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Dungeons & Dragons

Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons (Page 142)

First Look at 5E D&D Monster Manual

Hello fellow gamers, Nerdarchist Ted here. Today I want to talk about the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual. I have been playing D&D since second edition AD&D. There have been many changes in style layout and information contained in each edition’s Monster Manual. The art styles of each edition of course change as styles, techniques and tools to create art change with the times. The rules for all the monsters of course change to take into account the actual flow and dynamics of the new rules.

Willing Suspension of Disbelief Creates an Immersive RPG Experience

Even with the light from your torch the stairwell’s end cannot be seen. As you cautiously make your way down each step, the cracks and crevices on the sides of the wall quiver and writhe in time to the torch’s flickering flame. 

The Willing Suspension of Disbelief is Used to Create an Immersive RPG creepy stairwellUnseen cobwebs flutter against your eyes and face. There is a rushing sound like one unending breath that you hear too close to your ear. You see something move in the shadows just outside the torch’s glow. You hear a scratching, chattering cacopho-

*crackle, crackle*The Willing Suspension of Disbelief is Used to Create an Immersive RPG gamemastering and chesse puffs

*crackle, crackle*

” Hey pass over those Cheese Puffs”

Sigh… The dreaded words that quell the willing suspension of disbelief in an immersive RPG.

“Pass me the ______” ( food or beverage )

           As a DM, if that blank is not filled by the words “Holy Avenger” or some other fantasy item, it really deconstructs the built up tension.

Thus undermining the work that we, as DMs, put into setting the mood of  encounters.

While experienced players can still hack it when it comes to mood disruptions they still lessen the overall experience for everyone.

Why is that the case?

Are 5E D&D Tieflings Misunderstood or Soul Eating Hellspawn?

Hello Nerdarchy Fans and fellow gamers. Nerdarchist Ted here to talk Dungeons & Dragons races, specifically the tiefling. This devilsh race made its debut in Planescape and those who did not really play in that setting got to see them make a rise into the standard Player’s Handbook, or PHB as we all lovingly refer to it as, in fourth edition D&D. The tiefling is a humanoid with demon or devil blood or who has a infernal heritage depending on the edition being played.  Fiends like these are typically evil and tieflings sometimes face prejudices because of this heritage. Creatures and potential allies might question where their loyalties are going to lie. Are they going to assist you or profit from your demise? These are the risks every one has to face as views from the outside if you are playing a tiefling in 5E D&D.

5E D&D Character Build — Human Cleric

dungeons and dragons 5th editionHey guys Nerdarchist Ted, here to bring you a new type of Article. I hope you like it.  Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition character builds.  Today I want to talk about a Human Cleric.

Now many of you with lots of years chucking dice might sit back and question how boring is it to make a human cleric.

Well I am here to tell you that at least in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition you are wrong.  With a back ground to choose. a domain to choose and going with the variant human you get extra skill proficiencies and a feat.

Customization of 5E D&D Characters with Fabulous Feats

Hello my fellow gamers, I’m here with some more info for you. Today I want to talk about Dungeons & Dragons character customization and feats. Throughout the evolution of D&D there have been many ways to add flavor, backstory and character customization. In second edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons you had proficiencies both weapon and nonweapon and these translated mainly to weapon proficiencies and skills in third edition D&D and beyond.


Uncommon 5E D&D Races — Dragonborn

D&D Dragonborn D&D Dragonborn are back baby.

They first appeared a standard player character race with the release of 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons. Now this was a fairly polarizing effect actually one of many from that edition.

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition has brought the dragonborn back along with the tiefling. To be honest with you I’ve kind meh on the dragonborn as a player character race, but for the purpose of this article I’m going to do my best to remain objective.

You Gotta Have Faith to Play a 5E D&D Cleric

Welcome to Nerdarchy with you this time is Nerdarchist Ted.  Among our group I am the resident Cleric when we play Dungeons and Dragons. Many players look at the cleric as the parties healer or slave and that they have to do what the party says.  But especially after the introduction of Charisma being an important role in a clerics stat they can easily become a central character and make a great party leader.

Dungeons and Dragons

When you are a cleric you are a divine conduit of your gods divine power.  You wield this power as a smith wields a hammer.  Now some worlds have gods that are very active and some worlds have gods that are far removed from the world.

Why I’ll Be Playing 5E D&D for the Foreseeable Future

Hey folks Nerdarchist Dave here and I’ll be discussing Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition today. We have already done several articles on D&D 5E this one is going to be more about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons over the years and why I’m really loving 5th edition. As of right now I only have the players handbook, the Basic Starter Set, and some free PDF downloads from Wizards of the Coast which can be gotten- here

Below is the first video Nerdarchy did about the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition PDF download.

5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Is Here, Let The New Edition Wars Begin!

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Monster vs. Monster! Beholder and Lich

dungeons and dragons monsters

Hello again loyal fans and newcomers alike.  It is I Nerdarchist Ted here to bring you another article on Dungeons and Dragons Monsters.  But as opposed to to doing our normal how to make a monster better I am pitting one monster versus another.  We get to combat the spell slinging Lich against the eye-stalk menace Beholder.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Lycanthropes! Wererats, Wereboars and Werewolves, Oh My!

When it comes to Dungeons and Dragons Monsters the lycanthropes are a diverse lot. Not as much as demons and devils, but there are a lot of them. Basically if there is animal someone has turned it into a werecreature. The core werebeasts are- wererat, wereboar, werewolf, weretiger, and werebear. Then from there I’ve seen everything from wereseals to weredragons.

Your lycanthropes really can fill nearly any niche or role in your gaming world. Whether you need  dungeons and dragons monsters to skulk and sneak, be savage and brutal, or benign and gentle werebeasts really do have you covered.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Dastardly Demons and Demented Devils

Hello again, Nerdarchist Ted bringing you some insights into the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters.  Today I would like to enlighten you about Demons and Devils.

Now I am certain you are saying that is quite a large bite and our normal span of article length would not be enough to cover all the possibilities of demons and devils.  Worry not, I am going to stick to the concepts of demons and devils and not get into the specific types.

dungeons and dragons terrain

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — Goo-Blythe’s Guide to Surviving the Underdark

dungeons and dragons terrain” Uses sure about this tall one? Underdark very dangerous place.” whines Goo-Blythe.

“I’m sorry Goo-Blythe time is of the essence if we are going to reach the Lady Lureanna in time to save her.” said Sir Gregory.

“Yes yes I understand, but must you bring those lights with us?” quietly whines the goblin Goo-Blythe some more.

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain- The Underdark presents many natural challenges