Charm Adventurers with Charms for 5E D&D
Items of power infused with magical energy, charms can take a variety of forms from articles of clothing to pieces of jewelry. Charms are consumable magic items. Any creature holding or wearing the item can use an action to activate the magic of the charm. Once activated, the charm takes effect immediately and lasts until the next sunrise unless otherwise noted. The item then becomes a nonmagical object.

Who knows what treasures and secrets lie within the vault? Mage Forge Vol. 1 is a collection of magical items, trinkets, alternate materials for crafting, and a new magic item type — charms.
Charm of Fated Outcome
Wondrous item, uncommon
While this gold coin is on your person, you may make one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw with advantage.
Charm of Fey Blood
Wondrous item, uncommon
As long as this vial of blood on a chain hangs from your neck, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to
sleep. You may also choose to succeed on one failed saving throw.
Charm of Instinctual Senses
Wondrous item, uncommon
While you wear this fox pin you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to hunt, track, and avoid others. You cannot be surprised and gain advantage on saving throws involving traps.
Charm of Dimming
Wondrous item, rare
While you wear this dull gray cloak you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and you cannot be detected or targeted by divination magic. You canot trip an alarm, mundane or magical in nature.
Charm of Eldritch Eyes
Wondrous item, rare
While you wear this cabochon eye tiara you have truesight 60 ft., your long ranged attacks are no longer made at disadvantage, and if you focus for 1 round
you can see up to 1 mile clearly as long as you remain stationary.
Charm of Planeswalking
Wondrous item, rare
This quartz square seems to contain many more quartz squares within its depths. While it is on your person, as an action you can cast plane shift without the need for material components.
Charm of Knowing
Wondrous item, common
While you hold this glass tablet with countless alphanumeric characters drawn on it, you are considered proficient in any Intelligence or tool-based skill and
add double your proficiency bonus to one check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Charm of Oaken Limbs
Wondrous item, uncommon
As long as you wear this oak bark placard on a necklace you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks. You are immune to any effect that would sever a part of your body unless it is done with an axe.
Charm of Unchained
Wondrous item, uncommon
While you wear this broken silver locket you are immune to the grappled, restrained, and paralyzed conditions. You are immune to any spells or magical
abilities that would imprison, banish, teleport, move, or reduce your physical speed.
Charm of Vigor
Wondrous item, rare
As long as this carved stone heart is on your person you are immune to diseases, poisons, and effects that would age you and you have advantage on Constitution saving throws. The first time you would be reduced to less than 1 hit point, you instead are reduced to 1 hit point.
Charm of Energy
Wondrous item, very rare
While one of these colored gemstones are on your person you are immune to one corresponding energy type. (Green=acid, blue=cold, red=fire, purple=force, yellow=lightning, black=necrotic, brown=poison, pink=psychic, white=radiant, clear=thunder)
Charm of Fortitude
Wondrous item, rare
While you wear this bracelet of troll hair, as a reaction you can spend your Hit Dice to recover hit points. As an action you can regenerate damaged body parts and any conditions you have gained from the damage.
Secrets of the Vault: Mage Forge Vol. 1 contains 25 new items for Fifth Edition from powerful artifiacts like Ebonhorn the Corrupter and the Ring of Hork to random loot tables and a new weapon quality — savage! These weapons fashioned from monstrosities like a remorhaz spine sword or umber hulk mandible scimitar leave fearsome wounds. Crack open the vault here.
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