Grim Dark in Tabletop Roleplaying
By Jordon Gibson When depicting fantasy in modern storytelling, especially tabletop roleplaying games, it isn’t long before your mind starts wandering into some classic tropes. Knights ride noble creatures in shining armour, quaint villages house unsuspecting and unlikely heroes and monstrous villains will always come close,...
Atmar’s Cardography™: Full RPG Modules & Random Dungeon Decks – A New Way to Dungeon Crawl
Whether you’ve been role-playing for years or you’re new to rolling the dice, Cardography is certain to enhance your adventures. It’s basically a dungeon in your pocket. Each Cardography deck is the size of a standard poker deck, and contains 52 different cards with rooms, tunnels, or traps that can be configured in countless ways.
Growing the D&D Community with Clinical Roll’s Dr. Megan Connell
Hello! Nerditor Doug here to introduce a very special guest poster here on our website. Dr. Megan A. Connell, Psy.D, ABPP is a licensed psychologist who seeks to empower the people she works with, viewing therapy as a short term method while she focuses on specific treatment goals. Dr. Connell enjoys working with teens, adults and veterans in her specialty areas of procrastination, motivation, anxiety, adjustment issues, relationship problems, anger, trauma, assertiveness training and depression.
Explore the MMO Marketplace in Safety with MMOAuctions Kickstarter
*This content is a paid sponsored article
If you have ever tried to sell any of your online gaming goods, you know what a minefield it is. The web is filled with shady websites that are only waiting to snatch your account details and strip it of everything that represents any value. Online gaming goods trading needs a service that puts transaction security as their top priority.
Lord Soth Isn’t a D&D Death Knight, He’s THE Death Knight
Hello nerds! Nerditor Doug here with a bit of content to share from the Nerdarchy community. Viewers of our Nerdarchy live chats, RPG Crate-sponsored Adventures on the Open Road, Marvel Superheroes Roleplaying Game live plays and more are familiar with Fraginator. This fan and friend of Nerdarchy games with us and remains a great part of our community. Always on the lookout for cool content, when Frags mentioned a homebrew version of the death knight Lord Soth from his home game I asked him to send it in so we can share it with you.
Top RPGs, CRPGs and Anime of 2018
Hello fellow gamers! Allow me to introduce myself. Sham B. here reporting for duty. Avid collector of RPGs and CRPGs, full-time geek, proud waifu admirer, anime fan, self-proclaimed bastion of gaming knowledge. Also old… yeah getting old gotta love it. So excuse me if every once in a while I tell someone to get off my lawn. That is a habit that seems to just come with age. Otherwise I am 18 at heart. I might grow up, someday. Just not today. Hello and salutations my few and precious readers! I come to you tasked with a quest.
Are Tabletop Games Destined To Go Digital?
I know, I know – the very title is blasphemy. Tabletop games in digital form have been tried before, and while they can be perfectly enjoyable, they kind of miss the point. These games are about gathering together, enjoying a tangible game board (with pieces and/or cards), having a few drinks together, or even dressing up for the event. It’s about community and friendship as much as the game itself, and there’s a depth of experience there. For crying out loud, it’s even become the foundation for Stranger Things, which is one of the most popular shows on the planet right now!
Dungeons and Dragons – Dungeons & What they Mean to Me – Part 2
Nelson of Infinite RolePlay here to bring you part 2.
Now when I design a dungeon those are the 2 rules that keep it on track for me. As long as I can stay true to those 2 things, then I have made a dungeon. Easy enough right? I mean with that sort of curriculum just about anything can be a dungeon! Well, yes and no
Take this launching station & space elevator for example. It has quite a large a number of large spaces. You definitely wouldn’t feel that a 60 foot wide room would make for much of a dungeon & you would be totally right. The reason, or rather the narrative behind the creation of this particular dungeon map, is that the large open spaces are primarily for freight.
Having a large area filled with stacks upon stack of crates, pallets, barrels etc. get that large space feeling claustrophobic really quickly. The varying levels of height and possible straightaways in there begin instilling the essence of a dungeon. . . . FEAR!
How Scary is your Dungeon in your Dungeons and Dragons Game
Dungeons and Dragons – Dungeons & What they Mean to Me – Part 1
Nelson of Infinite RolePlay here.
Spiked pit traps to impale the wreck-less adventurer, sharp steel saw blades spinning out from a wall waist high to cut you an half and acid, bubbly bubbly acid . . . . poor Aeofel.
Those and much more can be found in one place and one place only. The dungeon! Dungeons across the scope or RPG’s everywhere & so are the plentiful pitfalls and traps that fill them. It may just be me but I’ve been feeling that dungeons are so much more than just a place to put simple “run of the mill” traps.
Even the more elaborate traps that fill dungeons are something that I just don’t connect with. To me it’s always fealt that the approach to dungeons was simply to have a place to put these pit traps, flying blades, giant rolling stone sphere’s and whatnot. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy those traps, to a degree but they are overused & often, at least to me, the focus of the dungeon.
O.k., lets take a step back and look at some of the actual definitions for the word “dungeon”.
How do You Use Dungeons in Your Dungeons and Dragons Game
Cooperation Versus Character – Player Tips for Your Gaming Table
Loud footsteps echo through the stonework halls as you pursue the fleet goblin. The breath comes heavy and hot in your lungs as you round a corner and, without warning, there he is. A dead end! You have the jewel thief dead to rights. He throws his dagger to the ground with a clatter.
MARLENE (playing Warner, the paladin): “All right, give it up. You’re all out of options.”
JEFF (the Dungeon Master, voicing the goblin thief): The goblin cringes, then lets out a long breath, his eyes downcast. “Okay. Okay. I don’t have the Egret’s Emerald on me, though.” His eyes brighten slightly. “We can make a deal though. If I show you where the emerald is, I’ll leave town. I was just trying to get out from under the Guild anyway. Just don’t turn me in. They’ll kill me in jail.”
Do you Cooperate at Your Gaming Table
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