5th Edition Tome of Beasts – Arch Devils and Devils
Last week I delved into the Tome of Beats and the Rulers of the Fey Court. You can check out that Article here. This week I have torn through the devils and lets see what we get.
Not only does Tome of Beast give us some new lower tier Devils to play with but some Upper tier Arch Devils that can be a source for an entire campaign arc. If you have not pre-ordered you own copy you can do so here.
We get 4 new Arch Devils to inspire us in new ways. Kobold press did an excellent job of creating foes with goals and agendas. They also added a new format of damage requiring weapons to be silvered to damage certain foes.
Arbeyach is the first Arch Devil we get to explore and he is literally made of a swarm of insects. His greatest weapons is to cause people to be poisoned and he removes resistance and immunities from those close to him. Be warned. Though his power wains through inaction he has many that serve him.
Ia’Affrat is actually the offspring of Arbeyach. While his father is a swarm of insects, he is a swarm of fire. He is composed of tiny elementals. So removed from flesh and blood he is immune to weapon damage of any kind. Do not get into a fight with him unless you are prepared.
“Fountain of Fortunes”- Out of the Box D&D Encounters #17

5th Edition Tome of Beasts – Fey Lords and Ladies
last week we delved into the Tome of Beasts and touched on the Dragons. Today we are going to talk about the Fey Lords and Ladies. This is from the Tome of Beasts that is coming out for 5th Edition. You can pre-order your own copy here. It is expected to be released on September 13th.
They divide the fey lords and ladies up into regions and tell you the power and political side of things. if you wanted to run a game dealing with them there is the structure set up already. Each of these mighty beings has the ability to alter the land around around them coming in with legendary actions, lair actions and regional effects. These beings are not toppled easily and unless you have a DM set things up poorly or you set up machinations correctly you are never going to encounter them alone.
The mythological Cold Iron comes back into play with these might Fey Lords and Ladies. There has been no previous mention, I am familiar with. There is a side bar for how to obtain them in the game but crafter beware. These beings are powerful and live a long time. They might kill you just for making them. The reason cold iron is a thing as these mighty beings can’t be harmed with weapons that are not made of the stuff. Only 2 of the Fey lords and Ladies are able to be hurt with just regular magic weapons. The rest require you to have Cold Iron Weapons.
“Mirrors of The Soul”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #16

5th Edition Tome of Beasts – Dragons
Every Dungeon Master loves access to new monsters. And what Dungeon Master does not like using Dragons. With the Open Gaming License we are starting to see 3rd party publishers getting hardbound products out as options to, well give us more options.
Kobold Press has released a new product out for Pre-order. You can preorder your copy here. We did a review on Daves copy that he got early because he backed the kickstarter.
I was sad when I found out that missed getting my own early copy. When we looked at the pdf we were not disappointed. There are so many awesome monsters in this book as well as some new beasts and NPCs to easily add into your game.
Today I am just going to talk about the Dragons that are in this book. Next week I will touch on some other monster groups. I will keep this series going until the book is released.
In this book you get 6 new Dragon types for your 5th edition game. Kobold Press does not give you any carbon copy of dragons that exist in your 5th edition monster manual but 6 new whole cloth creations that stand out as unique.
Almost all of the dragons have 4 separate stat blocks for the 4 age categories of Dragons: ancient, adult, young and wyrmling. I make my notes below
The cave dragon is a fierce beast that constantly needs to eat. It lives underground where its sensitivity to sunlight keeps it safe. But sadly living underground is not a place abundant with food. It is not mindless and is a true dragon. I compare this one with a white dragon with lower stats and its desire for food out weighs its desire for any coin. Sorry adventurers if you are looking to slay a dragon
“The Eyes Have It”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #15

