Build character in your TTRPG worlds by stocking them with fun and unique locations. The tavern is the most tropie of tropes in D&D so don’t skimp here. Since this is this week’s topic it is where I’m going to dive in. Taverns usually become recurring themes if your adventurers tend to return to the same villages, towns, and cities, which is perfect. Lean into it. Or perhaps a throughline that runs through most inns and taverns.
I’m going to take some inspiration from a non D&D TikTok page that shows up on my For You Page, sorry don’t know the name of it. It’s a young woman that goes around to different restaurants that have food challenges. Basically if you can finish a specific amount and type of food within a time limit the meal is free and your name and picture gets put up or something.
Why not have that be a thing in your D&D world? It’s even better if the adventuring party travels a lot and isn’t in the same place very long. This could be a fun common thread they can explore visiting new communities. You can also add some flavor to your D&D game (pun intended) by having different exotic food challenges wherever the player’s characters find themselves. It could be an individual skill challenge for players to undertake in order to receive their meal for free and bragging rights. It could also be an engine to generate side quests. D&D cuisine could come from very dangerous creatures that the locals need help procuring.
Example of a tavern with a food challenge:
Perhaps owlbears in your world lay eggs. Pouched owlbear eggs with rashers of giant boar bacon might be one tavern’s signature meal. During the founding of this town the area was overrun with owlbears and giant boars. These creatures needed to be cleared out. One of the more industrious townsfolk decided it would be a shame to allow the dead owlbears and giant boars to go to waste.
They opened a tavern called “Where Owlbears Dance with Pigs”. The sign is a giant pig and owlbear waltzing together. They have a platter called the “Owlbear’s Nest”. If a single person can eat it within 60 minutes the meal arrives with an hourglass. The meal is free and your name gets carved onto the wall with guests that have completed the challenge. The Owlbear’s Nest consists of a nest woven of giant boar bacon the size of a large basket. Inside the bacon basket is a hardboiled owlbear egg that weighs about 3lbs-5lbs and 6-9 inches long. That is the side to 49 oz owlbear steak.
This is no meal for the faint of heart. The whole meal costs 2 gp, and also comes with a tankard of ale. The ale is served in a special finely made tankard of stylized pewter depicting the tavern’s sign on it. If you finish the meal within the allotted time your meal is free, you get to keep the tankard, and your drinks for the evening are free.
The Owlbear’s Nest Challenge
3 successful skill checks before 3 failed checks.
Can’t use the same skill more than once.
The DC 15
Let the play tell what skills they want to use and how they apply to the challenge and then decide if it is reasonable.
Some skills I’d accept:
- Cook’s Utensils
- Brewer’s Supplies
- History
- Medicine
- Perception
- Performance
- Sleight of Hand
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