How to Speeks Goblin | Sleighing
Hello and welcome Nerdarchy reader to this week’s goblins web comic where we see what our goblins are up to for the holidays. In this week’s webcomic of How to Speeks Goblin we see what happens when a couple of goblins take sleigh ride for two. But I don’t think these little green guys have romance on their minds. From this goblins comic we can see it isn’t such a great idea to spend the holidays around goblins.
How to Speeks Goblin | Mistletoe
It's that time of year again when our goblins have been known to deck the halls, trim the tree and launch mistletoe. In this week's webcomic of How to Speeks Goblin we look at the time honored tradition of mistletoe. I know, gross, but goblins...
How to Speeks Goblin | Linguist
Hello Nerdarchy reader I see a How to Speeks Goblin webcomic so it must be Wednesday. Let's check in on our little green goblin friends and see what their up to this week. Oh look there is one of the goblins in their natural habitat...
How to Speeks Goblin | Goblinoid
If you love pizza, bad 80's references, and goblins you are going to love this weeks webcomic- How to Speek Goblin| Goblinoid. ...
How to Speeks Goblin | Happy ThanksTaking
It's the holiday season and time to spread mirth and joy or mayhem and discord if you happen to be a goblin. Just because their little green, vicious, and goblin doesn't mean they don't enjoy holiday celebration as much as the next person. Let's see...
How to Speeks Goblin | Promotion
When one goblin pass the mantle of leadership to another goblin it's truly a special moment in one of their lives. This week lets take a look at how goblins choose their successors. Is it bloodline? Is it who has the best leadership qualities? Or...
How to Speeks Goblin | Spa
Every feel like you just needed to get away? Well maybe our little green goblin friend here can help. In this weeks "How to Speek Goblin" we see what goblins consider a spa day. Looks like this dwarf is finding out the hard way to...
How to Speeks Goblin | Roll-Playing
If you ever wondered how goblins role-played, well wonder no more. Goblins have a fine tradition of role-playing...
How To Speeks Goblin | Doing Dishes
It's time to check in on our little green friends with this week's How To Speeks Goblin. Now let's look at the domestic aspects of goblin life. You may not want to let a goblin do your dishes. Let us know what you think of this...
How To Speeks Goblin | Lock Pick
This week's webcomic we check in on our little green friends to see what they are up to. The first thing we find is one our goblin friends hard at work and up to no good. Not all goblins are thieves, but this one appears...
Finding Inspiration for 5E D&D Campaigns
Hey friends, Nerdarchist Ted here. Running a campaign in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or any other tabletop roleplaying game is hard and writing material for said campaign can be even harder. When doing so you have to predict possible actions your players will make and be prepared for the most obvious options but as as Dungeon Master where do you come up with the ideas?
How To Speeks Goblin | Gnoming
This week's webcomic How To Speeks Goblin we explore a goblin favored past time. Young goblins will go out looking for a good time after over enjoying a night on the town. From the Urban Dictionary Gnoming. I have a feeling Our goblins have a completely...
How To Speeks Goblin | Underwear
What do goblins wear underneath their clothes? In the weeks webcomic "How to Speeks Goblin" we explore the scary topic of goblin under garments. So now we know to think twice before entering a goblin sleeping quarters without knocking. As always leave your comments below. If...
How To Speeks Goblin | Cosplay
This week we explore our happy little goblin taking part in a recreational activity, cosplay. What might a goblin like to cosplay as you might ask. Well perhaps a dwarf, a halfling, a gnome, or even a happy little elf like this fella. Not only...
How To Speeks Goblin | Virtuoso
Welcome to another week of How to Speeks Goblin. In this week's webcomic one of our little green skinned friends get a little musical and even fancy's himself a real virtuosso. In previous episodes of How To Speeks Goblin we've seen our goblins exhibit other...