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Nerdarchy > Roleplaying (Page 26)

Bullywug Playable Race for 5E D&D

customized raceNerdarchsit Ted here and today we get to hop into a new customized race in tribute to the game run at Philly Games con by Nerdarchist Ryan.  His game went over so well that people wanted to know how to use a Bullywug as a playable race in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.

Bullywug – customized race in Dungeons and Dragons

Bullywugs have a rich culture presented in the Monster Manual.  They will grovel and debase themselves in the presence of their superiors and will use cunning and murder to try and climb up the political ladder of their community.

Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition

Forging Bastion — 5E D&D Magic Item

customized magic itemNerdarchist Ted here and I am hear to expand on our video series Mage Forge making customized magic items for 5th edition.  Today we delve more into the magic item we created for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition; Bastion the Pact of the Ogre Magi.

Alex Maxwell gave us the inspiration for reskinning a magic item and making it something unique and interesting.  I feel that making new customized magic items makes the party more excited because it is not something out of the book and it enriches the world because someone had to have made it.

Getting into Character for Tabletop Roleplaying

Hello Nerdarchy friends and fans! Nerdarchist Ted here. Today we are going to step back and lift the veil from the gaming world and talk about the mindset. I have been tabletop roleplaying for well over two decades. In this time I have played countless characters both as a Dungeon Master and as a player character. Whether you wing it every session or you have a detailed process, you might want some tips so here are some ideas to help you out.

Willing Suspension of Disbelief Creates an Immersive RPG Experience

Even with the light from your torch the stairwell’s end cannot be seen. As you cautiously make your way down each step, the cracks and crevices on the sides of the wall quiver and writhe in time to the torch’s flickering flame. 

The Willing Suspension of Disbelief is Used to Create an Immersive RPG creepy stairwellUnseen cobwebs flutter against your eyes and face. There is a rushing sound like one unending breath that you hear too close to your ear. You see something move in the shadows just outside the torch’s glow. You hear a scratching, chattering cacopho-

*crackle, crackle*The Willing Suspension of Disbelief is Used to Create an Immersive RPG gamemastering and chesse puffs

*crackle, crackle*

” Hey pass over those Cheese Puffs”

Sigh… The dreaded words that quell the willing suspension of disbelief in an immersive RPG.

“Pass me the ______” ( food or beverage )

           As a DM, if that blank is not filled by the words “Holy Avenger” or some other fantasy item, it really deconstructs the built up tension.

Thus undermining the work that we, as DMs, put into setting the mood of  encounters.

While experienced players can still hack it when it comes to mood disruptions they still lessen the overall experience for everyone.

Why is that the case?

Famous Wizards of Distinction — Bigby

Greetings my fellow Nerdarchists. In the weeks and months to come I am going to highlight famous wizards of distinction by delving into the backgrounds and spells of magic users .

I have already completed articles on Leomund- the nerdy prepper, Tenser- the One Man Army for Goodness, Drawmij the Mysterious Traveler, and Otiluke- the Siege Alchemist.

I will continue focusing on famous wizards of distinction from RPGs but that does not mean I am excluding the backgrounds and spells of magic users from books, movies, and comics. Famous Wizards of Distinction: Backgrounds and Spells of Magic Users - Bigby with goatieGive me a compelling example of wizardry and I will write it up.

This week I am focusing my attention on the cautious yet force-full handy man himself, Bigby.

Famous Wizards of Distinction — Drawmij

Greetings my fellow Nerdarchists. In the weeks and months to come I am going to highlight famous wizards of distinction by delving into the backgrounds and spells of magic users . I have already completed articles on Leomund- the nerdy prepper, Tenser- the One Man Army for Goodness, and Otiluke- the Siege Alchemist.

Famous Wizards of Distinction: Backgrounds and Spells of Magic Users - DrawmijI will continue focusing on famous wizards of distinction from RPGs but that does not mean I am excluding the backgrounds and spells of magic users from books, movies, and comics.

Give me a compelling example of wizardry and I will write it up.

Now let’s take a look at Jim Ward ‘s character, Drawmij. A wizard played by that guy.

