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Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons  > Character Builds  > Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as an Azorius Templar
mtg call of the conclave 5e D&D centaur knight

Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as an Azorius Templar

Curses Come With Dramatic Significance in 5E D&D with Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as the Coolest Character Around

Over at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted hoof it through a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons centaur character build. Centaur player characters in 5E D&D are fey creatures, and monstrosities in their Monster Manual version. In the source material Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica centaurs typically associate with the Gruul Clans and Selesnya Conclave. But we wanted to make a centaur knight because frankly it sounds cool. The Azorius Templar character build draws on other aspects of the source material for inspiration. Let’s get into it.

Behind the CBG — Azorius Templar

Every CBG we create considers the journey as much as the final outcome. We aim to present a guide suitable for any level of 5E D&D play whether you’re pursuing an epic campaign from start to finish, starting beyond 1st level or choosing a character for a one shot. Then we take those concepts and develop an NPC or creature version of the character build for DMs to incorporate into their games. All of this gets packaged up and laid out in a PDF you can find over at Dungeon Master’s Guild. We’ve got dozens of pay what you want products at DMG, many of them best sellers so if you want to check those out start with the Azorius Templar here.

All about the character story

Each CBG starts with a character concept sticking to a particular schtick, from the Mind Breaker’s psyche crushing smites to the Azorius Templar’s great defenses and plenty of support to mete out justice and uphold the law. Sometimes puns and pop culture references instigate the creation of a CBG too. Any party of adventurers with this vanguard in their midst will make a formidable fighting unit but with the divine authority wielded by an Azorius Templar it may not even escalate to this point.

For us it’s important to consider who these characters are as individuals and why they follow these particular paths. One special thing to note with this CBG is while we always aim to make the journey to 20th level as practical as possible — none of these characters “come online” after an awkward slog through many levels — the Azorius Templar hits the mark by 8th level, continuing to bolster their defenses and authority as they progress onward.

This centaur knight errant leans all in to their role. They champion law with great gusto. Tying this character closely to an organization creates interesting roleplaying opportunities, and mechanically provides more spell utility. This character represents law and order, beginning their adventuring career straight from training as a divine authority. Right off the bat this disciplined warrior brings several benefits to the table. Embodying their place as a mighty and wise bulwark of authority will come naturally.

Centaur Knight NPC for 5E D&D

Full disclosure — the NPCs and creatures we make in CBGs are some of my favorite bits of 5E D&D content to create. We step back and look at the character build to find the standout features that feel like signature abilities. The juice! From there we consider what sort of person or people would possess or gain these abilities and build a stat block around them. More often than not the section of a CBG For Dungeon Masters presents a generic creature.

I really do get a kick out of all the creatures in our CBGs but this one in particular holds a special place in my heart. I’ve always thought the concept of a knightly centaur is super cool and putting our own stamp on it feels great. A centaur knight may be dispatched to bring lawbreakers to justice or travel a domain to ensure law is followed and authority understood. Adventurers whose activities undermine the law may find themselves pursued by a centaur knight in full regalia. But if I’m honest my favorite part of this whole CBG was incorporating dressage into the stat block mechanics.

Hold The Line. Centaur knights stand resolute against trespassers. Whether it’s a bridge to a fey lord’s castle, a mountain pass or any other path in need of guarding, centaur knights stand tall against interlopers. For a particularly important post the centaur knight might be accompanied by other creatures under it’s command. Elk and giant goats make a fine squad with a centaur knight’s tactical prowess.

Dressage. The centaur knight performs a highly skilled exhibition of movements as a bonus action to inspire one of it’s allies within 30 feet that can see it with one of the following effects, which last until the start of the centaur knight’s next turn: (Attack, Be Brave or Defend).”

If your next 5E D&D game needs a character who harries foes, foils their attacks and punishes them for harming others — whether you’re the DM or a player — check out the Azorius Templar Character Build Guide here.

*Featured image — Call of the Conclave might represent the Selesnya faith and philosophy in the Ravnica source material but the fantastic image on the card from the Magic: The Gathering Return to Ravnica expansion makes for a wonderful representation of a centaur warrior seeking to bring about order from chaos — and they’re even adorned in the Azorius Senate colors of blue and white! [Art by Terese Nielsen]

New videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Nerdarchy the YouTube channel here

Doug Vehovec

Nerditor-in-Chief Doug Vehovec is a proud native of Cleveland, Ohio, with D&D in his blood since the early 80s. Fast forward to today and he’s still rolling those polyhedral dice. When he’s not DMing, worldbuilding or working on endeavors for Nerdarchy he enjoys cryptozoology trips and eating awesome food.

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