Nerdarchy on D&D Gnoll as Playable Race by Nord Games
In this 12-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted explore Dungeons & Dragons races to play in your game. Nord Games has a book called Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde for fifth edition D&D. In there are stats to play different races. One of the options satisfies a desire a lot of players have for a gnoll character option.
In the discussion they take a look at not one but three distinct gnoll options for 5E D&D players found in Nord’s Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde book. We did a deep dive into this terrific book years ago here on the website, which you can find here.
If playing a gnoll character in 5E D&D excites you then perhaps you’ll want to take it all the way and play the quintessential gnoll adventurer by choosing from the gnoll racial feats we shared in another post. We lean into two different components of gnoll lore and for what it’s worth we’ve got our own take on a playable gnoll race in this post too.
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