Give the Gift of 5E D&D Holiday Magic Items with Hero Forge
Hello friends and fellow gamers. As the holiday season rolls upon us no matter what holiday you celebrate this time of year encourages us to think of others and give gifts to our friends and family. With this in mind I have made some fun new magic items inspired by our friends over at Hero Forge, the premiere customized tabletop miniatures and statuettes creation tool I love and probably spend way too much time with.
5E D&D inspiration meets creation at Hero Forge
If you are not familiar with Hero Forge the online character design application allows you to design your own customized tabletop miniatures and statuettes for 3D printing it is truly fantastic. Trust me! I have loads of Hero Forge miniatures. But what you might not be aware of for years now during the entire month of December Hero Forge has their own special Adventure Calendar where they add new items to the custom options each day. Some can be small such as adding acorns or new horns but others are big changes like adding two new XL base options to give you different theme for your minis.
I am going to take some of the cool items released on Hero Forge this December and make some magic items you can add to your fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons game. You can even visit the Hero Forge application and add them right to a character with color and a staggering amount of customization options.
I am fond of race and cultural magic items in my 5E D&D games. In the earlier editions of D&D some magic items could only be used by certain races. If you have paid attention to many of our videos Nerdarchy is quite fond of dwarves. One of the axes just released on Treasure Tuesday is the Dwarven Butterfly Axe being wielded by a dwarf in the promo image and it does indeed look very dwarven in design. To fit with the concept for a 5E D&D magic item rather than make an axe require attunement by a dwarf instead let’s make a magic axe that makes you more dwarven.
Axe of Dwarvenkind
Weapon (any axe), rare
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon designed and made by dwarves. Dwarven rulers bestow these weapons with cultural significance to non-dwarves who have done a great service to the clan, ruler or to dwarven people as a whole. When you claim this axe as your own and carry it you gain the following benefits:
- Your voice deepens.
- If you are capable of growing a beard it becomes thicker and longer.
- You can understand and speak dwarvish.
- The attitude of any dwarf you meet is shifted one step positive, from aggressive to unfriendly or from neutral to friendly automatically.
- If you are a dwarf you’re viewed as the pinnacle of what a dwarf should be. You are aware of the changes the axe makes to you.

Stitched Horns, Large Fluffy Tails and Crocdile Tails are just a few of the new items from December 2020’s Hero Forge Adventure Calendar.
Sometimes players like to have items that make changes to their character without powerful game effects and I do like satisfying those kind of requests. So here are two items that fulfill that niche.
Stitched Horns
Wondrous item, common
When you use an action to hold these horns to your head they stay magically affixed in place. While these horns are attached to your head you can remove them without issue. Another creature can use an action to grasp the horns to remove them from you either by making a successful attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. While you wear the horns affixed to your head you can change their size, shape and coloring to your hearts content with a but a thought. The horns can appear as small nubs or grow as long as 6 inches at maximum size. Rumors suggest there are more powerful versions of this item with greater benefits.
Heroic Tail
Wondrous item, common
When you use an action to hold this nondescript flexible appendage to your the base of your back it stays magically affixed in place. While this tail is attached to your back you can remove it without issue. Another creature can use an action to grasp the horns to remove them from you either by making a successful attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. While you wear the tail affixed to the base of your back you can change their size, shape and coloring to your hearts content with a but a thought. The heroic tail can appear as a fluffy fox tail or a thick leathery crocodiles tail or anything in between. The tail responds to your thoughts but is not dexterous enough to hold items. Rumors suggest there are more powerful versions of this item with greater benefits.
There you have it, some new magic items to add to your 5E D&D game and all because the wonderful people over at Hero Forge keep making new and amazing content. Visit Hero Forge and see all the incredible resources they have to create your own customized miniature including a token maker and their color tools to get your mini 3D printed in full color. Check out Hero Forge here.
Pingback: Heroforge Adventure Calendar December 2022 – Nerdarchy
December 19, 2022 at 8:27 pm