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Nerdarchy > Roleplaying (Page 24)
DnD torch totch

Torches: Not so Bright an Idea!

Torches were a useful thing to a warrior of the past. They allowed for the easy transport of  relatively DnD torch torchstrong flame, which could be useful for several things including the rather deadly and destructive use it had in burning towns and buildings and such. This was especially useful in the past, where fire fighting was a fairly uphill battle (and still is to some degree) and when a single fire could burn entire cities at times. The point of this article is not to say torches are useless but to say instead we’ve all been using them incorrectly, be they in movies, games, or just about anything else. Essentially, torches were many things but they were not especially good at lighting your way.

Torches do not make good light sources nor, more importantly, did people of the past (for our sake lets say medieval people since this site and myself mostly talk about fantasy games) attempt to use them for light very often at all. They last about thirty minutes, create a massive amount of smoke, and there are better options, namely lanterns, lamps, and candles. Torches created so much smoke you would likely soon die if you took it deep underground since you would fill up the entire cavern/dungeon with smoke. Also note though that night blindness is very real, and torches are an undirected bright light that constantly shines in your eyes.

It would be extremely hard to see anything beyond twenty feet or so. One might argue that in a fantasy setting, like the ones many of us play games set in, the components making up torches are made of better and less smokey (and less smelly) materials than the smelly tar that made up a lot of what made historical torches flammable (modern torches are different). To which I say….fair enough and I have no counterpoint except to say games like DnD seem to at least imply their real world items are supposed to be historical and only their magical/fantasy items are intended to be taken as completely made up.

When is it okay to Voice Disagreement with the Game Master?

gameArrows are flying. Swords are swinging. Blasters are blasting. And suddenly your character goes down in a fight because of what you perceive to be a stupid ruling from the game master.

Game MasterYour blood boils and your temperature begins to rise. What you want to do is curse and yell at the game master, informing him or her just how much of an idiot they really are. Or maybe you want to break into the middle of the game and argue about how the game master’s ruling was bad or unfair.

The Mystery Your Missing in D&D 5e…

drg359_unsolved_mysteries.previewHello fellow Nerdarchists, Hope to see you all having awesome game sessions! In this article I wanted to address the common problem that a lot of game masters have trying to keep their players engaged by using the elements that are at the core of the RPG and that is… Mystery!
I have been recently tasked with running a large group of new gamers and teaching them the game of the newer Dungeons & Dragons 5e. So, with more players added I found it hard to keep each player involved on a personal level as well as how to keep the game sessions intriguing. I wanted to share with you a few tricks I learned about how to use Mystery as a tool to keep everyone happy and having a good time. On a side note, I usually don’t feel comfortable running a game for more than five players so with seven players it has become a bit of a challenge. So let’s get started…
First, I in general character backgrounds are normally a great way to engage players, but when you have seven people at the table it can become a bit overwhelming. Luckily for me my custom game world “Dark Myth” had a built-in way for me to deal with this being a Time Line. The time line in a game setting can be an easy way for players and DMs alike to quickly and easily come up with back stories to link things together. Also it can leave quite a bit of room for mystery such as “Why, did the war start in the first place?” or “Who is the spy” and many more. Questions like these can lead to a whole plethora of time-line related mysteries to keep gamers on the edge of their seats!

“It’s a TRAP!”… In Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Capture “The party steps inside the cavern as their rogue gives the “all clear”. Suddenly they realize that the shadows on the edge of the room begin to move and out of the darkness they hear the sounds of blades being drawn! The party’s rogue steps forward and says, “Sorry guys. I’m just in it for the gold!” Outnumbered they are taken prisoner!”

“It’s a TRAP!” The oldest line in the book, and in my opinion one of the best ways to add drama to a story. Today I want to cover a few ways to catch your players off guard and force them to use their wits and skill to solve their conundrum instead of their brute force or magic items.

How Do You Capture Your Players?

In gaming as in literature, the villains make the heroes


Can you name this villain? Here’s a hint: He’s a certain Canadian mounty’s worst nightmare.

What is a hero without a villain? Not much, I’d say. Oh, a character can still be the main actor of a tale, the protagonist of a story, but without that villain, the hero can’t really be heroic.

Some might argue there are tales of heroes without a villain, such as survival stories in which the hero bests the elements to save the day, or maybe a romantic tale in which there is only a misunderstanding between love interests though eventually one or both of them proves their heroism by overcoming that misunderstanding. To that I say the villain is still there, but is not so readily seen. In the survival story, the elements themselves can be the villain. In the love story, if there is not an out-and-out villain, the misunderstanding that brings about conflict can be the villain. Sometimes the villain is the hero’s own inner struggle.

