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Dark druid in the woods

Nexvita – a dark druid circle devoted to death and undeath

New D&D Magic Items from D&D in a Castle
Unveiling the Shadows of Nex Vita: Meet the Elders Who Shape Death into Power

I recently got back from D&D in a Castle where I ran 24 hours of gaming over 3 days. It was a blast. This time around one of my players created a cool D&D organization that her character was a part of before leaving and eventually finding her way to my story. The player was Diana of the Rose. I had the pleasure of expanding upon her lore, stating some of her foes and bringing this organization into the fray against her character and the party she traveled with. This is only the first in a series of ideas that I came up with for this particular group so if you love it, expect to have some more content soon.

Exploring Nex Vita: The Dark Circle of Druids Who Embrace Death as True Life

In the shadowed corners of the world, where life and death blur into one, the druidic circle of Nex Vita thrives. This enigmatic and sinister organiz ation is built on the belief that death is not an end but a transformation—a gateway to a state of being far superior to mortal life. Members of Nex Vita see death as the ultimate liberation from the limitations of flesh, offering a path to true power. To understand Nex Vita is to understand their willingness to forsake life as most know it, embracing a ritualistic rebirth into what they call the Reborn.

Beliefs and Goals of Nex Vita

Nex Vita’s entire philosophy hinges on the idea that death is not just inevitable but desirable. They view the mortal form as shackled by frailties: hunger, aging, pain, and fear. To the Nex Vita, death frees the soul from these burdens, opening the door to an existence beyond flesh. But they take it a step further. Instead of simply accepting death when it comes, Nex Vita actively seeks it out, choosing to embrace it in its prime.

Their ultimate goal? To perfect life through death, becoming Reborn—beings who have transcended mortality, returned with a clean slate, and carry within them the essence of Nex Vita’s twisted doctrine.

The Ritual of Rebirth

Central to Nex Vita’s practices is the harrowing ritual of rebirth. Members undergo a process that is both brutal and sacred, where their bodies are rapidly decayed while they remain alive, experiencing death firsthand before rising again as Reborn. This rebirth is not an easy path, and it is not one that can be forced. Those chosen must agree to the process willingly, understanding that they will emerge with no memories of their previous lives.

This rite takes place at the peak of their physical form, as Nex Vita believes the stronger the mortal body, the more potent the Reborn’s form will be. Should an initiate refuse or prove unworthy, they are executed—a mercy in the Nex Vita’s eyes, for they believe death, even unprepared, grants an existence freer than life.

Once the subject succumbs, the body is claimed by the circle’s three elders—Vaelara Wildehart, Caelith Mor’vanna, and Dravin Bahl’kiir—who conduct a secret ritual known only to them. This ritual rebuilds the initiate’s body and breathes a new, death-infused life into their bones, transforming them into Reborn—new beings devoid of memories, ready to be indoctrinated into the Nex Vita’s ways.

The Elders of Nex Vita

Vaelara Wildehart, the Beast of Nature’s Brutality At the top of Nex Vita’s hierarchy is Vaelara Wildehart, a reborn elf whose very presence commands respect. Vaelara represents nature in its most brutal form—unforgiving, relentless, and ferocious. She embraces the raw, untamed power of life and death, harnessing wild shape abilities that allow her to transform into terrifying creatures. Her form often grows to monstrous sizes, with claws and teeth that can tear through her enemies in sweeping arcs of destruction.

Tall and imposing, Vaelara’s body is marked by her many conquests, her hide armor stitched together from the remains of creatures she has bested. Her green eyes glow with a feral light, and her blood runs thick and black, a sign of her unnatural existence. Her leadership is one of strength and terror, ensuring that only the strong survive in Nex Vita’s harsh order.

Caelith Mor’vanna, Keeper of Secrets Caelith Mor’vanna, a reborn yuan-ti pureblood, oversees the circle’s culture and doctrine. They are the mind behind Nex Vita’s complex teachings, responsible for instilling new Reborn with the beliefs of the circle. Caelith’s power lies in their control over secrets, knowledge, and divination magic. With their hypnotic voice and a deep understanding of manipulation, Caelith ensures that new members fall into line, subtly shaping the minds of the Reborn to fit Nex Vita’s twisted ideals.

Their appearance is as unsettling as their demeanor. Caelith’s skin, once alive and vibrant, has turned translucent, barely covering a set of black scales that reflect their yuan-ti ancestry. Their serpentine eyes glow a cold blue, often hidden beneath the dark hoods of their bone-adorned robes. Beneath this calm and cultured exterior lies a cunning strategist who ensures Nex Vita’s influence remains hidden yet insidious.

Dravin Bahl’kiir, Master of Decay Where Vaelara embodies the brutality of nature, and Caelith holds sway over culture and knowledge, Dravin Bahl’kiir, the third elder, represents the raw power of death and decay. A reborn tabaxi, Dravin is a master of necromantic magic and decay-based spells, often wielding these forces in battle from afar. His patchy brown fur, sharpened black claws, and unnatural gait give him an eerie presence that complements his role within the circle.

Dravin’s mastery of death magic is unparalleled, and his power over decay makes him a fearsome adversary. His black robes trail behind him like tendrils of shadow, and his wide grin hints at a love for destruction. He views death as a tool—one he wields with finesse, not for cruelty but as a means to an end.

The Sacred Carrion Eaters

One of the most unusual aspects of Nex Vita is their reverence for carrion-eaters, creatures that survive by feasting on the dead. Vultures, in particular, are considered holy animals within the circle, symbolizing the natural cycle of death and decay that Nex Vita holds sacred. These creatures are seen as embodiments of the circle’s core belief that death feeds life in an endless loop. It’s not uncommon to see vultures circling over Nex Vita’s sacred grounds, drawn to the promise of fresh decay.

A Dark Legacy

Nex Vita offers a terrifying glimpse into the darker side of druidic beliefs, where death is not to be feared but embraced. Their rituals, leadership, and philosophy make them a formidable presence in any campaign world, offering endless opportunities for storytelling. Whether as enemies, allies, or a force lurking in the background, Nex Vita’s twisted view of life and death makes them a compelling addition to any D&D narrative. Related to these are many dark druidic secrets that many druids would find repugnant and perversions of life. The next article in this series will be the stat blocks of the leaders so you can use them against your own players. Two of them I used at the castle, one got away while the other was killed and later arose as a new undead.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned, and Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy

Ted Adams

The nerd is strong in this one. I received my bachelors degree in communication with a specialization in Radio/TV/Film. I have been a table top role player for over 30 years. I have played several iterations of D&D, Mutants and Masterminds 2nd and 3rd editions, Star wars RPG, Shadowrun and World of Darkness as well as mnay others since starting Nerdarchy. I am an avid fan of books and follow a few authors reading all they write. Favorite author is Jim Butcher I have been an on/off larper for around 15 years even doing a stretch of running my own for a while. I have played a number of Miniature games including Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Heroscape, Mage Knight, Dreamblade and D&D Miniatures. I have practiced with the art of the German long sword with an ARMA group for over 7 years studying the German long sword, sword and buckler, dagger, axe and polearm. By no strecth of the imagination am I an expert but good enough to last longer than the average person if the Zombie apocalypse ever happens. I am an avid fan of board games and dice games with my current favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill.

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