The Fearsome Cheer of San-Tac-Laus and His Minions: Holiday RPG Adventure ideas
In the frosty depths of the Winterveil, there lies a legend both whimsical and terrifying: San-Tac-Laus, the Christmas Beholder. A glittering icon of festive doom, San-Tac-Laus spreads a twisted sort of joy across the realms, aided by his faithful minions—Cheerzs, a jolly Spectator, and the mischievous gazer twins, Geh’ft and Pre’Zent. Together, they deliver gifts of magic and mayhem, blending holiday cheer with a touch of eldritch horror. A while back I made a blog post about this crazy Holiday beholder. I even did a paint job using a WizKids unpainted beholder to make my own set of holiday beholder chaos. But looking back I never actually stated him out. Time to fix that. You can read the original post here.
Adventure Hooks & Ideas
Here are some festive yet fearsome adventure ideas for one-shots or even a full holiday campaign arc:
1. The Stolen Spirit of Winter
San-Tac-Laus has captured the Spirit of Winter itself, trapping it in a glowing, pulsing crystal. Without it, snow refuses to fall, and the season of cheer hangs in the balance. The party must infiltrate San-Tac-Laus’s icy lair, confront his minions, and wrest the Spirit back before the solstice ends. This could be a negotiation or a combat depending on how powerful the players are in comparison to San-Tac-Laus. Without the snow the holiday mood seems not to have come increasing aggression and lack of camaraderie in the town.
2. A Gift Too Far
In a small village, every child has received a mysterious gift—a magical toy that has enchanted them into a permanent sugar-fueled frenzy. The source? San-Tac-Laus and his insidious gazers, Geh’ft and Pre’Zent. The party must travel to the heart of Winterveil to return the cursed toys before the town’s holiday spirit descends into chaos. Feel free to make up some serious or whizical complications that having the toys present inflict upon the party. Does San-Tac-Laus not understand the nature of what the gifts are supposed to be? Will he accept them back? Will he make appropriate toys to replace them?
3. The Great Festive Heist
San-Tac-Laus’s treasure trove, hidden deep within his lair, contains rare magical artifacts wrapped in enchanted ribbons. The party must sneak past Cheerzs and the gazers to recover these artifacts without drawing the beholder’s baleful gaze. Can they outwit the minions and escape with both treasure and sanity? In this version, San-Tac-Laus is unwilling to share in the holiday spirit, but clearly has much that the town could enjoy. The maze of mind effecting hazards could prove too much for our adventurers or perhaps they can win through and save the holidays for the town that is suffering.
4. Gazer Games Gone Wrong
Geh’ft and Pre’Zent have been let loose on a sleepy hamlet, turning it into a snowbound playground of pranks and dangerous games. Snowmen come to life, candy canes wield dark magic, and innocent carolers are caught in chaotic enchantments. The adventurers must tame the twin terrors and restore order—without destroying the town. Can the adventurers manage combat and protect the town from these monsters and the variety of hi-jinks?
San-Tac-Laus, The Beholder of Festive Fear
Large Aberration, Chaotic Jolly
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 150 (12d10 + 72)
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
10 (+0) | 14 (+2) | 22 (+6) | 18 (+4) | 15 (+2) | 20 (+5) |
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +9
Skills Arcana +8, Persuasion +9, Insight +6
Damage Resistances cold, radiant
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Deep Speech, Common, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +4
Festive Abilities
1. Holiday Aura (Recharge 5-6):
San-Tac-Laus radiates an aura of irresistible cheer. All creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute, singing carols uncontrollably. Creatures charmed in this way cannot take hostile actions but can repeat the save at the end of their turns.
2. Legendary Actions:
San-Tac-Laus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. San-Tac-Laus regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
- Ray of Cheer (Costs 1 Action): A random eye ray targets one creature within 120 feet.
- Gift Swap (Costs 2 Actions): Forces two creatures within 60 feet to exchange one non-magical item they are holding.
- Festive Blast (Costs 3 Actions): San-Tac-Laus releases a cone of candy-coated force (30 ft.). Each creature in the cone takes 36 (8d8) force damage and is covered in sticky tinsel (restrained, DC 16 Strength to escape).
Eye Rays (Randomized Per Turn)
- Peppermint Beam (Frostbite Ray): 22 (5d8) cold damage and slowed (DC 17 Con save).
- Mistletoe Blast (Charm Ray): Charmed for 1 minute, DC 17 Wis save.
- Fruitcake Bomb (Petrification Ray): Turns target into a fruitcake for 1 minute, DC 17 Dex save to avoid.
- Jellybean of Sleep (Sleep Ray): Fall asleep for 1 minute, DC 17 Wis save to resist
Conclusion: A Delightfully Dangerous Holiday Treat
San-Tac-Laus and his mischievous minions bring a unique blend of whimsy and eldritch fear to any holiday-themed adventure. Whether your players want to save Winterveil or simply enjoy the spectacle of magical mayhem, this beholder’s festive chaos ensures a session filled with laughter, danger, and delicious rewards. You can power up San-Tac-Laus or power him down to your own use. He can be full of the holiday spirit and misguided or he can be a grump like the Grinch. Treat him however you so desire afterall it is your game now. Enjoy whatever holidays you celebrate and have fun with this powerful and whimsy beholder family.
Thanks for reading. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!!
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