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Dungeons & Dragons

Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons (Page 131)

Blast from the Past: Dungeons & Dragons Tomb of Horrors

[caption id="attachment_13611" align="alignright" width="340"] 1978's Tomb of Horrors[/caption] [caption id="attachment_13613" align="alignright" width="336"] 1981's Tomb of Horrors[/caption] Few words raise the ire of long-time Dungeons & Dragons aficionados more than “Tomb of Horrors.” The words “Fourth edition” come to mind, but that’s fairly recent and probably somewhat unfair...

“Ribbet, Ribbet, WHOOSH” – Out of the Box #26 D&D Encounters

  The Monster Manual is loaded with a lot of gems that seem to go unnoticed. The Templates are but one of them. Templates are a great way to take what the players are familiar with and shaking them up. What this does is two-fold. First, it generates an encounter that the players are not ready for. That is it’s own reward, as it freshens up what would be a very ordinary, and possibly predictable, encounter. Secondly, it takes that omni-present “metagame” aspect and turns it on it’s head. Ask a DM what value they would place on making that one experienced meta-gaming rules lawyer at their table give the “WTF?” expression, and I’ll bet that they’d rate it pretty high.
  The following encounter is intended to do both. It applies the “Half-Dragon” template to something that we would normally not consider. As per the “Half-Dragon” template, we can apply it to a beast, humanoid or giant. That’s a lot of choice. This is but one example of such an application, and might open up a series of encounters where one rather amorous dragon has seeded a campaign with it’s brethren, creating a whole list of choice encounters. One would have to finally convince the dragon of the concept of “planned parenthood” to end this series of events – a discussion I’ll leave to your players.
Dungeons & Dragons

It’s All Right for Your RPG Characters to Change

Recently I’ve run across two situations as a Game Master I believe are worth sharing with a wider audience. First, one of my players came to me concerned he had not played his character’s personality correctly during a recent fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons session. Second, a player in a different campaign (one in which I play and am not GM) came to me worried his character had done something out of character.

“Procession” – Out of the Box #25 D&D Encounters

  A fact that goes unnoticed in many environments or campaigns is the importance of rivers. Rivers were out of the box encounters wights  the first highways of the ancient world, and are still major thoroughfares to this day. The same should be true in a fantasy setting. Rivers should be a constant resource for encounters of all kinds, be it lizardmen, pirates, goblins in rickety steamships, or orcs in war canoes. In this instance, however, I will draw from ancient history and base this encounter around a funeral procession.
  To build on that concept, this funeral procession is not just a funeral barge, but an elaborately carved vessel with a large single sail and a single cabin. Imagine, then, that this vessel is not of this world, but the next. The vessel itself is an expression of the Shadowfell. Now you have a river encounter that you could have at night, with all the haunting dread of what happens when the dead meet the living…
  The intent behind this encounter is simple – sometimes it is best to leave well enough alone. Curiosity killed the cat for a reason. In this case, that cat might end up worse than dead.
Environment: Wilderness/Waterway.
Suggested level: 8 (could be significantly higher – see below)
  Either while traveling a waterway at night, or while berthed at the river’s edge, the characters will see a vessel moving quietly in their direction. It will be difficult to see at first, even with Darkvision, as the ship is almost completely made of a black wood. As it closes, lanterns hanging from the bow and stern become visible, much like in a dream when one accepts that things “were always there, even when you did not see them before.” Their green glow barely illuminates the deck of the ship. Gold inlaid engravings and other scroll-work decorate the upper edge of the hull along it’ length. A single mast upon which flutters a single almost ephemeral sail stands at the center of the deck of this nearly 100’ long vessel. Long and narrow, it’s 13’ wide hull cuts the water almost silently. A single steersman in ritual hooded regalia mans the till at the stern, while a single similarly-dressed watchman stands silently at the prow. A small and elaborately decorated cabin, only 5’ tall, but at least 10’ wide and 10’ long sits just behind the mast. It is covered in further elaborate and gold-inlaid carvings in some ancient language.
  The whole craft moves unerringly upstream, as if moved by unseen oars, yet without disturbing the water at all.

“The Balance” – Out of the Box # 24 D&D Encounters



  A good use of an encounter is to force the players to make a choice based on what they value.   out of the box encounters spriteFurthermore, different characters will always have different motivations, so those choices can be rooted in the very basis of the character. The right encounter might flush those motivations to the surface. This can often lead to heated discussions, but can also serve to really clear the air on where characters stand with each other. That can only lead to character development.


  Additionally, it has been said before that any treasure or magic items in the possession of a villain should be used by that villain. Previous “Out of The Box” Encounters have followed that mantra, and this will follow that trend.
  “The Balance” is intended as an extension of both concepts, as well as an opportunity to reward players with a form of treasure that cannot be bought – a rare companion or familiar. To date, if we follow the official rules, only Chain Pact Warlocks can earn such companions. However, when we research the Monster Manual, there are several chances to win such an ally – if only the opportunity arises and the players act correctly.


