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Reading List

Nerdarchy > Reading List (Page 9)
goblins web-comic

How to Speeks Goblin | Sleighing

Hello and welcome Nerdarchy reader to this week’s goblins web comic where we see what our goblins are up to for the holidays. In this week’s webcomic of How to Speeks Goblin we see what happens when a couple of goblins take sleigh ride for two. But I don’t think these little green guys have romance on their minds. From this goblins comic we can see it isn’t such a great idea to spend the holidays around goblins.

Finding Inspiration for 5E D&D Campaigns

Hey friends, Nerdarchist Ted here. Running a campaign in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or any other tabletop roleplaying game is hard and writing material for said campaign can be even harder. When doing so you have to predict possible actions your players will make and be prepared for the most obvious options but as as Dungeon Master where do you come up with the ideas?