Free Fifth Edition Gift for Awesome RPG Community
Over five years ago we sent out the very first Nerdarchy the Newsletter on Aug. 23, 2015. The inaugural message was delivered to 14 people who received a special message from Nerdarchist Dave along with an invitation to what would become the Company of the NAG and the platform for our monthly community one shot games still taking place to this day.

New subscribers to Nerdarchy the Newsletter get access to a variety of benefits including a special collection of digital content for Fifth Edition as a FREE GIFT.
Some cool bonuses for RPG fans
The first Nerdarchy the Newsletter promised “some cool bonuses” in addition to those monthly one shots, kept subscribers in the loop with all the things Nerdarchy got up to the previous week and put a spotlight on one of the earliest and most popular pieces of swag (the Roll A Pair T-shirt from Nerdarchy Merch).
Over time the format, layout and content of the newsletter evolved quite a bit. Most recently we took a step back to refocus on the big picture. Subscriptions to Nerdarchy the Newsletter experienced a tremendous surge in 2020, which of course felt great! Seeing interaction with our nerdy news, views and homebrews growing each week got us excited to do even better.
To celebrate we put together a FREE GIFT for new subscribers. The digital Fifth Edition product new subscribers receive includes two components. In the Player’s Guide we gathered all the subclasses we’ve published into a handy reference. If you’re looking for fun new subclass options — because you can never have enough new toys right? — we know you’ll enjoy this living document we’ll update when new material gets published.
Packaged with the Player’s Guide you’ll find Dark Paths: Shimmer — Dream Weaver. This 5E Encounter builds on the same approach we took for the incredibly successful Out of the Box Kickstarter and represents a new direction for our monthly Patreon rewards. Every month supporters at the Loot the Dungeon tier get early access to fresh content we create for Game Masters and players alike to drop right into your game. We’re so excited about this new approach frankly we just wanted to share it with everyone.
Subscribe to Nerdarchy the Newsletter and snag your FREE GIFT here
We’re proud of the streamlining and you’re letting us know you enjoy it too. Each week the Nerdarchy team explores RPG topics from the Monday live chat in greater detail. These editorials often include content for Game Masters and players alike to drop right into your games. In addition you’ll find other modular content customized for your interest whether you want to catch up on the fresh daily posts from Nerdarchy the Website or enjoy the variety of weekly videos from Nerdarchy the YouTube channel.
Save money and get FREE RPG stuff
Right off the bat new subscribers receive $9.99 in credit for Nerdarchy the Store. Our Adventures & Supplements contain content for Game Masters and players alike to enhance your games with adventures and encounters, new creatures, magic items, spells, subclasses, other character options and more. Every week when your Nerdarchy the Newsletter arrives you’ll discover new RPG products too. Sometimes these are new titles from our own store but just as often we share amazing stuff from our friends in the industry. Product spotlights often include ways to save you money on cool games and accessories.
If you’re already enjoying all the benefits Nerdarchy the Newsletter subscribers receive don’t worry — we didn’t leave you out! You don’t need to sign up again to claim your own digital Nerdarchy Player’s Guide and Dark Paths: Shimmer — Dream Weaver. Existing subscribers can learn more about what’s inside the free gift package and how to add this digital content to your collection right here.
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