DC Comics Getting Their D&D On with The Last God
Third party creators publish new content for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons every single day. Many times each day. Since I’ve written this sentence there’s probably been a dozen titles published online along with crowdfunded projects and the like. But it’s noteworthy to see the Warner Bros.-owned comic book publishers DC Comics announcing a sourcebook based on The Last God comic book series for D&D. The Last God: Tales from the Book of Ages debuts in comic book retailers and participating digital retailers on April 29.

D&D & DC Comics bring The Last God to the game table
Not strictly a 5E D&D compatible product, The Last God Sourcebook details the rich history of the people, locations, schools of magic and creatures found throughout Cain Anuun, the setting for the comic book series written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Riccardo Federici. They’ll be joined by cover artist Kai Carpenter and others for the book.
“The city of Cain Anuun serves as a rich and layered backdrop to a story of fantasy, adventure and horror. The evil armies of the Last God are marching across the mythical city, laying waste to everything in its path and a group of unlikely allies are the last line of defense against absolute destruction.” — from The Last God Sourcebook press release
Fans of 5E D&D can enjoy some comics-style crossover action too, since DC Comics tapped Nerd Poker Dungeon Master and D&D Beyond contributor Dan Telfer to create new game content set in the world of The Last God. Inside the 40-age sourcebook 5E D&D players will find new playable races and subclasses, magic items and monsters along with maps and illustrations from Jared Blando. The Last God: Tales from the Book of Ages will cost $4.99.
I’m curious to see how this pans out. DC Comics is certainly no stranger to the tabletop roleplaying game hobby as far back as the Mayfair Games’ DC Heroes RPG in the 1980s and DC Adventures: Heroes’ Handbook for Mutants & Masterminds for example. Bringing the two fandoms together — RPGs and comics — in a extra sized comic book style sourcebook sounds like a terrific idea. RPG fans can take the opportunity to visit their friendly local game stores for a copy and hopefully a lot of comic book fans will become inspired to try 5E D&D, possibly their first experience with the tabletop RPG hobby.
With Dan Telfer’s involvement, I wonder if we’ll see any of the content arrive at D&D Beyond where he writes regular posts over there full of ideas for your D&D games and with a healthy dose of humor baked into his writing.
I’m pretty excited to see what The Last God: Tales from the Book of Ages brings to the gaming table. An adventuresome fantasy horror setting sounds intriguing and from what I’ve read about The Last God comic there’s an element of storytelling on two different tracks of time 30 years apart. Will this timey wimey stuff be included in the 5E D&D content in the book? I’ll be keeping an eye out at my FLGS to find out. How about you?
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