Tabletop RPGs and Board Games — The House Rules To Rule Them All
Hello my fellow gamers out there.
Do you play Tabletop RPGs or board games only with the rules out of the book or box?
If you do you are missing something great.
House rules be they in a tabletop rpg or board games offer many good and bad additions to the game. So be careful if you decide to go down that road. It is possible that if you make significant changes to a game you can alter the creators intent or completely remove the challenge that is implied with the rules.
However with subtle game play changes to your tabletop rpg or board game you can make something that you already enjoy that much better.
Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Beware! There Be Kobolds
In this edition of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters I’d like to talk to you about Kobolds. Since I don’t know when you are reading this blog post I’m referring to Dungeons and Dragons Edition 3.5 and the Pathfinder Role-playing Game.
The truth is a lot of the information is useful no matter the edition of D&D you are playing. I’d go as far as to say with a little imagination you’ll be able to use the information here in any table top role-playing game.
Kobolds even made it to my Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters blog post I did way back in March 2014.
Now on with it. How to properly employ these beasties. First and foremost don’t think you your novice adventuring party is going to clear out a whole tribe of these critters. This is the #1 mistake I’ve seen and made as a GM over the years. If you’ve planned an adventure around that you’ve already have begun on the wrong foot.
Monsters are not going to be just sitting around in a cave complex or dungeon in specific areas just waiting for you to come slaughter them and take their stuff.
How To Speeks Goblin | RPG
So when you think RPG I bet one of two things come to mind. If you’re like me you go right to Role-Playing Game or for my more militant minded friends Rocket Propelled Grenade. Well as we learn in this weeks webcomic RPG in goblin is of course going to be something completely different.
How To Speeks Goblin | Fishing
Ever wonder what it looks like when a goblin goes fishing? Well in this weeks edition of "How To Speeks Goblin" webcomic I'm betting this fairy was wishing he didn't have the answer to that question. As always feel free to leave your feedback in the comments...
Game Master Tips — Covering The Basics For New Game Masters
Before I get into the basics for the new Game Masters out there, let me start off by congratulating you on taking the helm and stepping up as the GM. Of all the players sitting around a tabletop roleplaying game the GM is the most important. Nothing happens without a GM to run the game.
Game Master Tips — Rewarding Player Choices In Your Roleplaying Game

Top 10 Scariest Dungeons And Dragons Monsters (Part 2)
Top 10 scariest Dungeons and Dragons monsters continued
If you missed part one “Holy Crap! Nerdarchy’s Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters” click here
Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters (Part 1)
No story is complete without it’s villains and Dungeons and Dragons monsters are no slouches where villainy’s concerned. Over the years Dungeon Masters (or Game Masters) have been terrorizing their players with all kinds of critters faithfully supplied to them from their Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manuals as well as their own twisted imaginations.