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Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons  > Adventure Hooks  > The Froghemoth Elder: Ancient Amphibian Terror in Your D&D Campaign
Offical Froghemoth Elder

The Froghemoth Elder: Ancient Amphibian Terror in Your D&D Campaign

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Few creatures elicit gasps of horror from seasoned adventurers like the Froghemoth. And now, its elder variant looms even larger—both in size and lethality. This gargantuan predator from some Froghemoth Elder Miniature from Wizkids.alien world, or perhaps the depths of a forgotten swamp, is more than just a terrifying foe; it’s a campaign centerpiece, an environmental hazard, and a living, breathing dungeon boss. Wizkids was kind enough to send me a review copy of this amazing miniature. You can show your thanks to them by pre-ordering one for yourself either here or on Amazon. It is due out this April. The statblock can be found in Quests for the Infinite Staircase.

Let’s dive into the Froghemoth Elder, discuss how to weave it into your adventures, and examine why it might be the perfect menace for your next big story arc.

What Makes the Froghemoth Elder Terrifying?

With a Challenge Rating of 15, the Froghemoth Elder is a deadly foe for mid-to-high-level parties. It has a toolkit designed to punish uncoordinated groups:

  • Swallowing Enemies Whole: Few things are scarier than watching your character disappear into the acidic gullet of a monstrosity. The Elder can swallow up to three creatures at once, giving your party some serious time-sensitive rescue missions.
  • Tentacles Everywhere: Its 20-foot reach and ability to grapple multiple targets simultaneously mean it can immobilize party members and pick them off one by one.
  • Alien Gaze Reaction: This sinister mechanic punishes adventurers for attacking, making the Elder feel otherworldly as it psychically lashes out at its assailants.
  • Legendary Resistance (3/Day): With this ability, it shrugs off key control spells like Hold Monster or Banishment, ensuring it remains a sustained threat.
  • Environmental Control: The Elder thrives in water and swampy terrain, leveraging Amphibious traits and water hazards to gain the upper hand.

How to Use the Froghemoth Elder in a Campaign

As a Campaign Boss

The Froghemoth Elder is more than just a monster; it’s a force of nature. Imagine an isolated swamp where the environment itself feels alive with danger. Villages bordering the swamp might whisper of a “god-beast” that demands sacrifices or whose movements create earthquakes.

  • Adventure Hook: A swamp village is being terrorized by the Froghemoth Elder, which devours livestock, villagers, and all who dare to enter its domain. The adventurers must venture into the heart of the swamp to defeat the beast—but the swamp itself seems to conspire against them, with shifting terrain, deadly plants, and ancient, forgotten ruins that the Froghemoth now calls home.

As an Unpredictable Ally

What if the Froghemoth Elder wasn’t strictly an enemy? Its immense power could make it a valuable (if dangerous) ally. Perhaps a druidic circle or an otherworldly entity tasks the party with taming or convincing the Froghemoth to help them repel an even greater evil.

  • Adventure Hook: A portal to an alien dimension has opened, unleashing horrors that threaten to consume the Material Plane. The party must seek out the Froghemoth Elder—one of the few creatures with the strength and knowledge to close the portal. But can they gain its trust before it devours them?

As a Living Dungeon

The Froghemoth Elder is so massive it could serve as a literal dungeon. Imagine adventurers navigating its cavernous insides to retrieve a magical artifact or slay parasites that are driving the creature mad.

  • Adventure Hook: The Froghemoth Elder swallowed a legendary relic, and the only way to retrieve it is by being swallowed whole and navigating its acid-filled stomach, battling parasites, and finding a way out before the acid dissolves the relic—and the adventurers. Perhaps the item has mixed with the alien nature of such a creature and the inside is larger then it should being as big of a dungeon as you need it to be.

Tactics and Challenges

Environmental Hazards

The Froghemoth Elder thrives in environments that are just as deadly as it is. Swamps filled with quicksand, acid pools, or dense fog can make encounters with it even more harrowing. Its Amphibious ability ensures it dominates both land and water combat.

Psychological Warfare

The Elder’s Alien Gaze and ability to swallow adventurers add a layer of fear to every encounter. Build tension by describing its movements—tentacles sliding through the muck, bulbous eyes twitching in every direction, and its rumbling croak that reverberates through the air.

Team Coordination Required

With its Legendary Resistances and high AC, it’s not a creature the party can easily brute-force. Encourage teamwork by incorporating environmental puzzles or requiring multiple characters to distract, control, and weaken the Froghemoth before they can strike a decisive blow.

Loot and Rewards

Defeating the Froghemoth Elder should feel monumental. Some potential rewards could include:

  • Alien Flesh: Its hide could be crafted into armor resistant to fire and lightning, much like the Elder itself.
  • Eyestalk Amulet: A magical trinket granting the wearer limited psychic abilities, perhaps a weaker version of its Alien Gaze reaction.
  • Swamp-Touched Relic: A powerful artifact tied to the swamp, such as a staff that commands water or summons lesser froghemoths to fight for the wielder.

Final Thoughts

The Froghemoth Elder isn’t just a monster—it’s a world-building opportunity. Its alien presence, massive size, and terrifying abilities can shape entire regions, inspire legends, and provide your players with an unforgettable encounter. Whether it’s the centerpiece of a swamp-based adventure or a surprise threat in an aquatic campaign, the Elder offers a perfect mix of danger, mystery, and awe.

Bring the Froghemoth Elder into your world, and watch as your players face the challenge of their lives—just make sure they don’t all end up in its stomach at once!

What about you? Have you used the Froghemoth or its Elder counterpart in your campaigns? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments below!

Thanks for reading. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!!

Ted Adams

The nerd is strong in this one. I received my bachelors degree in communication with a specialization in Radio/TV/Film. I have been a table top role player for over 30 years. I have played several iterations of D&D, Mutants and Masterminds 2nd and 3rd editions, Star wars RPG, Shadowrun and World of Darkness as well as mnay others since starting Nerdarchy. I am an avid fan of books and follow a few authors reading all they write. Favorite author is Jim Butcher I have been an on/off larper for around 15 years even doing a stretch of running my own for a while. I have played a number of Miniature games including Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Heroscape, Mage Knight, Dreamblade and D&D Miniatures. I have practiced with the art of the German long sword with an ARMA group for over 7 years studying the German long sword, sword and buckler, dagger, axe and polearm. By no strecth of the imagination am I an expert but good enough to last longer than the average person if the Zombie apocalypse ever happens. I am an avid fan of board games and dice games with my current favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill.

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