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Nerdarchy > Sponsors (Page 10)

Easy Roller Dice – Fantastic Dice Company

east roller diceHave you heard of Easy Roller Dice?  If not than I have a treat for you.  Happy Monday everyone.  I am taking a break this week from my normal post about board games.  If you missed last week and want to hear about Dragon Slayer Dice, you can go here.

Nerdarchist Ryan introduced us to these awesome dice this past weekend and I have to say I was impressed.  The dice are crisp and clean and seem to have a very even rolling ratio.  Admit it you all pick up dice and ‘look’ for the one that seem to be waited for higher numbers.  Well Easy Roller Dice are waited evenly assuring you get the random rolls you are supposed to.  Lets face it if you always succeed where is the challenge?

Now we have all seen the buckets or bins of plastic polyhedrals and have sifted through to find those precious few that have whatever desired quality we are looking for, so you are asking yourself by now what is so special about Easy Roller Dice?  To take a quote from their website:

Dungeon Crate brings RPG loot to your front door every month

boxThere seems to be a subscription box service for just about everything nowadays, from crafts to wines to all kinds of foods and more. There are even a number of different subscription boxes for the nerd or geek in all of us. But what about tabletop role playing gamers?

Before January 18, the pickings seemed pretty slim, but that was the launch date for Dungeon Crate, a monthly subscription box service with a focus on role players and the games we love.

What are subscription boxes?