IDW D&D Comic Book – Frost Giant’s Fury
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University and by my name, you can probably tell that I kind of like comic books. I review a lot, and one of my current favorites is one that may appeal to every Nerdarchist. The comic in question...
Writers: Coping with negative reviews
Dealing with negative reviews If you are a short story writer or a novelist or even a non-fiction writer, not everyone is going to appreciate your work. In fact, some folks might downright hate it. And a lot of them are very vocal, especially online. They...
Nerdarchy the comic book! Issue No. 1
Face front, True Believers! In addition to his mild-mannered position as a Nerdarchy staff writer, William C.‘s alter ego is that of Professor Bill. In this other guise he runs Comic Book University, a YouTube channel dedicated to all things comic book. You may also recognize him from the recent live streaming game at Nerdarchy’s YouTube channel. Thursdays at noon EST, Professor Bill takes on the great power and great responsibility of acting as Judge for a game of Marvel Super Heroes RPG.
No, I will not write your book for you
Writers hear it all the time, especially fiction writers. “Hey, I’ve got a story idea for you!” Really? How nice. Often the person with the story idea is only trying to be helpful, but other times they have dollar signs in their eyes. For that second type of person, words to this nature usually soon come spewing forth, “How about I give you the idea, you write it and sell it and we split the profits?”
Blast from the Past: Nerdarchy Invades the Marvel Universe
[youtube] Class was in session when Professor Bill from Comic Book University (aka Nerdarchy staff writer William C.) took a group of mild-mannered nerds for a trip to the heart of the Marvel Universe for a game of the Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game. [caption id="attachment_19932"...
Blind characters not unknown in film, books, comics
On Last Monday’s “Nerdarchy: Live Chat,” the chat itself talked for more than a half hour about different kinds of blind characters. I figured I’d expand on the lore a bit more.
Should fiction writers join a writing group?
What is a writing group?
A writing group is a gathering of people for the purpose of critiquing each other’s writing. This is a fairly common practice among beginning fiction writers, but other writers can learn from it, too. Writing groups can be as small as a few people or they can be as large as 20 or so, but my thinking is anything beyond that becomes unwieldy.
Jim Moreno live chats with Nerdarchy
Want to know what it takes to be a writer covering nerd culture? Nerdarchist Dave welcomed journalist and writer Jim Moreno to the Daily Live Chat #41 at Nerdarchy’s YouTube channel to talk about his journey to becoming a professional writer and share tips and advice for aspiring writers.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 review
Hey, guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University, and what kind of professor of comics would I be if I didn’t see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 (GotGv2)? Here are my thoughts.
Write, but don’t expect to learn it from others
Other people can't teach you to write. Even the greatest writers of all time can't teach you to write. Shakespeare? No. Stephen King? No. Hemingway? Not a chance. They can offer advice. They can let you know what works for them. But the truth is, what works...
World Building in Dune
Hey guys, Professor Bill of Comic Book University here, and I really want to thank everyone who commented and contributed to my last two articles. That says a lot about your love for the Open Legend content and the campaign.
This week I just want to chillax a little and talk about Dune, my hands down favorite sci-fi story ever.
Help Me Create a City for Nerdarchy
Hey guys, Professor Bill here from Comic Book University, and two things happened on last Friday’s live chat with Nerdarchy. First off, I was promoted. Dave invited me to be a fill-in player for the “Open Legend” game we’ll start playing this Friday (weekly – noon EST) and I said, sure.
Improve Your Writing by Forgetting About It
You’ve just finished writing your book or article or poem or what-have-you. You’re ready to plunge into editing and rewriting.
But hold on a second. Unless you’re on a tight deadline, it’s probably best to set aside your recent writing project for a while. Why? So you can come to the words on the page or screen with fresh eyes.
Open Legend kobold character concept
Hey, guys, Professor Bill here, and I’m playing in the Nerdarchy “Open Legend” game on Friday’s at noon Eastern Standard Time. Actually, I’m the auxiliary player, so when someone else can’t make the game, then I show up last minute. Nonetheless, I want my character to be on point and I figured I’d share my concepts with you. And, of course, I made him with superheroes in mind.
Comics and RPGs: Voices in my head
Have you ever played a possessed character? How about a Malkavian from World of Darkness? I love the crazy character, the haunted ones; they have so much to offer.
Now I think most Vampire: The Masquerade players and GMs know that the Malkavians aren’t necessarily crazy, that in fact they are speaking to someone through a dimensional wormhole or some other such story, but to everyone else they seem perfectly mad. Imagine if you were warped from the ’80s into the future “McFly!” and you saw all these people walking down the street talking to themselves? You don’t know what Bluetooth is, so they all look crazy to you.