Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Nature Possessed Warforged
Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel when Nerdarchists Dave and Ted tackle our first Eberron fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character build. Back in 2018 we welcomed Eberron into the 5E D&D space, which included a fan favorite playable race in the warforged. This allowed us to step into Eberron and make the fantastic and fun Nature Possessed Warforged Character Build Guide using a race and a background specific to that wonderful world. Let’s get into it.
Behind the CBG — Warforged Druid
Every Character Build Guide we create considers the journey as much as the final outcome. We aim to present a guide suitable for any level of 5E D&D play whether you’re pursuing an epic campaign from start to finish, starting beyond 1st level or choosing a character for a one shot. Then we take those concepts and develop an NPC or creature version of the character build for DMs to incorporate into their games. All of this gets packaged up and laid out in a PDF you can find over at Dungeon Master’s Guild. We’ve got dozens of pay what you want products at DMG, many of them best sellers so if you want to check those out start with the Nature Possessed Warforged here.
All about the character story
Each CBG starts with a character concept sticking to a particular schtick, from the Mind Breaker’s psyche crushing smites to the Nature Possessed Warforged’s dichotomy of form and function. Sometimes puns and pop culture references instigate the creation of a CBG too. While developing this idea we focused primarily on why and how this character’s personality, motivation and goals affect their choices. At every step of the way we considered how this character feels about their place in the world and the steps they take to recognize and embrace their own true nature.
For us it’s important to consider who these characters are as individuals and why they follow these particular paths. One special thing to note with this CBG is while we always aim to make the journey to 20th level as practical as possible — none of these characters “come online” after an awkward slog through many levels — the Nature Possessed Warforged fulfills the goals immediately at 1st level through the combination and interaction between their race, class and background. Every step of the journey from there to 20th level offers an opportunity to further explore and define themselves.
I remember discussing how this might not be as exciting as the earlier CBGs because it’s not a multiclass character. This early in the development of the CBG line we hadn’t fully realized our own path but it’s very cool to look back and see the steps we made. A strong narrative foundation was the impetus for this entire ongoing project. In this regard the Nature Possessed Warforged means a lot to us in the grand scheme of things because it showcases how characters can be incredibly different and diverse without incorporating lots of mechanical synergy. This carries over to the NPC creature version, which was another first for us.

Friends, Foes and Foils Folio is filled with new NPCs and creatures to expand your campaign setting and challenge your Fifth Edition heroes. Based on our popular YouTube video series creating new character builds and backstories for Fifth Edition organized play, we took the concepts and crafted new creatures intended as allies, antagonists, or colorful heroes and villains.
Treebark NPC for 5E D&D
Full disclosure — the NPCs and creatures we make in CBGs are some of my favorite bits of 5E D&D content to create. We step back and look at the character build to find the standout features that feel like signature abilities. The juice! From there we consider what sort of person or people would possess or gain these abilities and build a stat block around them. More often than not the section of a CBG For Dungeon Masters presents a generic creature.
The Nature Possessed Warforged is one of our very earliest CBGs, coming in at No. 4 of what’s now over 60 of these things! The NPC Treebark represents a couple of firsts for this line. He’s an individual NPC for one thing whereas nearly all the other creatures we create inspired by the character builds are more generic. Treebark includes a lot more narrative elements than just about any other CBG because for us the reason this warforged began down his path is more important than what takes place afterwards.
Treebark also marks a turning point for us because he does not simply incorporate key class features into a single stat block. Instead we developed unique traits for him to encompass the concept more holistically. Rather than a bunch of clunky spellcasting and complicated traits Treebark can adopt various aspects of nature whether this means becoming a beast, commanding plantlife or calling on creatures of the environment for help. In other words for this creature we did not want to simply make a druid stat block. Instead we created a brand new creature inspired by the themes and elements of the druid class.
Helper and Healer. Treebark is kind to travelers who show respect to nature. He is willing to show the way through, offer companionship and stories by a fireside. Treebark is usually found with a handful of beasts in tow. He will protect them with his life if need be.
“Aspects of Nature. As a bonus action, Treebark can embody one of the following aspects of nature and use and gain the use of special actions: (Beast Form, Vengeful Vegetation or Summon Nature’s Ally)”
If your next 5E D&D game needs a versatile expert who always makes the first move — whether you’re the DM or a player — check out the Nature Possessed Warforged Character Build Guide here.
*Featured image — Rose, the warforged druid was originally commissioned by Eberron creator Keith Baker himself. “You’d think my warforged druid Rose would smell like roses, but strangely, it’s more lilacs and steel.” You can find out more about Rose and the Circle of the Forged Druid Circle in another post here on the site when we explored Exploring Eberron. [Art by Olie Boldador]
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