All Aboard Izzy’s Slightly Used Airships for 5E D&D
Izzy’s Slightly Used Airships got put on my pile by a very eager creator, BrightShield on the Dungeon Master’s Guild. This may not seem like an important detail but it is. BrightShield has shown a propensity toward being his own biggest critic time and time again. Before I even got the product, he had been through several rewrites and several more occurred after I got it. BrightShield has accepted and even eagerly welcomed all criticism with grace.
This observation is not normally part of my review but this becomes a factor when it means the product is only getting better as time goes on. I was given version 1.3 to review. So be aware the product you can get is even better. In fact, while writing this I had found a typo, pointed it out to BrightShield, and was told it had already been seen to in 1.4. Izzy’s Slightly Used Airships for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is available at the Dungeon Master’s Guild.
Examining Xanathar’s Lost Notes To Everything Else for 5E D&D
After a week of exceedingly bad health followed by a week of recovery I have returned, undeterred from my task of bringing to you honest reviews of the homebrew content so popular among gamers of all generations. Today we will be reviewing the little gem known as Xanathar’s Lost Notes To Everything Else for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, available on the DM’s Guild. I’ve had this little badboy in my hands since December, and what is significant is this one I sought out on my own. This D&D content comes from the minds of Ruty Rutenberg, Lysa Chen, Will Doyle, James Haeck, James Introcaso, Rich Lescouflair, Shawn Merwin, Cindy Moore, and the one-of-a-kind Satine Phoenix. And Nerdarchy has an exclusive coupon code for when this book finds it’s way into your shopping cart too.
Invoking Emirikol’s Guide To Devils for 5E D&D
Here we are again, doing another Homebrew Review. This time we are tackling Emirikol’s Guide To Devils from Sean McGovern. Like the last review, we aim to be honest for good or ill, and this one really took a good long time to review. Why you may ask? Because Emirikol’s Guide To Devils is a mighty big book of baddies for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons (240 pages!), available through the Dungeon Masters Guild. Anywho, we will be using the same scale as last time, and will be measuring it with the same school grading system. Let’s delve in and see how this one rolls out.
Perusing D&D Player’s Companion for 5E D&D
Welcome to the trials and tribulations of a new series. In this one, I will be scouring the Dungeon Master’s Guild, StoryTeller’s Vault, and the net itself to review homebrew content of all levels of skill and professional build. I decided to open up this series with the current, as of the time my fingers hit the keyboard, No. 1 searched item on DM’s Guild.
Creating Gully, Frost and Mul Dwarves for 5E D&D
After the rather amusing bit of timing where Wizards of the Coast and I had put out nearly identical content at the same time, I wanted to hold off on doing this article in particular. With the news that the gnomes are being granted the month off, I decided why not check in on the dwarves?
Adding Detail into the RPG Experience
My friends and I were discussing what it is that makes the great memories of the gaming table different than the mundane. What it is that makes the Game Master and players play off of one another to amazing results. What we realized is every time the game reached those truly epic levels, it was because those involved went above and beyond to describe their game, character, or scene.
Kobold Press Grants Wishes with Genies Great And Small
Creating Winged, Wild and Fierce Elves for 5E D&D
Between the time this article was written (Sunday 11.12.2017 afternoon), sent to editor (Sunday 11.12.2017 evening), and scheduled to appear in front of you (scheduled for release 11.14.2017) Wizards of the Coast released Unearthed Arcana update (11.13.2017) that is of near identical nature, offering new subrace options for elves. It is not my place to claim mine is better, and I do highly encourage checking out the WotC version and using both versions as you, and your table, see fit. Thus you would achieve a more thorough play-test when time for the survey comes around.
The Wizards of the Coast Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces can be found here
In my gaming group I got into a big discussion about things we wished would be brought from older editions of Dungeons & Dragons to fifth edition. This lead to the two older gamers in our group discussing the most varied classic player race we could think of, elves.
We began to describe the wild elves, and the most elusive of elves, the Lythari. Let me bring you these subraces, and my quick versions of them. As always these are in no way official or the limits of these subraces but are merely meant to get you started bringing these elves into your world.
