Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Evocation Spells
Salutations, nerds! Let’s explore evocation magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. These spellcasters represent elementalists and those who make things go boom! Evocation magic is arguably the most useful 5E D&D school of magic in combat and most healing spells are also classified as evocation too. Evocation is also the school I don’t feel as inclined to glorify for you because so many 5E D&D players already at least strongly consider playing an evoker or at least rely heavily on spells from this school of magic. Let’s blast off!
Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Identify Intern
Salutations, nerds! I’ve got another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPC for your pocket today. Last time we went with a fence for shady types to give their ill begotten gains to for payment and now we’re going to be talking about the Identify Intern. This is the 5E D&D wizard the party can bring their magic items to if none of them knows how to cast identify themselves. Pocket Full of NPCs gives 5E D&D Dungeon Masters a variety of characters you can pull off the shelf whenever you happen to need them.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Transmutation Spells
Salutations, nerds! In this post I’m exploring ideas about my personal favorite school of magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons — transmutation! Polymorphs, classic transmutations and enhancements all fall under this 5E D&D school of magic. Fun fact — transmutation is also where you will find time related spells (not that 5E D&D has any explicit time manipulation magic but more on this later). I see School of Transmutation spellcasters so rarely and I think it’s a shame because there’s not a whole lot more thematic than a transmuter. Turning lead into gold or your apprentice into a whole bunch of different kinds of animals…mmm. It’s just good. So let’s crack into this.
Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Fence
Salutations, nerds! I’m back with another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPC for you, something to keep in your back pocket for when your 5E D&D players need them. Last time we spent some time with a lycanthropic barbarian and this time we’re looking at something a little bit more utilitarian and subtle. I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where your rogue characters stole something and needed to get rid of it, right? Well, you’re in luck. That is the very situation this NPC was geared toward.
Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Ulfhednar
Salutations, nerds! I keep a pocket full of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPCs I can reach for whenever I need to stall characters or they’ve made a request I wasn’t specifically ready for. Honestly, pulling characters out of the ether is a strong point of mine but I know for a lot of people this isn’t the case. And so, Pocket Full of NPCs gives 5E D&D Dungeon Masters a variety of characters you can pull off the shelf whenever you happen to need them.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Enchantment Spells
Salutations, nerds! It’s time to comb over Enchantment magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and I’ve got to be honest with you, it doesn’t settle particularly well with me. Necromancy always gets the bad rap for being the evil magic for controlling dead bodies and then you’ve got enchanters over there manipulating living people. I have way less of a problem with someone raising my corpse than using me as a puppet while I’m alive. Which isn’t to say I don’t think people should play with this 5E D&D school of magic — characters do evil stuff sometimes. I just want to acknowledge the skeeviness of this before we continue. Of course it also matters how you use enchantment magic. Some uses are going to be worse than others, or better. For instance, there are also a lot of buffs in the enchantment school. Who doesn’t like buffs? Shall we, then?
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Divination Spells
Salutations, nerds! We’re about to peek into the future with Divination magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Revealing information, peeking into the past or future and uncovering all things hidden fall under the auspices of divination spells in 5E D&D. Grab your Tarokka deck and let’s get ready to roll.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Conjuration Spells
Salutations, nerds! Conjuration magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is on the docket for today as per the unassailable law of alphabetical order. In 5E D&D conjuration spells mean summoning creatures and objects, materializing things out of thin air and one of my favorite kinds of spells — teleportation. If abjuration magic sends things away and back to whence they came then conjuration magic is about pulling them over to where you are now. A conjurer must understand the planes they’re working with, both for traveling between them and for calling what they require through them. They also have to understand the structure of magic in order to fabricate the things they need out of it.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Abjuration Spells
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m studying up on abjuration magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Some of you are probably squinting at this thinking it’s awfully convenient since this 5E D&D school of magic begins with the letter “A” and those people would be right because I’m going to hit the others as well, in the unassailable alphabetical order. As one does. So! Defensive spells, banishments and negation magic. Abjuration in 5E D&D is all about protection and saying nope. Spellbreakers are super cool, and honestly I don’t feel like they get nearly enough credit.
Expanding 5E D&D Background Characteristics — Urchin
Salutations, nerds! I’m onto the Urchin background for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons in the unassailable order that is alphabetical. Time to explore expanded personal characteristics for street rats! I’ve had a lot of fun playing 5E D&D characters like this myself and I’ve seen a lot of good urchin characters played as well. Let’s dive in and expand the options for background characteristics, shall we?
5 Underrated Pieces of Adventuring Gear from the 5E D&D Player’s Handbook
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m taking a look at basic adventuring gear for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Specifically I’m looking at adventuring gear from the 5E D&D Player’s Handbook I haven’t seen in play nearly enough. These pieces of adventuring gear are things you can find in most shops, many of provide a measurable mechanical benefit to characters who use them.
Expanding 5E D&D Background Characteristics — Soldier
Salutations, nerds! I’ve reached the Soldier background for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and as quickly as the Sailor went I am just as sure this one is going to give me trouble. Bear with me and cross your fingers as I hope to come out of these expanded personal characteristics with a newfound appreciation for an archetype of 5E D&D character I seldom ever play.
Travel Through the Veil to Discover Treasures of the Feywild for 5E D&D
Salutations, nerds! I’ve been given the opportunity to look over another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons product from the Dungeon Masters Guild — Through the Veil: Treasures of the Feywild! One of the most common complaints I hear from people is there aren’t enough magic items in 5E D&D and if you are looking for a good fey flavored compilation you cannot go wrong with this one. Through the Veil: Treasures of the Feywild is 175 pages packed full of magic items high level and low, as well as full sets of magic items. I’ve got a few of these fingered for future use in games, myself, in fact.
Show, Don’t Tell, Your Tabletop Roleplaying Game Character’s Fear
Salutations, nerds! I’ve got ideas about roleplaying to share once again and this time I’m touching base on fear rather than anger. These two in particular popped out at me because they’re the ones I’ve noticed people hesitate most to get in there and play out. Of course it’s easy to say “I’m afraid” but roleplaying fear without being a ham about it is a whole other matter. How subtly you can get away with roleplaying fear depends on the length of your campaign and a party’s awareness of one another. Without farther ado let’s get into some basic tips and tricks for roleplaying fear.
Expanding 5E D&D Background Characteristics — Sailor
Salutations, nerds! And hello, sailor. That’s right, I’m offering expanded personal characteristics for the Sailor background for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons as suggested by the unassailable pattern of alphabetical order. Let’s pull anchor and set sail for traits to suit your next 5E D&D character!