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Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons  > D&D Ideas: Homebrew
Title Card for D&D Ideas Home Brew featuring D&D dice.

D&D Ideas: Homebrew

Diving Into the Heart of TTRPG History with "The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx"
D&D Ideas: Beginners

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! This week, we wander through the topic of Homebrew during our live chat. Join us every Sunday evening at 8 p.m. EST on Nerdarchy’s YouTube channel as we discuss D&D, RPGs, gaming, life, and an array of other nerdy topics.

Kickstarter Spotlight

A Dive into the Abyss of Fantasy: The World of The Molt

Imagine a world lurking beneath the surface, a realm where the narrative is as rich as the gameplay is enthralling. The Molt, developed by the brilliant minds at Creature Curation and the co-creator of Vast Grimm, Brian Colin, is a d20-based TTRPG that offers a perfect blend of simplicity and depth. The game is set in a fantastical underworld teeming with danger and mystery. A system focusing on player rolls (five stats, a d20, beat that DR!) keeps the action flowing and the Game Master’s life a tad easier.

What Makes The Molt Stand Out?

1. Rich Lore & Setting: The game kicks off with the tale of Fatuma, the warlock, and their dark journey. This narrative spine weaves through a land filled with exotic locations waiting for players to explore.

2. Character Creation Fun: With eight easy steps, rolling up your character is a dice-driven adventure. You’re not just picking a class; you’re breathing life into a unique being with quirks, scars, and a past.

3. Magick & Mayhem: The Molt introduces a fresh magick system with all the perks and perils of wielding arcane powers.

4. Creatures & Cataclysms: Face off against a menagerie of nasties and navigate through cataclysmic events that bring Fatuma’s dark prophecies to life.

5. GM’s Treasure Trove: Packed with tables for everything from Random Encounters to Stealing from the Dead, GMs will have a blast crafting endless adventures.

6. An Artistic Feast: Blending 3D sculptures with traditional illustrations, the game is a visual delight, creating an immersive aesthetic experience.

Pre-Order on Kickstarter

🌟 Nerdarchy Channel Chronicles! 🌟

Adventurers, our ‘Channel Chronicles’ journey continues! Each week, we delve into the expansive world of our YouTube channel, spotlighting videos you might have missed. Sharpen your swords, prepare your spells, and join us as we uncover more from the chronicles of our shared adventures!🎲🐉

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Delving Dave’s Dungeon

Unlock the Potential of Your Campaign with Homebrew Magic!

Greetings, brave adventurers and masterful Dungeon Masters!

Have you ever felt the thrill of discovering a hidden path in the depths of a dungeon or the rush of triumph when your strategy overcomes a mighty foe? That’s the essence of D&D, and it’s also the heart of “homebrewing” – the time-honored tradition of spinning your own threads into the rich tapestry of the game.

Homebrewing is about making your mark on the world of Dungeons & Dragons, whether through new races that roam the lands, bespoke spells that bend the very fabric of magic, or custom rules that tweak the dance of fate. It’s about tailoring your campaign to be as unique as the characters within it, ensuring that every roll of the dice is a step on an unforgettable journey.

As we celebrate the creativity that makes our community so vibrant, we’re excited to share examples of three homebrew rules designed to sprinkle a little extra pixie dust on your next session. Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a newcomer to the realms, these twists can add new dimensions to your play:

  • Group Inventory

Rule: Instead of individual players tracking common equipment, consumables, and loot, the party manages a “group inventory” list. The group appoints a quartermaster who is responsible for maintaining the list, but decisions about the inventory are made as a group.

Benefit: This can streamline inventory management, encourage group decision-making and sharing of resources, and reduce the time spent on bookkeeping.

  • Clever Advantage

Rule: When a player describes their action in combat with exceptional creativity or strategy that fits their character, they gain advantage on the roll. This can only be used once per combat per player to maintain balance.

Benefit: This rule promotes creative thinking and detailed role-playing, making combat encounters more varied and engaging.

  • Skill Specialization

Rule: Characters can become specialized in a skill in which they are proficient. Through training and experience (as determined by the DM), they can add double their proficiency bonus to checks with that skill. However, they can only specialize in one skill at a time.

Benefit: This allows for deeper character customization and gives a sense of mastery over a particular skill, making characters more unique and specialized in their roles.

Embrace these homebrew rules and watch as your campaign transforms into a saga that’ll be recounted for ages to come. And remember, the true magic of D&D lies not just in the pages of a rulebook but in the stories we create together.

🐾 Exclusive Sneak Peek Alert! 🐾

Hey there, wise guy! Ready to rule the wild underworld? 🦁🔫

Dive deep into the thrilling and clandestine operations of the animal crime families in the roaring 20s. With “Zoo Mafia RPG,” you’re not just playing a game, you’re making history! Before the world gets wind of it, get exclusive access, behind-the-scenes peeks, and early bird specials. 🎲🎩

🚨 Sign up now and be the first to know when our Kickstarter kicks off. Trust us; you wouldn’t want to miss this heist!

Join the Zoo Mafia Kickstarter Relaunch

From Ted’s Head

In the realm of homebrew content, anything that deviates from the official Dungeons & Dragons rules can be considered homebrew. This includes content put out by all third-party companies that create 5e D&D content, which some argue constitutes their distinct category.

Should you venture into homebrew, a wealth of resources is available to use as a foundation. My own experiences with the game have always included crafting my own content—be it magical items, monsters, or even spells.

When creating a homebrew spell, the first question is: Will this spell be exclusively for an antagonist or monster, or is it intended for player characters? If it’s for a monster, balance is less critical, as it’s typically a one-off encounter. However, if a player character will wield the spell, rigorous playtesting is advisable. Be prepared to adjust the spell’s power—toning it down or beefing it up as necessary.

The same principles apply to monster creation. While balance is always a consideration, it only overshadows some others, especially since most monsters are encountered only once. As the Dungeon Master, only you can gauge what your party can handle. A good strategy is to use existing stat blocks as templates, initially making minor tweaks. As you grow more confident, you’ll learn to craft a stat block from the ground up. Start by modifying or swapping out spells, imbuing monsters with unique class features, or making slight adjustments to their stats. Combining elements from different stat blocks can also yield intriguing results.

For magic items, begin by drawing parallels with existing items. Creating items that emulate class or racial abilities is a good stepping stone before delving into those that mimic monster powers. Eventually, you’ll reach a point where you can freely innovate and design items that resonate with your players and their characters. Enjoy the creative process and tailor your creations to enrich your game’s narrative and fun.

Nerdarchy staff

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