“Auntie Knows Best”- Out of The Box D&D Encounters #7
Introduction: This entire encounter is all about any and all complications. It is intended as a set-up for other encounters or adventures, or as a way to advise a villain of the actions of the party. It is, in effect, a valid reason for a villain...
Monster Bag Plus Weekly Wrap
Hello and well met traveler of the internet. Nerdarchist Dave here with another edition of our Weekly Wrap. We finally got a game in after a two week hiatus of no tabletop gaming 🙁
Sometimes it just goes that way. We weren’t able to schedule our 1st Cypher System meets Shadow Run game this month and had to push it to next month. The beginning of the month Ted ran his Gryphongaff game and this weekend I ran mine. If nothing else we were at least able to book end the month with gaming. The same day this post goes up we’ll also have our fan game going on. I at least get little extra gaming in.
Couple of weeks ago Nerdarchist Ted hit up the Steam Punk World’s Fair and you can see what he picked up while he was there down below.
Ted’s Man Monster Bag
May Dungeon Crate, Tiki Tiki Board Games, and The Weekly Wrap
Hello and well met traveler of the internet Nerdarchist Dave here with another Weekly Wrap. As usual we had a week full of articles here on the website, memes on Facebook, pics on Instagram, and of course videos on YouTube. Essentially it was another week of our regularly scheduled nerdiness.
Last week we announced our monthly game with the fans- Here
The NAG, Our May Game, and Where is Nate in this Weekly Wrap 5-1-2016
Hello and well met traveler of the internet. Once again Dave here with another edition of our weekly wrap. We’ve got a couple of announcements to go along with what we did last week.
We are extremely happy to announce Mike Gould has joined us and contributing weekly a D&D series here on the website. Mike Gould has been a long time viewer over on the YouTube Channel. He’s notorious for his very long, in depth, and insightful comments on Nerdarchy videos. The series which debuted this week will help Game Masters plop encounters right into their game. The series is called “Out of the Box D&D Encounters”.
First off this is time sensitive the Easy Roller kickStarter is wrapping up in a day and half. It’s funded and they have reached all of their stretch goals. Vid and link below
Gunmetal Polyhedral RPG Dice In Complete Sets
Cyber Punk with Shadow Run, Steam Punk, and Dungeons & Dragons Another Weekly Wrap 4-24-2016
Hello and well met traveler of the internet, Nerdarchist Dave here with another weekly wrap. I’m excited to announce that we’ve conducted our first social contract this past weekend. Of course we recorded it. We also did our session zero for that game.
Scott Garibay will be the GM using the Cypher System to run a Shadow Run campaign. You can start looking for those videos this week.
Both sessions the social contract and session zero went well. They were Scott’s first foray into either. He came super prepared for the session zero which made for a great intro into Shadow Run and the campaign Scott plans on running. Most likely I’ll split the session zero into several videos since the whole video is over two hours in length.
Here is one of our 1st vids on this upcoming game-
Shadow Run Cypher System Smash-UP
Easy Roller Dice Company KickStarter Shout Out and Weekly Wrap 4-17-2016
Hello and well met traveler of the Internet,
Nerdarchist Dave here with another Weekly Wrap. First off I wanna give a quick shout out to our secret Facebook group The Company of the N.A.G. They held their first game in there, awesome! I hope to see more games going on in the N.A.G. Not only that, but great conversations about RPGs specifically 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons are happening daily.
We’ve got the game with fans coming up tonight 4-24-2016 @ 7PM Eastern Time.
Croak Hollow 5E D&D Play Through Live
April Dungeon Crate Unboxing and Weekly Wrap 4-10-2016
Welcome and well met internet traveler,
Nerdarchist Dave here with another week in Nerdarchy. As always hoping you got your game on this week. Nothing like spending time with friends and family playing make believe whilst rolling funny shaped dice. This weekend was our 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game run by me. The game play should go up on YouTube next weekend.
Speaking of next weekend that is when you can expect to check out Nerdarchist Ryan’s live game play with the fans Sunday 7 PM eastern time 4-24-2016.
The following weekend we’ll be recording our session zero and a social contract for Scott’s Shadow Run game that will be powered by the Cypher System.
It’s that time of month when we get our monthly box of Dungeon Crate by we I mean Ted. So in our weekly wrap vid we unboxed this April’s Dungeon Crate.
