mage Eater
Quick monster creations for D&D 5e are very easy to make in this edition. As long as you can find a decent starting point your custom monster creation will go smoothly. Sometimes one just needs to have a vague concept in mind like myself and the...
Guest Post – Class Options For Your Steampunk 5th Edition Game – The GM’s Table