Top 5 Things I Wish For in One D&D
One D&D is “the start of a new adventure for Dungeons & Dragons” according to Jeremy Crawford, game design architect for D&D. The announcement of this new step into D&D’s history begins with several different people explaining why D&D is special. Upon seeing these first few moments you might suspect this is the next edition of D&D, the next generation, and you’d be half right. This next step in the evolution of Dungeons & Dragons is called One D&D and unlike you might first expect it’s not changing the rules of fifth edition D&D — it’s adding to them. Wizards of the Coast says they like where the game is and they want to continue building a robust RPG system with the 5E mechanics.
Nerdarchy on 5 Best D&D Feats for an Eldritch Knight In this 12-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted explore feats in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons for the fighter's Eldritch Knight Martial Archetype. The conversation begins with Dave and Ted taking a look at the Eldritch Knight Martial Archetype in general...
Join the Public Playtest for One D&D as Wizards Presents Reveals Big News Including 2023 Release Schedule
Wizards Presents announced new products and updates from both the Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering teams like the upcoming Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen and Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn, an exciting development for D&D Beyond, celebrating the 35th anniversary of Drizzt Do’Urden and the D&D release schedule for 2023. But one announcement stood out among all others. One D&D is the codename for the next generation of Dungeons & Dragons, with updated rules fully compatible with 5th Edition along with impressive 3D creation tools. Let’s get into it.
D&D: Honor Among Thieves Could be a Great Fantasy Film But a Bad D&D Movie
Warning: this post contains possible spoilers for D&D: Honor Among Thieves for those seeking a pure experience seeing it for the first time after release. I was inspired to weigh in even further on a post I shared on Nerdarchy’s Facebook page after reading the comments. First off a social media post just isn’t enough to articulate my position.
Prime Your Plasma Engines to Blast Off with WayStar RPG
Penny Dragon Games fires up the rocket boosters and takes off for the stars as a follow up to Bergin’s Book of Beasts and its 200+ new beasts and beast-flavored subclasses for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. This new project, called WayStar, presents a complete science fiction roleplaying game based on the popular 5E system. Part of their previous project included a campaign called Firestar Falling involving the crash of an evil meteor and the ensuing peril. Perhaps out there in the vastness of space heroes might discover its origins in WayStar? Let’s get into it.
Making D&D Memes and GIFs Round-Up Vol. 3
Another week of bringing our Facebook D&D memes and GIFs over here to Nerdarchy the Website. I’ve tried sticking to daily themes with varying results. We’ve had a day of dragons, another day of alligators, one day was all Doctor Who stills turned into D&D memes and we even had a day focused on the D&D tabaxi race. You can find Making D&D Memes and GIFs Round-Up Volume 2 among last week’s posts.
Nerdarchy on GMing Zoo Mafia RPG Design Diary #12 This 11-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel is Nerdarchists Dave and Ted's final design diary for the Zoo Mafia Roleplaying Game and it's about running the game and being the Game Master. The conversation starts with an overview of Zoo Mafia, the RPG where you...
D&D Ideas — Sound
Welcome once again to the weekly newsletter. This week’s topic is the D&D movie Honor Among Thieves, which we discussed in our weekly live chat. We hangout every Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel talk about D&D, RPGs, gaming, life and whatever nerdy stuff comes up. Speaking of the D&D movie Honor Among Thieves a mob of zoo animals looking to get made may put this old adage to the test. You can discover if there’s honor among you mob of animal gangsters as one of the first people to get FREE Quick Start Rules for Zoo Mafia RPG. You can get Nerdarchy the Newsletter delivered to your inbox each week, along with updates and info on how to game with Nerdarchy plus snag a FREE GIFT by signing up here.
Nerdarchy on 5 Best D&D Feats: Echo Knight Fighter Subclass In this 10-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted dive into the Echo Knight Martial Archetype for fighters from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. They give their top 5 feats for the Echo Knight in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. The conversation begins...
Experience Your RPG Sessions Like Never Before
By guest poster Brave Alice Studios
Your imagination is our limit. “Brave Alice” studios, announced today that their 3D World-Builder/Virtual Tabletop, RPG Stories, is coming on Kickstarter on the first of September and for Alpha Testing via Steam this autumn.