Famous Wizards of Distinction — Tenser

Greetings my fellow Nerdarchists. In the weeks and months to come I am going to highlight famous wizards of distinction by delving into the backgrounds and spells of magic-users . I have already completed articles on Leomund, the nerdy prepper and Otiluke the Siege Alchemist. Now I am turning my thoughts towards Tenser. Why Tenser? Why now? Well I chose him by accessing my on board bio-computer with search parameters of “whomever I feel like.” It spit back Tenser for an answer. Without any input to the contrary I’ll focus on famous wizards of distinction from RPGs but that does not mean I am excluding the backgrounds and spells of magic users from books, movies, and comics. Give me a compelling example of wizardry and I’ll write it up.

dungeons and dragons terrain

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — Goo-Blythe’s Guide to Surviving the Underdark

dungeons and dragons terrain” Uses sure about this tall one? Underdark very dangerous place.” whines Goo-Blythe.

“I’m sorry Goo-Blythe time is of the essence if we are going to reach the Lady Lureanna in time to save her.” said Sir Gregory.

“Yes yes I understand, but must you bring those lights with us?” quietly whines the goblin Goo-Blythe some more.

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain- The Underdark presents many natural challenges


Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Chokers! Making Adventurers Breathless

dungeons and dragons monsters

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters- Here comes the choker-

I did an article a while back called “Holy Crap! Nerdarchy’s Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters” where I talk about chokers and why I like them so much.

Excerpt From Holy Crap! Nerdarchy’s Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters-

“These guys were introduced in Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 edition. I instantly fell in love with these little creepers.

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — The Insidiousness Of A Swamp

Hello gamers out there. I have the first in a new series of posts for you — Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain. Here we get to examine the elements of nature so you can use them against your players and maybe make them think twice about stepping outside next time. Today we will focus solely on the swamp terrain with other terrains coming later. Feel free to mix up elements if you think it would work in other areas as well.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — The Voracious Troll Eats Adventurers as Appetizers

Hello Fans it is Ted and hopefully welcome back to another edition of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters.  Today I will hopefully broaden your horizons in the views of the Voracious Troll.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters

Trolls are often used as just mindless killing machines, hell bent on killing and eating and the D&D Monster Manual says that they can be used as just that, but there is no reason to stop at what the book says.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Fear The Mighty Morphing Mimic

dungeons and dragons monstersIn this edition of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters I’d like to talk to you about Mimics.  There are many ambush creatures in the various books of monsters, but there is a surprising lack of info in this very useful and deadly creature: The Mimic.

Now many of you have probably touched a statue holding a large gem or a massive treasure chest and got stuck.  You then had a battle that either your friends had to fight for you, because you were stuck or you assisted in the battle and probably were victorious and then spent the next three sessions being super careful checking every lever, door, chest, and bizarre object so it does not happen again.

Tabletop RPGs and Board Games — The House Rules To Rule Them All

Hello my fellow gamers out there.

Do you play Tabletop RPGs or board games only with the rules out of the book or box?

If you do you are missing something great.

table top gamesHouse rules be they in a tabletop rpg or board games offer many good and bad additions to the game.  So be careful if you decide to go down that road.  It is possible that if you make significant changes to a game you can alter the creators intent or completely remove the challenge that is implied with the rules.

However with subtle game play changes to your tabletop rpg or board game you can make something that you already enjoy that much better.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Beware! There Be Kobolds

In this edition of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters I’d like to talk to you about Kobolds. Since I don’t know when you are reading this blog post I’m referring to Dungeons and dungeons and dragons monstersDragons Edition 3.5 and the Pathfinder Role-playing Game.

The truth is a lot of the information is useful no matter the edition of D&D you are playing. I’d go as far as to say with a little imagination you’ll be able to use the information here in any table top role-playing game.

Kobolds even made it to my Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters blog post I did way back in March 2014.

Now on with it. How to properly employ these beasties. First and foremost don’t think you your novice adventuring party is going to clear out a whole tribe of these critters. This is the #1 mistake I’ve seen and made as a GM over the years. If you’ve planned an adventure around that you’ve already have begun on the wrong foot.

Monsters are not going to be just sitting around in a cave complex or dungeon in specific areas just waiting for you to come slaughter them and take their stuff.