Deck of Many Shares Free Big Bad Booklet for Your Holiday Adventure Boss Monster
Whether you are running a one shot, a small campaign or a long story arc for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, coming up with a compelling, interesting and unique story end villain or boss monster can be trouble sometimes. Well, what would you say if I told you I have a solution for you? Have you heard of the Big Bad Booklet by our friends over at the Deck of Many?

Gollythank Gemmerous is a disgruntled gnomish toy-maker who commands an army of terrifying toys and he has had enough.
A special big bad boss monster from Deck of Many
These booklets are great. They are mini pamphlets all about the Big Bad of the month. Each booklet goes into detail for what to do with your boss monster. I have seen a few of these booklets and I am very impressed with the format. First and foremost you get roleplaying tips on how the character is supposed to act and react. I really like this feature because sometimes you come up with a concept and forget to take notes, and the attitude of the villain might change over time due to improper note taking or planning.
Next in the booklets are the traits. If your player characters have traits then so should your villains. This is not only useful as is but is a nice training tool when we decide to plan our own NPCs. If that is not enough there are multiple adventure hook ideas to rope your players into the story involving your big bad. This is always helpful to have multiple hooks. If your players miss or ignore the first one, try the second.
Deck of Many’s Big Bad books include mechanical stuff too so each big bad has lair and regional effects. Again, a teaching moment for things that can truly be the Big Bad. If they are truly powerful then they should be effecting the world around them. Each booklet I have seen not only has the stat blocks for the big bad, but some minions as well.
So our friends over at the Deck of Many want to send everyone some holiday cheer and want to give out a free digital Big Bad Booklet to all of you. It helps spread the cheer it gives you a cool holiday villain and lets you know all the cool things they are working on. You can check out their website here. Or if you want to grab that free PDF you can go here.
Better watch out, better not die!
Gollythank Gemmerous is a disgruntled gnomish toy-maker who commands an army of terrifying toys and he has had enough. The booklet is 13 pages with all the same type of information I mentioned above. That document has 6 unique stat blocks ready to drop right into your game.
We have been working with Deck of Many for a long time. These are the people who brought you the animated spell card and all the decks about monsters, spells and what not. These are the fine folks who created the amazing Humblewood. If that is not enough incentive to have you check out a free PDF I am not sure what will.
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