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Take a Break from the Routine with a 5E D&D Vacation Adventure

Summer is upon us and this means beaches, cookouts and of course vacations! This got me thinking about vacations in our D&D parties. Downtime in any RPG often evokes things like the notorious beach episodes of anime to me. With the turbulence of the times it feels weirdly analogous to me with how our D&D characters perpetually fight for their own causes. Even fictional characters need a getaway now and again and hopefully this post offers a reprieve for you as well as some inspiration for your own relaxing hobbies. Let’s talk about vacation ideas for your D&D party.

D&D Ideas — Rescue

Welcome once again to the weekly newsletter. This week’s topic is rescue, which we discussed in our weekly live chat. We hangout every Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel talk about D&D, RPGs, gaming, life and whatever nerdy stuff comes up. Speaking of rescue in Crones and Their Cravings heroes hope to rescue a group of baby dragons from a grisly feast in a cottage of hags and their mephit chef. You can get Nerdarchy the Newsletter delivered to your inbox each week, along with updates and info on how to game with Nerdarchy plus snag a FREE GIFT by signing up here.

Excavating Unearthed Arcana that Didn’t Make the Cut, Part 3

Courtesy of the Dungeons & Dragons design team’s plethora of Unearthed Arcana playtest documents over the years we’ve seen a ton of new character options evolve from initial concepts into their final versions in official published products. Each Unearthed Arcana follows up with a survey for players to weigh in with their thoughts and impressions, which the team uses to guide further development. Some remain largely the same, some change drastically and many don’t pass this playtest stage. At this point quite a few subclasses, feats and other 5E D&D character options fall into the latter category. Curious what didn’t make the cut? Let’s get into it.


You Should Play Zoo Mafia RPG

Here at Nerdarchy we are known for playing fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons not creating new roleplaying games like Zoo Mafia RPG. I suspect people think we don’t even play other RPGs but we do. There’s actually a bunch of game play videos at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel if you sift through 3,500+ videos. Nerdarchist Ted and I love D&D and probably always will. Sometimes you get an itch that can only be scratched by playing something other than D&D. In the case of Zoo Mafia RPG the itch was not just to play but create our own RPG.

Tome of Heroes from Kobold Press is My Kind of Campaign Resource

Later this very evening Nerdarchist Dave and I plan to focus on Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel for this week’s Monday Live Chat. For a very brief preview during our meeting this morning I expressed how campaign settings hold very little interest for me. In contrast I’ve been pouring over Tome of Heroes from Kobold Press the last couple of weeks and I’m pointing at books like this as exactly the kind of resource I cherish when it comes to my own fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Let’s get into it.

D&D Ideas — Vecna

Welcome once again to the weekly newsletter. This week’s topic is Vecna, which we discussed in our weekly live chat. We hangout every Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel talk about D&D, RPGs, gaming, life and whatever nerdy stuff comes up. Speaking of Vecna the artifacts associated with this D&D villain are perhaps more iconic than the archlich himself. And speaking of artifacts we’ve got several of our own sequestered within the Mage Forge. Unlock the secrets of the Mage Forge! Elevate your games with intriguing and engaging magic items from the most common to the mightiest artifacts! Preorder your collection of 250 magic items before it’s too late here! You can find a ton of creatures for your game in Nerdarchy the Website’s Monster Category. You can get Nerdarchy the Newsletter delivered to your inbox each week, along with updates and info on how to game with Nerdarchy plus snag a FREE GIFT by signing up here.