D&D Direct Announces WizKids Spelljammer Figurines Including Gargantuan Astral Dreadnought
Coinciding with the announcement at D&D Direct about Spelljammer for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons there a whole bunch of incredible new miniatures and figurines from WizKids.
This highlight video evokes strong Thor: Ragnarok vibes, which I’m totally on board with for a Spelljammer campaign. The new playable races you’ll find in the 5E D&D Spelljammer collection are all represented. This includes hadozee, plasmoids and autognomes. There’s some nifty looking NPCs too including a flumph wearing a pirate hat named Flap Jack. Check out the screen shot below if you don’t believe me. There’s also some snazzy looking giff minis including one who looks like a spy complete with black bodysuit and goggles.
There’s literally flying pigs called space swine suitable as mounts, giant space hamsters that are legitimately giant compared to player character minis and a cyclopean space shark called a void scavver. There’s also two-in-one combined figures like Solar Dragon and Prince Xeleth. Most impressive is the Gargantuan Astral Dreadnought, which makes player character minis look insignificant.
And there’s ships! Hammerheads, nautiloids and other famous spelljamming vessels in ship scale suggest there’s ship to ship tactics incorporated into Spelljammer: Adventures in Space. I’m not a big minis nerd myself but if WizKids makes a premium figurine of the actual Spelljammer I’ll be mighty tempted.
In a second video WizKids shows a variety of other NPCs and creatures related to the Onslaught skirmish wargame. There’s mention of dungeons and rivals and the video highlights the various factions of the Forgotten Realms like Harpers and Zhentarim. I’d love to see more focus put on these aspect of 5E D&D, which was a big part of the initial launch. Towards the end of the video there’s mention of the D&D battle game as part of the Dragonlance announcement. My first impression of the game is it looks like something between D&D and Magic: The Gathering. I like both of those games immensely but mashed together into a hybrid? I’m not so sure but the minis look great.
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