Unearthed Arcana Order Domain for D&D Cleric Lays Down the Law
The latest Unearthed Arcana came out so of course we took a close look and weighed in on the new Order Domain for the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons cleric. It was first presented during The Mike Mearls Happy Fun Hour, which streams live every Tuesday at 4 p.m. eastern on the D&D Twitch channel.
Unearthed Arcana: Order Domain
The Order domain represents discipline, as well as service to a society or an institution, whether that service is rendered in obedience to or enforcement of the law-civil, religious, or both. Gods on many worlds grant access to this domain, including Bane, Tyr, Majere, Erathis, Pholtus, Wee Jas, Aureon, Maglubiyet, Nuada, Athena, Anubis, Forseti, and Asmodeus. The ideal of order is obedience to the law above all else, rather than to a specific individual or the passing influence of emotion or popular rule. Clerics of order are typically concerned with how things are done, rather than whether an action’s results are just. Following the law and obeying its edicts is critical, especially when it benefits these clerics and their deities. More importantly, law establishes hierarchies. Those selected by the law to lead must be obeyed. Those who obey must do so to the best of their ability. In this manner, law creates an intricate web of obligations that allows society to forge order and security in a chaotic multiverse.
One of the things I really like about the Order Domain for clerics is the wide of gamut of deities and portfolios of concerns it covers. There is everything from good, evil, magic, death, afterlife, devils, goblins, and more. The domain itself was neither too powerful nor weak by our estimation. We definitely see some areas for some interesting combos to explore, which we discuss in the video below.
Here is the link to the Unearthed Arcana: Order Domain PDF. You will also find this and other Unearthed Arcana content on the D&D Beyond website, so you can create characters there using this official homebrew material.
Mike Mearls Lays Down the Law with the Order Domain- Unearthed Arcana Review
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