  Inspiration for this encounter came from, of all places, the “Trinket” table in the Player’s Handbook (p.160), #46 – “Dead Sprite in a Jar.” I asked myself, “how did it get there?”. I remembered the “Iron Flask” entry in the DMG (p. 178) where another creature could be held in a container, and combined the two. Adding a dramatic element, it becomes a balance – between saving a potential ally and acquiring a magic item. Which will the players choose…?


 “The Balance” – Out of the Box # 24 D&D Encounters

Environment: Dungeon or any appropriate lair.
Suggested level: 4 (but really, by changing the contents of the Iron Flask, you can scale the level of this encounter upwards)


  Entering a large circular chamber, the players are immediately greeted by two things. The string acrid bite of the odor of strong acid, and the appearance of the strangest scale they have likely seen.
  A wide pool, perhaps 20’ in diameter sits in the center of the room. Balanced upon a hemispherical stone is a stone platform perhaps 10’ in diameter. A central vertical pole rises from the center of the platform to a height of 8’. The top of the pole has a cross-member of wood as well, giving the structure the appearance of a letter “T” upon the platform. Suspended from the each end of the cross-member is a container on the end of a thin chain.

“Watchdog” – Out of The Box #23 D&D Encounters

Out of the Box Encounters Using Daern’s Instant Fortress Introduction:

out of the box encounters daern's instant fortress Another popular cliche or trope that seems to endlessly occur in every D&D game is this: Defeat monster,   check it’s pockets, take it’s stuff. Here’s a way to rethink that. What if the magic item is part of the encounter. What if that magic item defined the encounter such that it makes it very difficult to acquire without damaging it. What if that self-same magic item was also highly desirable?

Now, let’s add something to that concept. Let’s apply a template to that encounter that takes a common everyday monster (zombie) and applies it to a monster less common…say, one that makes it harder to just take the magic item?

“The Passenger” – Out of the Box #22 D&D Encounters

There’s an old cliche that states “not everything is as it seems.” Of all the genres in gaming, books, or out of the box encounters intellect devourer  movies, Horror follows this the most. Good horror has a bait and switch, or a surprise hook, that takes the viewer by surprise. There are many foes within the Monster Manual capable of this with the right delivery. What should follow is the generation of tension, and perhaps a little player paranoia, to add depth to the next few encounters. The right moment or delivery of this “bait and switch” can set the tone and give your players pause.
  The following encounter, “The Passenger”, is but one example. The foe that is presented here can not only be utilized with every single NPC and beast in the back of the Monster Manual, but with almost every living monster in the Monster Manual – so long as it has a brain.
  In fact , the methodology for this foe has been seen in horror many times, from the Alien franchise, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, the Half-Life computer game, and basically every possession movie.
  It can be anywhere. It can be anyone. It could be the person standing right next to you…or the duke’s loyal hunting dog at his feet. Anyone.
Environment: Anywhere….
Suggested level: 2+ (see below)

Blast from the Past: Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series

blast from the past dungeons & dragons animated

The first 9 episodes only cost me 99 cents. May you be so lucky, if you choose.

1983 was a big year for me. Over the summer I turned 14, and in the fall I would begin ninth grade, kicking off my high school years as a freshman. But more importantly, it was a big year for my role-playing habits.

TSR’s sci-fi game Star Frontiers had been out for a year and was coming out with new products left and right. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons was riding high with a ton of new modules, including the original Ravenloft module (the maps!), and even the D&D Basic Set was getting a slight reworking with a new boxed set. Then towards the end of the year there hints of something major coming from TSR in 1984, and eventually that would be known as Dragonlance.

So, 1983 had a lot happening in the worlds of D&D. But perhaps the most noticeable, at least for the 13-soon-14-year-old me was the Dungeons & Dragons animated TV series.

blast from the past dungeons & dragons animated

Our heroes. Yep, that’s Bobby the Barbarian at center.

Saturday morning cartoons were a huge deal then, and TSR big shot Gary Gygax had pulled off the unthinkable when he traveled to Hollywood and got Marvel Productions (yes, of the comic book Marvel company) and Teoi Animation of Japan involved with this new animated show.

“The Menagerie”- Out of The D&D Encounters Box #20

Introduction:out of the box encounters polymorph
  It’s always important to read the flavor text. For monsters, magic items, and spells, the flavor text can turn a blase encounter into something more. This very encounter is based upon the little details of one spell – Polymorph. (Page 266 of the Player’s Handbook) However, instead of just using that spell as written, what if you created a special region affected by the spell, and tweaked it in such a way as to give the players more agency within the confines of this encounter? What if that special region was a Wild Magic zone? Mayhem!
Environment: Wilderness.
Suggested level: any, but it should be high enough to justify the possible treasure.
  The party might be travelling along a lonely road or twisting path through dense woods, and the foliage seems to abruptly open into a single but large glade. The glade is enormous, and appears for all intents and purposes to be roughly circular. At the centre of this glade is a thick and tangled copse of trees, vines, and brambles. The central tree is an ancient oak, twisted and enormous. It’s branches both reach to the sky and bend to the ground like an umbrella. Woven within these branches, innumerable vines twist and turn like a green tangle of webs, dotted by large white lily-like flowers. Shooting from the ground and entangled among the vines and trees are an equally abundant number of thorny brambles.

