Catch a Whiff of 5 New 5E D&D Aromatic Magic Items to Awaken Your Senses
Baron Smellybones has opened his vault of curated curiosities to bring you the world’s greatest set of Scented Adventure Dice. Add a new dimension of customization to your game with these exquisite aromas. To awaken your olfactory sense to the fantastic possibilities here’s a variety of new magic items inspired by these aromatic artifacts of tabletop roleplaying.
Pearlescent Poultice of Healer’s Balm
The Pearlescent Poultice of Healer’s Balm is an elegantly decorated white enamel jar with brass feet. The jar contains an ointment which smells like clean linen and never seems to decrease no matter how often it is used. When a good-aligned character with the cure wounds spell comes within 15 feet of jar it animates with the disposition of an excited puppy and will run up to the character and gently paw at them until it is held. When the wielder of the jar casts a healing spell on a target within 5 feet the poultice will give 1d6 temporary hit points to the target and the wielder. If the target is poisoned the poultice will remove that condition as well.
Scabbard of the Ancient Armory
This black battle-worn scabbard is emblazoned with three gems — an onyx, a ruby and an opal. This scabbard will magically adjust to accommodate any slashing weapon. When the wielder draws a weapon from the scabbard they may choose fire, radiant or necrotic. The weapon exudes a fragrant aroma of leather and steel for 15 minutes after it is drawn and deals +1d4 damage of the chosen type. A weapon may only receive one such bonus at a time.
Cowl of Nature’s Embrace
The cowl of nature’s embrace is a verdant green hood with brass clasps fashioned to look like leaves. The wearer of the cowl makes Stealth, Survival and Nature checks with advantage while in forests. Additionally, once per long rest the wearer may activate the cowl with a command word, which fills a 100-foot square centered on the wielder with verdant energy which smells like an ancient forest. This square lasts for 1 hour. Creatures in this square count as being in forest terrain.
Comforting Lantern of Fireball Char
This bullseye lantern contains a large ever-burning candle. Once per long rest the wielder of the comforting lantern can cast fireball at 3rd level. Additionally, whenever the wielder casts fireball they may choose any number of creatures within the range of the spell. Those creatures do not take damage from the spell and instead gain cold resistance for 1 hour.
Mr. Englestrom: Pipe of Arcane Vapors
Mr. Englestrom is an intelligent smoking pipe with a grouchy demeanor, which will allow the creature to cast misty step as the spell if you succeed on a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince him it is something he should do. Each time you use this item the DC increases by 2. The DC decreases by 1 when you finish a long rest. When a character uses this item, Mr. Englestrom creates a puff of sweet-smelling tobacco smoke.
Check out the Scented Dice by Baron Smellybones Kickstarter that inspired these 5E D&D magic item dice sets and discover the best pledge level for you. Click here and tell them Nerdarchy sent you.
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