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Dungeons & Dragons

Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons (Page 19)

Plunge Into the Wilds and Discover Warlock Lairs from Kobold Press

Our awesome friends from Kobold Press surprised me with an advance copy of their new Warlock Lairs: Into the Wilds book releasing March 20, 2022. This will absolutely find a place on my shelf within easy reach because it’s my favorite kind of material and Kobold Press crushes it every time. Warlock Lairs: Into the Wilds contains 19 (wow!) short quests featuring discrete locations with strong themes, unique challenges and engaging story elements you can drop right into your Fifth Edition campaigns. Let’s get into it.

Pocket Full of NPCs for 5E D&D — The Way Guardian

Salutations, nerds! Do you ever need to make a quick jaunt through the deep dark woods more interesting and yet still go smoothly enough to get to your destination in the same session? The last pocket NPC for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons I presented was the Lingering Spirit and today I’ve got a new one for you.

Ember Roc and Other Monsters of Tal’Dorei Inspire New Characters and Adventures

Tal’Dorei Reborn recently released and if you managed to get your hands on a copy from the wonderful people over at Critical Role’s Darrington Press you’ve seen a bunch of new monsters and their respective stat blocks for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. But enough of the book for now — you can hear more on this from us over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel.

Survive the Underdark against Mushrooms and Dangerous Water

Adventures in the Underdark are usually considered more dangerous than adventures above the surface. The typical denizens are bad enough without all the random dangerous creatures. If this was not enough the natural hazards can be even more deadly. Pits, drops and hazardous terrain can be a horrible way to go. When you explore the Underdark you might want some awesome terrain to put on your tabletop.

dungeons and dragons 5th edition

Invoke Dreams and Nightmares through 5E D&D Monsters of the Multiverse’s Fey Goblins

Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons is by far its most popular iteration of the game to date. With this edition’s lifespan nearing the time many editions transitioned to the next, we’re getting an update in the form of Monsters of the Multiverse, which presents new insights into various D&D monsters and races including goblinoids. While some settings use these races as shorthand for villains or simple monsters, Monsters of the Multiverse reveals these creatures to be fey in origin. As part of that new revelation we’re getting updates to these races.

5E D&D history skill check

5 Persuasion Skill Challenges for 5E D&D

Salutations, nerds! This series touches on each of the skills on the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character sheet and lists off five flash encounters for each of them. The idea is you can drop these into your game at any point without them taking up too much time or serving as longer plot hooks. These are single scene skill challenges, beginning to middle to end, right there. They exist if you need to stretch the action for a moment or give spotlight to a 5E D&D skill heavy character. Right now we’re talking about getting people to do what you want them to through Persuasion.

D&D Magic Items

Mage Forge Mastery for 5E D&D — Bloodstained Crown

One of the awesome Mage Forge backers suggested we share some ideas for introducing new magic items into campaigns so we developed the free Spirit of the Forge encounter. We like the suggestion so much we decided to expand on it through this new Mage Forge Mastery series where we go much further presenting plot hooks along with formulae and recipes for crafting magic items to a deeper degree than the system in the free encounter. Let’s get into it.

Make Your Game More Interesting with Unusual Races in D&D

Race has always been a core part of Dungeons & Dragons and fifth edition D&D is no exception. I’ve often heard arguments go both ways about whether or not a Dungeon Master should limit the racial options players can choose from. On the one hand players argue anything in an officially published source should be usable in any setting. They contend limits aren’t fun, they want to use the mechanics listed in their favorite sourcebook for a given race or even how limiting what race players choose from is a manifestation of racism (harsh!). On the flip side DMs who argue for limiting race options often have ideas for vibrant and specific worlds they’ve built. In these situations DMs often contend the limit of race options gives the game world more believability and immersion.

Spice Up Your D&D Combat with Critical Stunts

Combat has been a staple of Dungeons & Dragons since its inception. D&D started out as a mod for a war game, cementing combat at its core. As D&D has evolved and grown in popularity, expectations of narrative have changed and while I love some good old fashioned D&D combat it can get monotonous if all you’re doing time and again is rolling for hit and damage with little to mix things up. Some subclasses like the Battle Master fighter work to offer options but for some these feel a bit like they should be things anyone could or at least should be able to do.

Dissecting the 5E D&D Plant Creature Type

Salutations, nerds! Everybody who plays fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons has probably adventured in the forest at one point or another. It’s a staple fantasy backdrop. And what does a forest have in abundance? Plants. Trees, underbrush, bushes, briars — all sorts of things that grow. Even if you’re not in the forest there’s still farmland with crops and that one dandelion poking through the sidewalk in the city yelling, “Yeah, cobblestone!” But sometimes the plants turn around and want to kill you, and today’s post is about those 5E D&D plant creature types.

Legend of Vox Machina Brings D&D to Your Living Room

I’d be lying if I didn’t open this post by disclosing I’m a massive Critter (fan of Critical Role) and I just got finished with the first three episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime. I think The Legend of Vox Machina isn’t what anyone expected. It’s topping critical reviews and it’s delighted many fans including me. Before we dive into things too much we need some context.

Dissecting the 5E D&D Ooze Creature Type

Salutations, nerds! I’ve been waiting to donk around with this fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons creature type because while I’ve already covered my favorite creature type — fey — this one is my spouse’s favorite. I’m referring to oozes of course. Slimy, lurchy, squishy and rolly, there are not a lot of these available in 5E D&D (there is really only so much you can do with them) but they are unique enough to merit their own creature type.

Mage Forge Mastery for 5E D&D — Charm of Dimming

We keep our ear to the ground for fresh ways to help players create better RPG experiences and one of the awesome Mage Forge backers shared a great idea. They’re excited to introduce new magic items into their campaign through the free Spirit of the Forge encounter and suggested we include plot hooks along with formulae and recipes for crafting magic items to a deeper degree than the system in the free encounter. While this is beyond the scope of the Mage Forge project itself we’ve got all of Nerdarchy.com to explore this great idea starting right here in this new Mage Forge Mastery series. Let’s get into it.