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Nerdarchy > Editorial (Page 19)

2017 Holiday Nerdy Gift Ideas for Roleplaying Gamers

The holiday season is upon us and it’s time for this year’s gift suggestions for the nerdy gamers in your life. Whether you’re a Game Master of player, dig your digital products or prefer physical swag in hand, there’s a little something for everyone here. This past year has been incredible for roleplaying gamers, with tons of new games and new stuff for games we’ve all been playing like good ol’ Dungeons & Dragons.

If you still have some shopping to do (or you want to treat yourself to some nifty stuff) here’s a selection of suggestions for 2017. This feature has become something of a tradition around here, and as Nerditor-in-chief I’m honored to carry on with what was passed to me by my predecessor Ty Johnston. Everyone at Nerdarchy wishes you the happiest of holidays and as the close of 2017 nears, until the 2018 gift guide stay nerdy!

Nerdarchy Dice roller app

Nerdarchy Dice App Dev Shares Insights Into Our Dice Roller App

Hello Nerdarchy community!
Did you catch our Quests & Adventures live chat #50 on Dec. 2, 2017? During the chat, Nerdarchists Dave and Ted and Nate the Nerdarch announced a new, exciting venture – the Nerdarchy Dice app. This playtested calculator is currently in available in the itunes store for iOS, ready to handle all the math and modifiers for your RPG rolling needs.
Wyatt Ferris #PlayForWyatt

Wyatt Ferris Inspires Gamers to #PlayForWyatt

It’s truly a testament to how awesome the gaming community is that when tragedy took an awesome person from our nerdy world, and his mom reached out, gamers around the globe answered the call.

Hello Awesome Crafters, Last week my 17 year old son Wyatt Ferris took his own life after suffering a traumatic brain injury. He was very active in the gaming community, both as player and GM. In order to show our endless love for Wyatt and to honor his countless hours at the gaming tables, we’re asking GMs and storytellers around the world to add Wyatt as an NPC in your games. Wyatt was a paladin, cavalier, war priest, rogue, swashbuckler, investigator, Hellknight bodyguard, and more. Please see the photos here of Wyatt and use the hashtags #Play4Wyatt #WyattNPC so we can follow his continued adventures. Thank you for helping this broken hearted mother mend after this tragic loss. I love the gaming community for starting this for my son. My Twitter is @baddicebad. Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe!

DriveThruRPG digital RPG

DriveThruRPG Sponsors Nerdarchy and Saves You Money on RPG Stuff

Nerdarchy is proud to announce a terrific sponsorship from DriveThruRPG – the largest RPG download store! Since 2001, DriveThruRPG has been a premiere online marketplace for digital and print-on-demand roleplaying games. Even more, the expanded family of sites makes comic books, card games, fiction and more available with ease. With DriveThruRPG as a sponsor, we can now pass along great deals to the Nerdarchy community.

State of Nerdarchy Address

Hello Nerdarchy community and welcome to Nerdarchy.com!

If this is your first visit to our slice of the internet, thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy your stay and come back again. For those already familiar with what we do here, on our You Tube channel and everywhere else, we’re happy to see you as always. The Nerdarchy community is something we’re very proud of and our reason and motivation to keep on doing what we do. We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for the incredible support and to spotlight some of the exciting changes and new ventures.

Nerdarchy store hosts plenty of nerd swag


Appearing on YouTube with Scott Garibay, second from left, Nerdarchists Dave, Ted and Nate show off their Nerdarchy shirts and hats.

If you’ve watched any of the Nerdarchy videos, most likely you have seen the guys over there wearing hats or shirts or other garb sporting the Nerdarchy name and logo. This is not by accident. But did you know you can purchase Nerdarchy gear for yourself? Oh, yes, you can. If you don’t already know about it, allow me to introduce Nerdarchy the Store.

Will There Ever Be 6th Edition Dungeons and Dragons

I’m nerd and I like to speculate over nerdy stuff like what imaginary character can kick what other imaginary character’s ass. Recently we did just one such speculation video. But this time it was about if a sixth edition Dungeons & Dragons will come out to kick the current edition of D&D’s ass? Sorry 5E D&D. To be honest we probably never would have done the video but our friend and guest Scott requested it. Being D&D nerds it wasn’t very difficult to get us talking about our favorite tabletop roleplaying game. That is not quite an accurate description of the video. It was more about if we think they’ll put out a new edition of D&D and how long before it happens.

Ty’s Gaming Resolutions for the 2016 New Year

In a matter of days it’s going to be a new year, and like the beginning of every new year, many of us make resolutions. Some of us will try to lose weight or quit smoking. Others will try to be nicer to people or maybe promise to put money into savings. Me? This year I’m going to try to be a better tabletop role-player. How do I hope to accomplish this? By following my resolutions below.

Expanding my horizons in the new year, Part I

ball drop

Are you going to watch the ball drop to kick in the new year?

I have a tendency to find a role-playing game I like, then stick with it and nothing else for months, even years. Right now I’m enjoying Fifth Edition D&D, so I’ve been playing lots of it. See, I’ve been gaming for 35 years, off and on, and I’ve played all kinds of systems, some good, some bad, and I guess now in my forties I’ve grown a bit … maybe “lazy” would be the right word, though I prefer “skeptical.” I’m usually not interested in learning yet another system, especially if it’s one which I know I won’t be playing more than maybe once or twice. I need to break this habit. There are lots of great games out there which I’ve yet to experience, and a few which I’ve only experienced once or twice. So, one of my gaming resolutions is to play more games that are new to me, to enjoy the experience of different game systems. I’m especially interested in trying out some zombie survival games.

Expanding my horizons, Part II

2015 gamer gift suggestions for the holidays

By the time you read this, Hanukkah will have passed, but Christmas and Kwanzaa and other holidays are still more than a week away, which means there is still time to purchase presents for your favorite tabletop role players and other gamers. But what to get your friends? Rulebooks and dice are the easy answer, but likely your pals will already have those. If you want to get them a different type of present, check out some possibilities below.

dice candies

Something chocolate this way rolls