Roleplaying as a Challenge
There are near-limitless types of challenges within the world of gaming. From combat challenges to puzzles, there is something about conquering a problem that resonates with the adventurer’s soul within us all.
My Starfinder game had a challenge unique in so many ways. The challenge to conquer was in roleplaying, and not a simple amount of attacks or skill checks. The group ran into a completely alien species they did not share a language with, or even body shape to communicate through miming.
This got me to think of all the ways I have seen roleplaying be the deciding factor in a victory. Of the times when the players had to think and act on their feet to succeed. Let’s see how things roll, shall we?
Voice Acting In Roleplaying Gaming for Everyone
Voice acting in gaming
I have been cast for an upcoming voice acting gig, and this made me think of how this applies to gaming. At first glance I noticed the only one who gets into this at many tables is the one who runs the game. Though with the rise of broadcasts and live streams of gaming such as Maze Arcana and Scarlet Sisterhood, this is going away a bit but the question is why you should put in the amount effort needed to bring a character to life?
Kobold Press Holds All The Cards in Deck of Beasts
Kobold Press deals a winning hand with Deck of Beasts
Greetings Nerdarchy readers! Has anyone told you that you are awesome today? Well you are, and I believe that awesome people deserve equally awesome things. That being said, I have had the immense pleasure to speak to Kobold Press’s Wolfgang Baur and Inkwell Ideas’ Joe Wetzel about a product they created that has not only amazed me but impressed me. Their creative minds have shuffled together to deal us the amazing, the stupendous, the inspiring Deck of Beasts and Sidequest Decks!
What are these items I speak of you ask? Well let me tell you dear Nerdarchy reader about a dark age in gaming where one would have to lug around entire books just to include one monster. These days, the dark ages if you will, your Dungeon Master would have to turn and reference things which could take up valuable time. As a Dungeon Master, I always wanted to show the amazing artwork detailing the monster they were facing.
Despite my illustrious ability to spout adjectives with prolific prose, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Well this is where the Deck of Beasts comes in.
Constructing Fantasy Weapons for 5E D&D Races
Fantasy Weapons and Equipment for d&d 5e races
So over the years, I have written various bits of lore that pertain to the d&d 5e races as well as several campaigns.
That being said, the part that I see missing from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is the specific equipment that each race has at its disposal.
To this end, I did a bit of thinking and propose the following items and racial trait for your campaign. Now one could ask why one would even need or want more choices when choosing a weapon for your character.
The reason is that it adds a depth and flavor to the world, enhances roleplay, and adds mechanics to back the craftsmanship that is spoken of so often in lore.
From fine Elven blades to sturdy Dwarven axes and brutal Orcish weaponry these weapons are famous and iconic when one thinks of these d&d 5th edition races.
Unusual RPG Character Builds Tell a Story All Their Own
Years ago, in my great grandfather’s time, the emperor sent out citizens to colonize the wild lands and expand the Empire.
This is how we came to live north of the wall. There we found and settled lands that were more fertile than any the empire had ever seen. The game was plentiful, the water clean, and the soil rich.
We flourished, growing from a settlement to a village growing to a bustling town with every family having its own land.
And then the Greenskins came.
Shedding Light on Dark Arts Player’s Companion for 5E D&D
Normally I don’t like third party content, especially for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, but this week I found something not only amazingly well made, but well balanced for the most part.
Specifically I found the Dark Arts Player’s Companion presented by Jonoman3000. This product for D&D, found here, is something that hits a special place in my heart.
Specifically I have always loved the likes of Blade, Spawn, and Ghost Rider who meet the darkness head on with its own weapons in hand. So, if thee be not afraid, come and join me in the dark side with the Dark Arts Player’s Companion.
Campaign Rebirth: How to Keep Your Campaign Fresh
Campaign Rebirth
How to Keep Your Campaign Fresh

All campaigns experience highs and lows, even if you’re the party on the cover of the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. [Art by Tyler Jacobson]
This is something many groups fail to do in various roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons, World of Darkness, and Pathfinder. Changing the focus, the goals, or the theme to spice things up. The problem is that not every group can do this, and some cannot even recognize when it is happening.
I hope that this little article will help you in both these regards and assist you in steering the proverbial horse away from the cliff. Let’s delve into campaign rebirth