“The Argument”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #14

Ducknapping, Nanny Nibbling and the Governor’s Goods- A D&D 5e, SRD compatible adventure
Written with thanks to Scott Garibay for his Five Page Tabletop RPG Adventure Design
Ducknapping, Nanny Nibbling and the Governor’s Goods
D&D 5e, SRD compatible adventure.
Launch and Locations
In the aftermath of a raid on the town by strange cultists with giant lizards and kobolds, the characters scouted the raiders camp. After returning from scouting the raiders’ camp, where the characters freed several enslaved townsfolk, their breakfast the following morning is interrupted.
- Green Rest Inn (Where the characters are eating breakfast after a long rest)
- Featherend Farm (Duck Farm of small repute for winning ribbons in the fair)
- Swardheart Farm (Goat Farm run by two halfling females)
- The Governor’s Manor (The Governor has retired here, delegating oversight to proper carpenters)
- Snoutslap Sties (Pastured swine farm, the furthest of the three farms from the Governor’s Manor)
“Coin Flip”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #13

Somewhere within a dungeon, the party will enter what looks like an empty room. Once everybody is inside, the floor will appear to fall away, with the exception of a ledge on their side and a similar one on the far side. into clouds below. A “new floor” will appear occupying this empty space between the two ledges. What will appear will be an interlocking pattern of giant coins laid flat floating like an interlocking floor, square in shape, with a solid ledge on the far side. Each giant coin is large enough for one player to stand upon, and since they touch each other like circular floor tile, it appears that the floating floor can be crossed. Each “coin” piece is a 10’ diameter tile.
Heroforge – Custom Miniatures for your Tabletop RPG
There is a wide variety of miniature lines out there. D&D and Pathfinder both have their fully painted ready to go miniatures and for many hero choices they work just fine of you can find a reasonable facsimile. And then you have several other lines that make miniatures including Reaper Miniatures and their Bones line. They are great but they come unpainted and in some cases un-assembled.
For those of you that are unaware Heroforge offers fully customized minis that are 3D printed made to your exact specifications. And they are not limited to designs just for your D&D game. Heroforge offer Custom Miniatures for your tabletop RPGs for fantasy, western, sci-fi, modern and East-Asian themes.
Not only that but you can fully customize it in a way that blends these elements together should your specific character need that. When you go to their site: www.heroforge.com you are presented with a body that you can change the race, make it male or female and dress/equip it with all manner of gear and accessories.
The detail on your choices is amazing. you have the ability to alter on a sliding scale the facial expressions, the muscle tone and every body dimension you might want, height, weight, curves, booty, bust, waist and build. These choices alone make your model more custom than anything else that I have seen.
“Island In The Storm”- Out of The Box D&D Encounter #12

“Rube’s Cube”- Out of the box D&D Encounters #11
Out of the box D&D Encounters Introduction:
Sometimes an encounter occurs because fo a single “what if”. It can lead in all sorts of unexpected directions. Imagine an illusionist’s castle, dungeon, or other lair. Imagine an environment filed with puzzles, tricks, and other dangers. Within such a confine, “Rube’s Cube” can exist.
For this encounter, I wanted to use an under-apprecited monster (ooze) in a way other than a hit point sponge or ambush predator. What followed was a series of “what if” questions.
What if a normally non-spellcasting creature had access to a spell or spell-like effect? In this case, I thought of Mirror Image.
No item to my knowledge creates such an effect outside of a ring of spell storing with the correct spell, so a little extra creativity was called for. What if you made such an item? In the end, you take what would normally be an ambush predator who may not survive more than three rounds, and you’ve created a mystical shell game with one ooze and one item. What if you take that creature, and that magic item, and place them in a room that is custom made for both in a fun way? Hmmm…
And so “Rube’s Cube” was born.
Environment: Dungeon
Suggested level: 2-3
“A Standing Warning”- Out of the Box D&D Encounters #10

Running a D&D game off the cuff – it can be easy
[caption id="attachment_10844" align="alignright" width="511"] Does this Dungeon Master/wizard look panicked?[/caption] So you’re the Dungeon Master. There’s a game of Dungeons & Dragons in an hour or two. Unfortunately you’ve been busy all week and have not had time to prepare. Don’t panic. You can still run your game...
Matt Mercer Adding the Gunslinger to 5E D&D
First off a thank you to Matt Mercer of Critical Role fame for giving us this fighter archetype 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons. A little while back he put together the gunslinger and put it up on the DMs Guild where you can buy it for pay what you want- Here.