Unleash the Horde of Nord Games Ultimate Bestiary On Your RPG World
Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures unleashes a horde of of monstrous humanoids on your fantasy campaign setting and your tabletop through the latest Kickstarter from our friends at Nord Games. Revenge of the Horde introduced us to these awesome creators in the first place and over the years they consistently go all out on their products whether they’re books, card decks or in this case tabletop miniatures — a lot of them.
Revenge of the Horde rises anew!
One of the best things about Nord Games is the scope of the work they do. All the stuff in my Nord Games collection is super useful because it’s so broad in approach but contains so many wonderful small details useful in so many situations in my RPG experiences. Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures carry on the tradition with an absolutely huge collection of minis to represent several factions of humanoid hordes, with each group comprising a wide array of models to represent diverse forces.
Goblins, hobgoblins and orcs each muster many different varieties and the options to mix, match and put together your own special horde looks really impressive, especially at the prices Nord Games offers for the wide variety of pledge levels. When we first previewed the Kickstarter page a few weeks ago we were astounded by how many different models they’ve got and all the detail on them. Players who enjoy playing goblin, hobgoblin and orc characters can find a lot to love here. Likewise people who simply enjoy painting minis can load up on a whole bunch of plastic to satisfy their interest too.
With 20 Kickstarters under their belts Nord Games inspires a lot of confidence for backers too. The prototype phase for Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures is already complete as a matter of fact, and raised funds will get molds and manufacturing underway posthaste. They’ll also begin research and development for more Revenge of the Horde miniatures because if you’re not familiar with that awesome book there’s so much more. Believe it or not one of the stretch goals for this campaign includes giving out hardcover editions of the book that inspired these minis for free.
Several other stretch goals grant backers additional free stuff too like VTT tokens and reference cards for the Revenge of the Horde creatures. Note this and others are stretch goals wherein backers simply get more stuff including physical products for free, not that they’ll become add-ons or additional purchase options.
Plus Nord Games manages their own fulfillment, a service they’ve got a lot of experience with handling. We transferred our own Out of the Box fulfillment over to Nord Games because we feel they’re just that terrific. What this means for this particular Kickstarter is a speedier delivery of the final product since there’s no third party shipping.
Check out Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures and discover the pledge level that fits your games the best here.
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