Nerdarchy the Adventurer’s Guild, The N.A.G, and Our Weekly Wrap 4-3-2016
Well met traveler of the internet,
Nerdarchist Dave here with another weekly wrap blog post. This past week we’ve finally launch The Company of the N.A.G. It’s an idea we came up awhile ago.
Since December we’ve been running monthly games with the fans. The Krinch that Stole Father’s Winters Day, Night Terrors, Maze of Mandoon, Enter the Crawl Wood, and we’ve got our next game coming the end of this month April 24th.
South Jersey Geek Fest Discussion, Gaming Announcement, and Weekly Wrap 3-27-2016
Hello and well met travelers of the internet,
Nerdarchist Dave here with another week of Nerdarchy and we are kicking it off with a fan pic. What’s not to love about cats and RPGs? Be warned send us your pics and we might just share them with the rest of the community. To be fair this one was shared publicly on Facebook so that makes this one open season for sure.
Will There Ever Be 6th Edition Dungeons and Dragons
I’m nerd and I like to speculate over nerdy stuff like what imaginary character can kick what other imaginary character’s ass. Recently we did just one such speculation video. But this time it was about if a sixth edition Dungeons & Dragons will come out to kick the current edition of D&D’s ass? Sorry 5E D&D. To be honest we probably never would have done the video but our friend and guest Scott requested it. Being D&D nerds it wasn’t very difficult to get us talking about our favorite tabletop roleplaying game. That is not quite an accurate description of the video. It was more about if we think they’ll put out a new edition of D&D and how long before it happens.
Junk Goblins and The Inspiration Train
How do you make the old seem new again in your Dungeons and Dragons game? This can be a huge struggle for a Dungeon Master. Any and every Dungeons and Dragons player worth his D20 knows a goblin or kobold when the DM starts describing them.
How often as the Dungeon Master have you gotten half way through your monster description when your players are calling out the monster name and maybe even the page number of it’s Monster Manual entry?
So how do we fix this in our games to avoid it? One things is to shake up your game a bit and let yourself be inspired from unlikely sources. Come with me my friend along this inspiration train of thought that has lead us to the Junk Goblin.
March Dungeon Crate Opening, Gaming with Nerdarchy Details, and Weekly Wrap-Up 3-13-2016
Hello and well met travelers of the internet.
Nerdarchist Dave here with another weekly wrap-up post. We’ve got two gaming sessions in the can from this weekend and our Star Wars gaming session is planned for next weekend. This means we should be putting up three weekends worth gaming up back to back for you fine nerds.
This upcoming Thursday the 24th of March Nerdarchist Ted will be running his adventure for the fans. You’ll be able to check that out later in the week.
This will also be our fourth 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons game with the fans. There will be more fan games coming up one every month.
This week in our weekly wrap up video we did an unboxing of the March Dungeon Crate.
5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Feat Trees- Do We Dare Go There
Prestige classes, feat trees, and endless multi-classing are things that got quite out of hand in previous editions of Dungeons and Dragons. Do we dare bring them back? Recently a fellow Nerdarchist and myself had a discussion pertaining to creating feat trees and the possible ramifications.
Our specific discussion was about adding an Improved Ritual Caster Feat to the game. Check out the discussion in the video below.
Fausthaven a City on Fire- Adding a Little Hell to Your Dungeons and Dragons Game
What do you get when you introduce steam punk, aristocrats, and infernal powers into your Dungeons and Dragons game? Fausthaven is such a place. It’s located in a northern region nestled within a valley referred to as the Cauldron.
Quite sometime ago myself along with the rest of Nerdarchy did a video inspired by real life events in Centralia P.A. Where coal mines have been burning for decades.
Instead of coal fires burning under Fausthaven we have our own source of fire and heat. Long ago a trans-dimensional accident transposed sections of a lower plane a in a portion of our version of the Underdark that we refer to as the Beneath.
Game Master Tips- The Power of Long Rest, Short Rest, and Random Encounters in 5E D&D
Dungeon Master: “You’ve been fighting and slaying monsters all day. Your caster’s spells are nearly depleted, all of you bare wounds, and you’ve just stabilized the halfling rogue who is unconscious. What do wish to do?”
The players of the adventuring party nearly in unison: “We make camp.”