Dissecting the 5E D&D Monstrosity Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m turning my attention to the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type crossing the line from ordinary to extraordinary and stops druids from Wild Shaping into owlbears — the monstrosity! These 5E D&D creatures are monstrous, hence the title, and are massively varied so this should be a fun one.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Humanoid Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Today I’m examining what makes a man. And by this I do not mean what makes an adult or what makes a male and more like what makes a sapient biped. I’m taking a closer look at humanoids as a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Giant Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! The fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type I’m covering today is a pretty big deal if I do say so myself. No? Well, I can’t see myself out so I’ll just have to write this one while I’m sitting in pun jail. Grab your magic beans and say Fee Fi Fo Fum with me because I smell something and I don’t think it’s the blood of an Englishman. That’s right, I’m looking at 5E D&D giants! From the big stompy boys who appear in your standard fairy tale fair to the jotun from Norse mythology, giants figure in a lot of fantasy’s source material so it’s no small wonder they also figure prominently in D&D.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Fiend Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I’m back with the next fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type by unassailable right of alphabetical order. Fiends! Do you want to make some fiends? I want to make some fiends. Well, at the very least analyze these 5E D&D creatures. I’m focusing on devils, demons and the lesser known but no less cool yugoloths.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Fey Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I know I express a special love of each fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type every time I tackle a new one but listen. The fair folk are a whole thing with me. I really love them in folklore and they’re super fun in 5E D&D as well. Fey are tricky but not always nice as well as prideful and vain but not always easily buttered up. If you know your fairy tales then you know fey can be easy enough to navigate around but do not lose sight of how the fey don’t see morality the same way as most humans.
Let Loose the Lamp Louse from Untraditionally Arcane in Your 5E D&D Game
Salutations, nerds! Today I want to share with you one of the creatures that came up in our last session of Untraditionally Arcane, the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign at Nerdarchy Live where the Chaos Crew takes on the role of wizards from various untraditional schools of magic because the traditional ones of 5E D&D are on the fritz and puts us in a unique position to fix them.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Elemental Creature Type
Salutations, nerds, I’ve got some hot stuff for you today. The focus of this post about a specific creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is all about elementals. These primal creatures are basically made of earth, air, fire or water. It’s a little bit more complex than this and since this is one of my very favorite 5E D&D creature types I’m pretty excited to tuck into this one.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Dragon Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Today’s post focusing on a specific creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is interesting because with almost every other creature type there’s a little bit of fuzziness around the edges but pretty much everybody already shares some familiarity with a dragon. Take a second and picture a dragon. I know something came to mind whether it’s the long snakelike Eastern kind or the big ol’ firebreathing Western kind. Listen — dragons are cool in 5E D&D.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Construct Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Like clockwork I’ve found my way to the construct creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Whether it’s in terms of golems, modrons or anything else made instead of born I’m taking you up close and personal with some 5E D&D creatures probably made by an artificer or a wizard.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Celestial Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! It’s time for a look at celestials in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, by which I mean angels. Sort of. You’ll see what I mean when we start cracking into them but suffice it to say, another day another 5E D&D creature type.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Beast Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! Are you ready to unleash the beast? Well, neither am I, but I am at least ready to unleash an examination of the beast creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Beasts in 5E D&D are basically mundane animals. These are the kinds of creatures druids look to for their Wild Shape feature.
Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Lingering Spirit
Salutations, nerds! The last pocket NPC for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons I presented was the Identify Intern and today I’m introducing something a little bit spoopier. Some of my favorite D&D sessions have been ghost stories and that’s exactly where we’re going right now so I present to 5E D&D Dungeon Masters the Lingering Spirit character.
Dissecting the 5E D&D Aberration Creature Type
Salutations, nerds! I’m going to get a little bit eldritch and talk about the aberration creature type in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. What they do, what unifies this creature type, what they generally feel like. You know the drill. We’re also going to highlight five iconic aberrations, so make sure to stay tuned for the end of the article for that!
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Necromancy Spells
Salutations nerds! Manipulating the energies of life and death falls under the purview of necromancy magic in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Necromancy is also the school you use to resurrect people. Today I’m going to dig into necromancy, which in most 5E D&D worlds represents the most outlawed school of spellcasting. Not surprisingly necromancy magic is also the favored area of study for our own Maxillae the Mad.
Study Up on 5E D&D Magic — Illusion Spells
Salutations, nerds! Next up on the docket is illusion magic for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. Illusion is the school of magic spun to ensnare the senses of others, to hide things or plant ideas. I’m going to be honest that I don’t really understand why illusion and enchantment are different schools of magic in 5E D&D except illusion creates sensation and enchantment can take full control of a creature. Illusion sits in a weird place because if you’re really good at illusion magic then they kind of become conjurations. Maybe this is part of my bias against enchantment magic because I feel like if you’re good enough at picking your illusions you can get the same effect without hitting an automatic “you believe me” button. Illusions in 5E D&D can be really fun. Just be careful not to be too heavy handed about it or you could leave your enemies asking what you’re hiding.