Nerdarchy Pax Unplugged 2022 Experience
Welcome once again to the weekly newsletter. This week’s topic is the Nerdarchy Pax Unplugged 2022 Experience, We hangout every Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel talk about D&D, RPGs, gaming, life and whatever nerdy stuff comes up. Speaking of on the fly some unexpected circumstances kept us away from the usual weekly live chat so this week it’s anything goes! That anything is how we spent our Pax Unplugged. |
Spotlight |
Join Nerdarchy at DnD in a Castle for the Ultimate Nerdy VacationThe adventure begins with Nerdarchy on Round 2 of the castle, July 8-12 2023 |
Delving Dave’s Dungeon |
No live chat to go with this week’s topic. We were busy having fun at Pax Unplugged. Nerdarchist Ted and I talk about our experiences at what passes for Nerdarchy’s local con. Ted focuses mostly on the Con itself where I’ll be sharing my experiences after hours at various restaurants and bars. Most of the Con goers end up over at the Marriott bar after the Con. For me Cons are all about networking for Nerdarchy, but more importantly connecting with people. I love going out to eat with people I haven’t been able to meet in person before. There is truly something special about breaking bread with other humans. I know for many going to Cons is all about playing as many games as possible. We are fortunate to get to play lots of games both online and in person. So I use them as an opportunity to hang out with my internet friends. Thursday night before the Con started I met up with Professor Dungeon Master and his entourage for dinner at Maggiano’s. After dinner we commandeered an empty ballroom at the Marriott to play some Zoo Mafia RPG (Click for the FREE Quick Start Rules). Well until we got kicked out, but it was the very end of the Job and we finished in the hallway. Professor Dungeon Master played Joey the Koala Bear Grifter. Maria played Sammi the Sloth Driver. Bill played a Button Person Gorilla named Mr. Wolf. Carlos was an Elephant Goon named Trunks. Finally Michelle played Tammy the Tamarin Safecracker. Friday night we crashed the Backerkit and Frosthaven party at Kick Axe after dinner at Cuba Libras. So axe throwing might be a hidden talent of mine we discovered. |
Saturday I grabbed some random Nerdarchy fans, Brandon and family plus Marc for a One Shot game of Zoo Mafia. I got to hangout with Mike from Unmade Gaming, Professor Dungeon Master, and Runehammer at a Beer Garden Frankford Hall Saturday night. They were doing a Patreon get together and invited us to come hang out. The Evidence |
Somehow the Professor talked me into arm wrestling. Runehammer, who absolutely smoked me. That guy is a BEAST of a man. |
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December 26, 2022 at 9:06 pm