Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Enchantment Spells
Salutations, nerds! It’s time to comb over Enchantment magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and I’ve got to be honest with you, it doesn’t settle particularly well with me. Necromancy always gets the bad rap for being the evil magic for controlling dead bodies and then you’ve got enchanters over there manipulating living people. I have way less of a problem with someone raising my corpse than using me as a puppet while I’m alive. Which isn’t to say I don’t think people should play with this 5E D&D school of magic — characters do evil stuff sometimes. I just want to acknowledge the skeeviness of this before we continue. Of course it also matters how you use enchantment magic. Some uses are going to be worse than others, or better. For instance, there are also a lot of buffs in the enchantment school. Who doesn’t like buffs? Shall we, then?
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Divination Spells
Salutations, nerds! We’re about to peek into the future with Divination magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Revealing information, peeking into the past or future and uncovering all things hidden fall under the auspices of divination spells in 5E D&D. Grab your Tarokka deck and let’s get ready to roll.
Top 10 5E D&D Homebrew Psychic Spells by a Factor of Three
I’ve explored all the schools of magic, subclasses for every class, feats and a few other categories of content for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons homebrew material found at D&D Beyond. In this post I’m checking out homebrew psychic spells for 5E D&D. You’ll find over 1,820 of these at DDB. We get a kick out of checking out the 5E D&D content folks come up with and sharing their homebrew creations. (There’s lots of these posts whether for homebrew subclasses, magic items, spells, feats and more floating around for the curious.) Let’s get into it.
D&D Ideas — Force & Psychic
Welcome once again to the weekly newsletter. This week’s topic is force & psychic, which we discussed in our weekly live chat. We hangout every Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST on Nerdarchy Live to talk about D&D, RPGs, gaming, life and whatever nerdy stuff comes up. Speaking of force & psychic in Mirror, Mirror a forlorn Hearth Hope creature’s psychic feedback assaults the living with images of their own past failures while in Mirrors of the Soul a mystical force shifts adventurers between the real world and one of shadowy illusions… You can get the Nerdarchy Newsletter delivered to your inbox each week, along with updates and info on how to game with Nerdarchy plus snag a FREE GIFT by signing up here.
Character Death in 5E D&D is Boring!
Character death is a staple of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons lore. In dark fantasy settings like Wildemount, Dark Sun and Ravenloft, character death is an ever-present looming danger. But sometimes character death is lame, or worse — boring. Today I’m sharing some thoughts and ideas on how we can mix up death in our 5E D&D games to keep things new and fresh (no pun intended).
Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Public Domain Cleric
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted explore one of the Top 10 homebrew lists from here at the website, in this case the highest rated, most viewed and most added Divine Domains for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. In the comments for the video someone mentions an idea for a cleric option called the Public Domain and several responses enthusiastically support the idea of creating this homebrew option. So let’s get into it and come up with the Public Domain for 5E D&D clerics.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Conjuration Spells
Salutations, nerds! Conjuration magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is on the docket for today as per the unassailable law of alphabetical order. In 5E D&D conjuration spells mean summoning creatures and objects, materializing things out of thin air and one of my favorite kinds of spells — teleportation. If abjuration magic sends things away and back to whence they came then conjuration magic is about pulling them over to where you are now. A conjurer must understand the planes they’re working with, both for traveling between them and for calling what they require through them. They also have to understand the structure of magic in order to fabricate the things they need out of it.
Quest RPG is Perfect for a Live Roleplay Stream and You’ll Never Guess Why
Recently on Nerdarchy Live we completed Ingest Quest 2, hosted by our own beloved Nerditor Doug. Quest RPG was the system powering our romp through culinary weird space and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit skeptical of this new system. However by the end of everything, I think Quest RPG is one of the best systems out there for running an entertaining game stream. Let’s explore some takeaways from the game and what Quest RPG does really well to make itself an ideal system for roleplay heavy groups and thus, conducive to a great stream game.
Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Rage Singer
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted bang their heads together and come up with a barbarian and wizard combo for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons with the Rage Singer character build. Metal health will drive you mad, after all. We want it louder, more power for a 5E D&D character who’s gonna rock it till it strikes the hour. Let’s get into it.
Worldbuilding and Character Development for 5E D&D Inspired by Game of Thrones — Chain Shirt
While rewatching Game of Thrones all the way through for a second time recently the series engaged me in different ways this time around. It’s fun knowing the fate of characters and watching how each step along the way influences the outcomes. In addition being caught up in the spectacle the first time around I simply missed a lot of the nuance. Like countless other fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons nerds the show appeals to me as a source of gaming inspiration too. One particular standout from Game of Thrones is the armor worn by warriors across Westeros and Essos. A wealth of worldbuilding and character development potential for 5E D&D awaits through armor and I’m excited to explore them. Let’s get into it.