Player Tips – Ways to get More Immersed in Your RPG – Part 2

player tipsLast week I talked about a player tip about using a description of your character. You can read about it here.  I am going to continue this discussion with another way to be more immersed in your character.

And that is Player Tips: CHARACTER VOICE.

Every day we speak.  We use inflection, volume and other characteristics to send a message.  Many actors are given over to their characters and develop a voice that makes sense to all aspects of the character.  Even if you are not playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition all characters have a race, a background and some sort of profession.

Does the character voice make sense for all of those pieces.  If not is there something cool or interesting about that character that makes them speak in an unusual voice?

Multiclass Character builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e (The Ranger)

rangerHello fellow Nerdarchests, Art here. I’m back with the next installment of my series Multi-Class Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. If you missed my previous article on the Warlock just click HERE.

I’m going to take up some space and talk a bit about the Ranger in general (Yes, I know I made a booboo and missed the class entirely before). However, there was a reason I missed the anger from before as I have had quite an issue finding good builds that work well thematically with the class. As most people know the basic Ranger as listed in the Player’s Guide is quite laughable and weak, when compared to other classes.  The reason for this is the lack of any real meaning behind their main class feature the “Favored Enemy”. By this I mean it does nothing to enhance the Ranger’s combat potential against said enemies like it used to in previous editions of D&D. I have found uses for multi classing with the Ranger but only as a secondary class (listed in my previous articles), but the Ranger as a primary class has been quite difficult to say the least. So, let’s get started…

How do you Class up Your Ranger?

Player Tips – Ways to get More Immersed in Your RPG – Part 1

immersedOk tabletop lovers.  We all know that there are all types of players.  Some of you care more about just killing monsters and getting the treasure, but others care about exploration not only of the world in which you are playing but within the character themselves.

There are many ways as a player or a Game Master to get fully immersed in the game you are playing.  As a  Game Master being descriptive, but not overly so, helps paint the picture of what is around.  This can be very different for each group make sure you are not over or under doing it.  Have talks with your players to make sure you are giving them what level they desire.

Tips to get You Even More Immersed in Your RPG

Multi-Class Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e (The Warlock)

WarlockHello fellow Nerdarchists, Art here. I’m back with the next installment of my series Multi-Class Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. If you missed my previous article on the Sorcerer just click HERE.

I’m going to take up some space and talk a bit about the Warlock in general. First I think the class itself is a unique design  with its’ spell-like abilities built in aka the Eldritch Invocations gained at second level. These abilities allow characters to come up with very interesting tricks and techniques. The patron selection also adds a variety of interesting mechanics as well, making the Warlock a great utility tool in  party of adventures. The third way a warlock can be diverse is their Pact selection out of the Pact of the Tomb, Chain and Blade, giving a final score in a very diverse character class. Lastly with the Warlock able to regain spell slots on only a short rest, making this class quite durable.

How do You Build a 5e Warlock?

Multi-Class Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e The Sorcerer


Hello fellow Nerdarchests, Art here. I’m back with the next installment of my series Multi-Class Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

As usual I’d like to take a moment to talk about the class in general. With the Sorcerer my personally feelings are mixed of sort. On one hand you basically have a Wizard and on the other hand you have a variation of the Wizard. But, after a closer look and a rows through the spell lists I’ve come to find Sorcerers to be very diverse as a class. Able to handle things in a multitude of ways due to their Sorcery Point ability as well as any abilities from their Blood Lines.

English not your first language? Use that for RPG fun

Monsters of Faerun Japanese 2004

Monsters of Faerun, Japanese language edition, D&D 3.5, 2004

One of the great experiences of taking part in tabletop role playing games online is that you get to interact with people from different cultures, often who do not have English as their first language. The roots of tabletop RPGs are mainly in countries which have English as a common tongue, and no few of us gamers were brought up on English and are mostly familiar gaming with others who speak English, so it can be interesting and sometimes a challenge to game with those who come from a different background.

That being said, there are plenty of online games taking place in non-English languages despite many rules sets having not been officially translated, including the most recent edition of Dungeons & Dragons. A quick look around various sites which are home to online RPGs can lead one to campaigns in Spanish, German, and any number of other languages. Still, it seems games in English are quite common, perhaps the most common.

Even the English language has its variations