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Quest Starters

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The Ultimate Guide to Running Holiday-Themed RPG Games: One-Shots and Campaign Ideas with Whimsy and Wonder

Holidays bring more than festive cheer—they're the perfect excuse to sprinkle some extra magic into your RPG sessions. Whether you're playing D&D, Pathfinder, or another system, holiday-themed games offer a unique opportunity to blend seasonal whimsy with high-stakes adventure. Let’s explore how to craft unforgettable...

Incorporating The Owl House into Your D&D Game: A Magical Journey through the Boiling Isles

If you’re a fan of The Owl House, the vibrant, magical world created by Dana Terrace, you’ve probably imagined what it would be like to step into the Boiling Isles yourself. The series is full of quirky characters, intricate magic, and fascinating lore—all elements that...

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Reclusive Researcher

Salutations, nerds! Did your fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons party forget to take identify? Got no wizard? Need a nerd who they can go to for the cleansing of cursed items or simply require a plot hook to motivate the party delve into the ruins of an exploded wizard lab? I’ve got a character for you.

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Way Guardian

Salutations, nerds! Do you ever need to make a quick jaunt through the deep dark woods more interesting and yet still go smoothly enough to get to your destination in the same session? The last pocket NPC for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons I presented was the Lingering Spirit and today I’ve got a new one for you.

5E D&D demiplane

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Lingering Spirit

Salutations, nerds! The last pocket NPC for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons I presented was the Identify Intern and today I’m introducing something a little bit spoopier. Some of my favorite D&D sessions have been ghost stories and that’s exactly where we’re going right now so I present to 5E D&D Dungeon Masters the Lingering Spirit character.

Halloween RPG Adventure Hooks Sure to Get Your Gaming Group Screaming

Nerdarchy is doing a Halloween one shot special with our monstrous friends from the McDonner Manor! Whether you’re running Quest, fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons or another tabletop roleplaying game we’ve got you covered with some ideas for you guys and ghouls! With the most spooktacular time of year in full swing it should come as no surprise many Game Masters are looking for ideas to run a quick and easy one shot for Halloween, Day of the Dead or a number of other holidays to incorporate into their campaign settings. To assist, I thought it would be fun to come up with a few prompts to help springboard your twisted imagination!

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Identify Intern

Salutations, nerds! I’ve got another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPC for your pocket today. Last time we went with a fence for shady types to give their ill begotten gains to for payment and now we’re going to be talking about the Identify Intern. This is the 5E D&D wizard the party can bring their magic items to if none of them knows how to cast identify themselves. Pocket Full of NPCs gives 5E D&D Dungeon Masters a variety of characters you can pull off the shelf whenever you happen to need them.

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Fence

Salutations, nerds! I’m back with another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPC for you, something to keep in your back pocket for when your 5E D&D players need them. Last time we spent some time with a lycanthropic barbarian and this time we’re looking at something a little bit more utilitarian and subtle. I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where your rogue characters stole something and needed to get rid of it, right? Well, you’re in luck. That is the very situation this NPC was geared toward.

mtg adventures in the forgotten realms werewolf pack leader

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Ulfhednar

Salutations, nerds! I keep a pocket full of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons NPCs I can reach for whenever I need to stall characters or they’ve made a request I wasn’t specifically ready for. Honestly, pulling characters out of the ether is a strong point of mine but I know for a lot of people this isn’t the case. And so, Pocket Full of NPCs gives 5E D&D Dungeon Masters a variety of characters you can pull off the shelf whenever you happen to need them.

D&D character rogue

D&D Quest Starters by Character Class — Rangers and Rogues

Looks like people are enjoying this D&D Quest Starters series so far and we are now more than half way through. The thought behind these ideas is to give simple little scenes for roleplaying, skill challenges or both, for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons characters based on their character class. These could take five minutes and can be great to give a player whose character does not normally step a chance to shine, or at least encourage them to roleplay their character. The advice here is designed to be generic but these ideas can hopefully inspire you to encourage your players. If a player latches onto the NPC you provide, then feel free to build on that scene over time to have it mean more and the character might keep coming back to the NPC or vice versa. That is why it is a quest starter — it can easily lead to some fun long term quests over time. Use the navigation bar at the top under the title to check out quest starters for other classes like barbarian and bard, and cleric and druid, and fighter and monk.