Want more 5E D&D potions? Look No Further Than The Emporium of Uncanny Magic

For those who played Dungeons & Dragons prior to fifth edition they might have noticed some old, favorite potions no longer appearing in the 5E D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide. This makes sense as 5E D&D is the most streamlined version of the game so far. What to do, then, if you want to include those potions in your current 5E D&D game? Simple. You turn to The Emporium of Uncanny Magic – Lost Potions from Insane Angel Studios.

“Shell Game”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #19

Not every encounter requires a lot of set up or preparation. Some encounters just need the players to out of the box encounters shell gameshow up and be willing to have a good time. “Shell Game” is one such encounter. It uses the resources on the table as the encounter starts, and uses those limited resources to maximum effect to create an oddball moment that might come up in later conversations. And really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Environment: Dungeon, but anywhere you wish to set up the conditions.
Suggested level: any.
The characters will enter upon a room or cavern that present the players with a series of challenging puzzles. There should be a Strength challenge, a Dexterity challenge, and an Intelligence/Wisdom challenge. This series of puzzles are essential to proceeding to the next room.
  The players enter a chamber that is perhaps 30’ in diameter, but soars upward like a cylinder with a ceiling at least 100’ above them. Looking way up, faintly lit by bio-luminescent fungi, is the outline of the exit way above. No rope, ladder, steps, or handholds exist to reach this upper exit.
  Presented before the players will be a series of odd geometric shapes carved from a variety of substances like wood, stone, and crystal. Each item has a unique shape, and are scattered randomly around the room.

5th Edition Tome of Beasts – Aberrations

Hello again I am guess you can tell from the title that Nerdarchist Ted is here to talk more about the tome of beasts kobold press 5th edition  awesome monsters found in the Tome of Beasts.  Last week I touched on the Devils in the book.  You can check out that article here.  Today we are going to look at some of the Aberrations that can be found within its pages.

Aberrations are creatures from beyond.  They are nor of this world and are the things of nightmares.  This time Kobold Press brings you 20, if my count is right, new aberrations for use in your 5th edition game.  I can assure you that with this spread you get challenge ratings as low as 1/4 with the map mimic and as high as 19 with the Shoggoth

The Map Mimic is cool because it allows dms to use those nasty surprise creatures at the earliest levels.  And who does not want to have them find a map that leads to another mimic?  Think of all the fun you aberrationcan do with such a thing.

Shoggoth, I believe is right out of Cthulian Horrors.  With a challenge rating of 19 I would imagine it would be so.  This is the type of monster that could have a campaign leading up to it as the major adversary.  And since the tome of beasts gives you so many more options you have enough aberrations to make that type of game happen

The Arboreal Grappler is an awesome Ape with limbs that are at least 10 foot long.  Encounter this guy on the plains and you are all set, but meet this guy in the jungle with heavy tree cover and they might just pull you up into their world and let you fall to your death.  

“The Albatross”- Out of the Box #18

I can’t speak for other players or DM’s, but I get a lot of my inspiration from music. The simple act of thri-kreen encounterslistening to the radio in my car, or a playlist on my phone while showering, can lead to outbursts of “I have to write that down!” Songs inspire character concepts, back stories, encounters, scenes I want to lay out for my players, or images that lead to character sketches and other artwork. This encounter was inspired when I heard “Albatross” by Big Wreck.
  In this encounter, “The Albatross” is a metaphor. Since “Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner”, the concept of “wearing the albatross” (aside from one Monty Python sketch) as come to mean being saddled with a burden or a debt to be repaid. It could mean being wrongfully vilified, perhaps even willingly so, just to serve a greater good. It could mean bearing an immense responsibility, or taking on a curse to save another from it.
  In this case, “The Albatross” will create a burden, and in an environment or setting not normally expressed in a tabletop game, but which occurs frequently in an online RPG setting – the escort mission. The intent is to test the resolve of the party, as well as the willingness to share a burden.
Environment: Wilderness, but it could be anywhere travel is required.
Suggested level: variable.
Perhaps as the party travels through the wilderness  in a twisting forest road,  a hazardous mountain trail, or fog-covered tangled swamp passage, the party will hear the faint cries for help. A successful Perception (DC: 12) will determine it to be female, but in a voice that doesn’t sound human. If the party would like to find the source of this voice, they will need to make either a successful Survival (DC: 13) or Investigation (same DC) roll.