It is that time of year where there is so much going on, it can be hard to keep it all together. I have had way too much going that even with us taking the weekends off from our usual gaming I feel like I still have no time. I did have some time recently to get in a few games of my favorite board game though. Betrayal at House on the Hill is by far my favorite. The fact that every time you play can be so wildly different than the last just makes it incredible.
If you have been around here for a while you will know that this is my favorite and that I have adapted the concept into D&D one shots and even ran a 6 session game at D&D in a Castle this past September. The more I play the game the more I like it and the more inspired I am to keep adjusting and making more. So today I am going to make some magic items (Cursed items?) based on some of the omens in the game. Since each omen can start the story in the game from a number of rooms, each can be flavored very differently in a campaign world. So however you want to use these items make sure you build on top of what I have here to make each item unique in your world.
In Betrayal at House on the Hill, each omen is something that can either be something simple, but creepy, or the major component of a greater story. Most of these cards are objects, but some are living creatures: a Madman, a Girl, or even a Dog. There is even one that is entirely intangible: Bite. In the game something just bites you. If it does not start the story it is just weird and gone, but if it does hold on things are about to get challenging.
So I am going to make a magic item for the Mask and an effect for the Bite. Please feel free to use them as you please in your games. If you do, feel free to tell us about it.
The Card says: Mask, a somber mask to hide your intentions.
Mechanically this card allows you to trade sanity for knowledge in the game when you put it on, or take it off to lose the knowledge and get back your sanity. It is a great swing item when you need those mental stats adjusted.
But In D&D you can easily correlate those to Int and Wis if you wanted but then the item would not be very fun. So I am going to ask you to jump to page 265 of your DMG and see the rules about the Sanity Score. It is one of the extra abilities that are optional and should be included in such a game based on a spooky house. I might have to begin using this more. It also could be very useful to rely on page 258-259 talking about Madness. So let’s dive in.
Somber Mask
(rare Wondrous Item, requires attunement)
This half mask looks plain and simple at a glance. It does not even have a way to fasten on to keep it from falling off. When you hold it you can hear faint whispers like the mask is trying to tell you something, but you cannot make it out. What if you just put it on, then maybe you could hear them. If you attune to the item and place it over your face it will mold perfectly to your face and is impossible to to come off unintentionally.
Once you attune to the mask and put the mask on you are cursed and cannot take the mask off. While you are attuned the mask can whisper secrets to you. When you attune to the mask choose one skill: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. If you are not proficient, while attuned you are considered proficient. If you are already proficient you add double your proficiency. Each time you make use of the skill associated with the mask make a Sanity Saving Throw (if you are not using Sanity make a Wisdom Saving throw instead) DC15. Failure results in a short term madness. If you suffer 3 short term Madness within a week the next failure produces a long term madness instead.
When you finish a long rest you can change the skill from the above list to a different choice. While you are attuned and cursed by the mask you do not want to part with it no matter the argument.
Next up the Bite
Bite: A growl, the scent of Death. Pain. Darkness. Gone.
There is a lot to work with here, but to work it into a story can be difficult when approaching from a generic jumping off point. This works well if the party is up against a planar foe or undead given the text from the card, but anything can work.
This will be a cool feature or mini feat that you can give a player that is designed in some ways like the wound Frodo received in Lord of the Rings. Instead of it coming from a blade it could come from a special creature or even a spell.
(add this effect to whatever caused the wound or damage)
This is a lasting wound(reduce your HP by the amount of the damage taken until you receive a like amount of magical healing). Even once the damage is gone the area is tender and sore. You have advantage on Wisdom (perception checks) to sense the source of what caused this wound. When you finish a long rest make a Constitution saving throw DC 15. If you fail, sometime during the day you will suffer a short term madness. Your dm will tell you when. It is possible to have this happen at the worst possible moment.
The Bites lasting effect changes you. Increase 1 ability score by 1.
This kind of thing can be given out singly or slowly throughout the whole party marking them by the BBEG. There could be even worse things besides this and maybe boons to work in as well.
So there you have it, just a few things inspired by my fav board game. Until Next Time. Stay Nerdy!
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